Senator Warner wants “theological sensitivity requirements?” Wash Times: Navy planned to fire chaplain eight days BEFORE he appeared at White House Wash Post: Chaplain “guilty” of disobedience~ by wearing uniform to pray in Jesus name WAS THE ORDER LAWFUL? Navy Judge rules “worshipping in public” can be punished~ not same as “public worship” which is only safe inside Sunday chapel AP and 520 news outlets…………Virginia Pilot…………..National Public Radio WTKRnews3video…………WAVYnews10video…………WVECnews13video
(Virginia Pilot/Bill Tiernan)
FRONT PAGE WASH TIMES! Navy Chaplain’s Complaint Ruled “Without Merit” WORLDNET DAILY: Top Navy Judge Rules To Punish Chaplain for Quoting Bible In Chapel Press Release…..Agape Press…..CitizenLink….. |
Vic Eliason and Janet Folger put us over the top…. HOTTEST! Congress Legislation for Chaplains: WashTimes~ AP (46 newscasts) CHAPLAIN FACES COURT MARTIAL FOR PRAYING “IN JESUS NAME” IN UNIFORM? SHOCKING DETAILS: WorldnetDaily~ WashTimes~ Drudge Report~ AP (62 newscasts)~ Focus on the Family~ READ MORE: Chaplain faces court-martial for praying in uniform~ WashPost~ Virginia Pilot |
75 Congressmen REPEAT petition to President Bush for Executive Order 29 Pro-Family Groups (50 million evangelicals) support Chaplain Klingenschmitt Latest poll numbers on Chaplain’s hunger strike (94% Chaps–6% Navy) Senator Frist……….Senator Brownback……….Senator Inhofe……..Congressmen Conaway~ McIntyre~ Jones~ Franks |
4. Chaps Punished For Praying In Jesus’ Name and Quoting John 3:36 in Chapel | 5. Chaps Puni shed for Requesting Kosher Meals for Hungry Jewish Sailor (who lost 17 pounds) |
Z) Chief of Navy Chaplains privately tells GJK “praying in Jesus name denigrates other faiths” (23 Aug 05) J) Naval Chaplain School lectures mandating how to pray “government-sanitized” prayers H) Read “The Sermon That Got a Navy Chaplain Fired” (More proof on “Archives/Evidence” page… | C) Testimony of abused Jewish Sailor who lost 17 pounds 16) Jewish Week article by Stewart Ain (3Jun05) L) Chaps punished for resisting “government-mandated church quotas” to pro-homosexual church (More news articles on “Archives/Evidence” page…) |
“DEAR MR. PRESIDENT~ SENATORS~ AND CONGRESSMEN: This web-site~ all its contents~ and all public communications I deem relevant~ exist as my open letter to you~ for the purpose of preparing or archiving my protected communications to you (through any lawful media~ including the press) containing information that I reasonably believe evidences violations of the laws or regulations listed in Appendix X (in Archives Page)~ including unlawful discrimination and abuses of authority by senior Naval officers and other government officials. Therefore these communications are (by definition) protected under US Code Title 10 Section 1034 and DoDD 7050.6. I will interpret any attempts to censor~ threaten or punish me for these communications as intentionally interfering with my communications with Congress~ and as violations of the Whistleblower Protection Act~ and report them to appropriate authorities including the DoD Inspector General.”
//signed// G.J.K.