TAKE ACTION! Congress helps Chaplains who pray in Jesus’ name
Read Justice O’Connor’s crazy court ruling (with Chaps commentary) Scary: Annapolis Prayer Under Attack by ACLU. Please donate here to fight the ACLU. Victory! Council restores Prayer "In Jesus’ Name" in Baker City Oregon MODEL BATTLEPLAN: How to Battle For Prayer In Jesus Name~ City-By-City |
TAKE ACTION! 1) Please sign Petition To Reinstate Navy Chaplain Klingenschmitt fired for praying in Jesus name
2) Please sign Petition to Reinstate Hospital Chaplain Danny Harvey also fired for praying in Jesus name
3) Read Chaplain’s biography! Then INVITE CHAPS TO SPEAK at your Church: chaplaingate@yahoo.com
4) Please Donate $35~ $50~ $100 or $500 to "Chaplain’s Assistance Fund"
Navy Fires and Evicts Chaplain Who Prayed "in Jesus name" (Worldnet Daily)
Navy Chaplain Ousted on Grounds Overturned by Congress (Baptist Press)
VICTORY IN TULSA! (WND) Tulsa Welcomes Back Jesus………(Tulsa Beacon) Jesus Prayer Ban Lifted! BATTLES AROUND USA! Jesus attacked in PA~ OH~ IN~ FL~ NC……..(Tulsa World) Jesus attacked in OK Chaplain Klingenschmitt Video Testimony!…..7 Presidential Candidates Vow to Protect Chaplains! …… Trinity Broadcasting Network…………….Fox & Friends……..WVEC Chaplain Fired For Praying In Uniform! …… |
SMOKING GUN: Proof hospital administrators terminated chaplain INVOLUNTARILY for praying in Jesus name Fox News Video: Hospital Chaplain Joined by Former Navy Chaplain Over 1000 March Around Hospital To Support Chaplain: Fox 35 Video…Channel 13 Video…Channel 9 Video… CourtZero Blog/GodTube Video Humble Chaplain Harvey ASKS HOSPITAL CHAIRMAN BILL BINNEVELD FOR REINSTATEMENT: Call Chairman Binneveld today and ask "Please reinstate Chaplain Harvey!" (352) 323-5001 (secretary Angela Lackey) |
Click here to invite Dr. Alan Keyes~ Dr. Rick Scarborough~ and Chaplain Klingenschmitt to speak at a "one-day crusade" at your church! LATEST NEWS: Values Voter Presidential Debate…Monday 17 Sep 07…Watch and Redeem the Vote! LATEST NEWS: Silence Christian Soldiers! DoD Inspector General persecutes more Christian officers ***Read Chaplain’s biography! Then invite Chaps to speak at your church: chaplaingate@yahoo.com
LATEST NEWS: First of ’70 Weeks’ Crusades Launched in Texas LATEST NEWS: Chaplain’s lawsuit preparing for appeals court
***Please sign Petition To Reinstate Chaplain Klingenschmitt in U.S. Navy*** LATEST NEWS: Hindu Chaplain prays~ Christian Chaplain Told ‘Go Away’ LATEST NEWS: Hate Speech laws will be enforced against chaplains Watch D. James Kennedy interview with Chaps……Watch 70-weeks Crusade To Save America ……
LATEST NEWS: 250~000 Christian men to rally in DC LATEST NEWS: Jesus For President? Where four candidates stand on military chaplains rights
Chaps prays "in Jesus name" on floor of Kentucky legislature Kentucky House honors Chaplains who pray "in Jesus name" (Strong resolution)
(Governor appoints Chaps "Kentucky Colonel")
11th Hour Miracle Delays Chaplain’s Termination? (Appeals Court Order!) Rutherford…Worldnet Daily…Wash Times…Agape Press…Christian Coalition…Navy Times… WVEC…WBEN…Vic Eliason…Chuck Baldwin
Please sign Petition To Reinstate Chaplain with Alan Keyes and Rick Scarborough Please Donate $35~ $50~ $100 or $500 to "Chaplain’s Assistance Fund"
LAWSUIT! Klingenschmitt vs. Winter in federal court (Read Complaint)