URGENT NEW FAX-PETITION! Please sign and WE WILL FAX your petition automatically to all 435 Congressmen~ to stop the Pentagon from burning our troops and chaplains’ Bibles (saving you hours of labor!)
The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert | We don’t just report the news~ we pray the scriptures~ in Jesus’ name. |
Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
Join us! Read the news~ pray the scriptures~ change history.
Seven Daily "National News Prayer Alerts" for the Week of 17 – 23 May~ 2009:
1. Sunday 17 May 09 One Minute Prayer:
Obama promotes abortion at Notre Dame
Let us pray. Almighty God~ forgive the sins of Notre Dame President~ Father John Jenkins~ who not only invited a pro-abortion graduation speaker Barack Obama~ and not only honored him with a doctorate degree~ but also demanded the police arrest and jail 75 pro-life demonstrators~ including the former Roe of Roe v. Wade~ Norma McCorvey~ Dr. Alan Keyes~ Randall Terry~ and Father Norman Weslin. We pray from Matthew 23~ Woe to you Pharisees and hypocrites~ you wear huge tassels~ and titles and places of honor~ but you shall be humbled. In Jesus name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 17 May 09.
Download MP3: (ChapsEP051709Sun.mp3)
2. Monday 18 May 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Pentagon Burns Our Soldiers’ Bibles
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray you forgive the sins of four-star Admiral Mike Mullen~ who is President Obama’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff~ who recently justified and defended the Pentagon’s decision to seize and burn the privately owned Bibles of our own American soldiers serving in Afghanistan. Mullen said he didn’t want to “push any specific religion.” But isn’t he promoting atheism~ when he confiscates and burns our troops Bibles? We pray from Matthew 5:18~ until heaven and earth pass away~ God’s word can never be destroyed. In Jesus name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 18 May 09.
Download MP3: (ChapsEP051809Mon.mp3)
Please sign NEW~ FREE~ PRO-LIFE PETITION to Notre Dame U. to stop honoring pro-abortion President Obama~ and stop throwing pro-life leaders Alan Keyes and Randall Terry in jail for peaceful demonstrations.
3. Tuesday 19 May 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Pro-life Catholic Priest Arrested by Pro-Abortion Notre Dame
Let us pray. Almighty God~ today we pray for one Roman Catholic priest~ Father Norman Weslin~ a pro-life activist who’s been arrested and jailed over 200 times~ for peaceful demonstrations against abortion. God~ we honor his example and sacrifice~ and we deplore the bad example set by Notre Dame University this week~ who demanded the police arrest of one of their own pro-life priests. We pray from Matthew 23~ woe to your Pharisees~ for you murder the prophets and you stone those who were sent to you. In Jesus name~ Amen.
**Listen below!And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 19 May 09.
Download MP3: (ChapsEP051909Tue.mp3)
4. Wednesday 20 May 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Court-martial the Army Chief of Chaplains?
Let us pray. Almighty God~ today we pray your blessing upon the Chief of Army Chaplains~ Major General Douglas Carver~ who called for a day of prayer and fasting for our troops~ then got falsely accused of violating the U.S. Constitution by the anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein~ simply because he invited chaplains of all diverse faiths to fast and pray for our soldiers safety and health. God we proclaim Deuteronomy 23~ that you will bless those who honor and obey your laws~ and curse those who dishonor you~ in Jesus name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 20 May 09.
Download MP3: (ChapsEP052009Wed.mp3)
5. Thursday 21 May 09 One-Minute Prayer:
New Poll Shows 51% of Americans are Pro-Life
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we rejoice that a new Gallup poll shows that more than half~ or 51% of living Americans now describe themselves as pro-life~ and opposed to the sin of abortion~ which is legalized child-killing. But God~ if the 50 million babies killed since 1973 were polled~ are you pro-life or pro-abortion~ the poll would show 100% of those babies were pro-life. We plead from Hebrews 9:22~ the blood of Jesus forgive the sins of our nation. God end abortion and send revival to America~ in Jesus name~ Amen.