Seven Daily "National News Prayer Alerts" for the Week of 21 – 27 June~ 2009: |
The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
NEW~ FREE PETITION: DON’T JUST PRAY~ TAKE ACTION! Sign our NEW~ FREE PETITION TO LODI~ CA Mayor Larry D. Hansen~ threatened by atheists to censor "in Jesus name" from pastors prayers.
1. Sunday~ 21 June 09 One Minute Prayer: Atheists Threaten to Censor “Jesus” from Prayers in Lodi~ California Let us pray. Almighty God~ we ask you to give courage to the Councilmembers of Lodi~ California~ especially Mayor Larry D. Hansen and Councilors Mounce~ Johnson~ Hitchcock and Katzakian~ who have been threatened by atheists at Americans United and the Freedom From Religion Foundation~ demanding they silence the name of Jesus from any prayer offered by any pastor. God give us a backbone to fight for liberty~ and God give us the humility to obey Colossians 3:17~ that whatever we do in word or deed~ we do it all in Jesus name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 21 June 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP062109Sun.mp3) 2. Monday 22 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: 19 Dead as Protests Continue in Iran Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray for safety and more peaceful demonstrations amid the growing and continued uprisings in Iran~ where 19 martyrs for democratic liberty were killed by the dictator~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad~ who deceptively rigged the election. God we pray for the overthrow of Muslim Theocrat Ayatollah Khamani~ and that the army will change sides to back the properly elected Moussavi~ whose crowds number in the hundreds of thousands. God~ we pray from Amos 5:24~ let justice roll on like a river~ righteousness like a never-failing stream! In Jesus name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 22 June 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP062209Mon.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX THE ENTIRE SENATE! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX your petition automatically to all 99 Senators to oppose and filibuster the pro-gay "Hate Crimes" Bill.
3. Tuesday 23 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: Obama fires Inspector General who reported Johnson’s corruption Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray you expose President Obama’s corruption~ coming to light now that Obama personally fired a good Inspector General Gerald Walpin for doing his job. Mr. Walpin was the lead federal investigator and reported to Congress about financial abuses committed by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson – a major Obama backer caught misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money for personal gain. God don’t let him cover this up. We pray for justice from 1 Corinthians 4:5~ bring to light the hidden things of darkness. In Jesus name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 23 June 09. Download MP3: ( ChapsEP062309Tue.mp3) NEW~ FREE PETITION: DON’T JUST PRAY~ TAKE ACTION! Sign our NEW~ FREE PETITION TO LODI~ CA Mayor Larry D. Hansen~ threatened by atheists to censor "in Jesus name" from pastors prayers.
4. Wednesday 24 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: China forces Google to Censor Pornography Sites Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray that governments all over the world would follow the example of China~ who has forced the multi-billion dollar Google search engine to stop advertising and profiting from pornography~ which abuses women and children as sex-slaves or prostitutes~ and addicts men who manifest uncontrollable demons of lust that pervert them into adulterers~ as Jesus said in Matthew 5:28~ whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. God end the scourge of internet porn~ in Jesus name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 24 June 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP062409Wed.mp3) 5. Thursday 25 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray for the Senate Judiciary Committee~ who is holding hearings today at 10am in SD-226 to debate “hate crimes” law which lays the foundation to punish pastors for preaching against homosexual sin~ and would provide legal protections for any “sexual orientation” including sodomy~ pedophilia~ or any of 547 sexual deviances listed as clinical psychoses in the DSM-III of the American Psychiatric Association. God we pray from Romans 1~ do not give our nation over to demonic lusts~ but help us worship the Creator instead. In Jesus name~ Amen. ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX THE ENTIRE SENATE! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX your petition automatically to all 99 Senators to oppose and filibuster the pro-gay "Hate Crimes" Bill.
6. Friday 26 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: Democrats Plan to Replace Your Doctors with Government Bureaucrats Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray the U.S. Government will stay out of the health-care business~ since Democrats in Congress are now editing a bill in the HELP Committee~ which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says will cause 10 million people with employer sponsored insurance to lose coverage they already have. God don’t bankrupt private doctors by replacing them with government red-tape bureaucrats. Instead Jesus we look to you as our healer~ from James 5~ if anyone is sick~ we first confess our sins to heal our spirits. In Jesus name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 26 June 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP062609Fri.mp3) 7. Saturday 27 June 09 One-Minute Prayer: Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray for good attendance at the World Congress of Families in Amsterdam on 10-12 August 2009~ where family advocates worldwide will unite to oppose divorce~ morally relativistic public education~ confusions over sexual identity~ promiscuity~ sexually transmitted diseases~ abortion~ poverty~ human trafficking~ violence against women~ child abuse~ isolation of the elderly~ excessive taxation and below-replacement fertility. God fulfill your original plan from Genesis 2:24~ let a man leave his father and his mother~ and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. In Jesus name~ Amen. DOWNLOAD HERE: FREE~ COPYABLE CHURCH FLYER FOR WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES IN AMSTERDAM~ 10-12 AUG 09
Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 435 Congressmen to stop burning the privately-owned Bibles of American troops.