Enjoy below~ the many 2009 news articles about our ministry.
Pastors to Holder: Bible still condemns homosexuality
November 18~ 2009
A former U.S. Navy chaplain who was removed from the service after he exercised his right to pray "in Jesus’ name" against the wishes of his chain of command read the biblical condemnation of homosexuality at a rally in front of the U.S. Justice Department to protest the nation’s new "hate crimes" law.
Pastors Gather for Freedom of Speech
November 17~ 2009
It has been less than a month since President Obama signed the hate crimes bill to extend protection to gay~ lesbian~ bisexual and transgendered Americans– yet more pastors are growing concerned about the new laws.
God Squad Tries~ Fails to Get Arrested at Holder’s Front Door
November 17~ 2009
On an Indian summer afternoon in front of the Justice Department yesterday~ a group of dark-suited ministers gathered to protest recently-passed hate crimes legislation~ saying it had had a “chilling effect” on religious freedom.
Reid speeds confirmation of anti-Jesus~ pro-abortion judge
November 12~ 2009
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid~ D-Nev.~ announced his plans to move forward as early as Monday with a confirmation vote on the pro-abortion appeals court nominee who ruled against praying "in Jesus’ name" on the floor of the Indiana Legislature.
Prayers ‘in Jesus’ name allowed at City Council meetings
November 1~ 2009
Pastors offering public prayers to open Lodi City Council meetings will be allowed to use the words “in Jesus’ name~” after the municipal body voted unanimously to cease a previous ban on the language.
Murder~ He Said
October 16~ 2009
You have no right to ask someone to commit a murder~ obviously~ but it’s hard to say if the First Amendment protects the right to extol or encourage murder – not just murder in general but the murder of a person~ or class of people~ in particular.
Suit by Ex-White House Lawyer Says Prayers Incite Violence Against Him
October 15~ 2009
A lawyer who challenged a foundation’s right to endorse military chaplains claims in a lawsuit that representatives of the organization are inciting violence against him through their prayers.
Rutherford Institute Defends Right of Chaplains to Offer Imprecatory Prayers~ Opposes Efforts to Restrict Religious Speech
October 15~ 2009
The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of the head of a chaplaincy endorsing organization who is being sued over allegations that a chaplain affiliated with his group solicited imprecatory prayers which the plaintiffs consider to be "terroristic threats."
Lawyer Alleges Prayers Incite Followers to Commit Violence Against Him
October 14~ 2009
In a test of the free-speech limits on prayer~ a lawyer who has challenged the right of a Dallas-based organization to endorse military chaplains alleges in a recently filed suit that the organization incites its followers in prayers to commit violence against him.
MRFF Suit a Bad Idea
October 7~ 2009
As you may know by now~ Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has filed a lawsuit in Texas state court against Jim Ammerman~ founder of the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches~ and Gordon Klingenschmitt.
Lodi stands tall in council prayer controversy
October 6~ 2009
Another California town is standing up to an atheist group over city council prayer.
Lawyer sues to end Dallas group’s ‘threat’ prayers
October 5~ 2009
A former military lawyer who served in
the Reagan White House and worked for Ross Perot is suing a Dallas-based religious organization in a case that could test the limits of free speech and prayer.
Lodi defends its public prayers
October 3~ 2009
Small cities in California are facing high unemployment~ drained treasuries and now what some residents see as an assault on the only sacred moment in municipal affairs: the invocation at the start of city council meetings.
Lodi may be headed for prayer lawsuit
October 2~ 2009
The day after a highly anticipated decision by the Lodi City Council on prayer~ the leader of a national group says it will likely sue Lodi or another city in California over their practices.
California City Council OKs Prayers in Jesus’ Name
October 2~ 2009
City officials in Lodi~ Calif.~ voted unanimously Wednesday to allow prayers in Jesus’ name before City Council meetings.
Lodi council votes to keep prayers before meetings
October 2~ 2009
The city of Lodi~ one of a handful of small California cities challenged for their invocations during public meetings~ on Wednesday night rebuffed efforts to eliminate the prayers.
Pray in Jesus Name Org. Scores Victory in City Council Vote
October 2~ 2009
After several months of hard fought battles and over three hours of passionate debate Wednesday evening~ the Lodi city council voted unanimously to allow “uncensored” prayer before the city’s public meetings.
Turlock puts ‘trust in God’
October 1~ 2009
Residents of Oakdale~ Lodi and Hughson argued for and against the policy of praying at meetings~ but in the end the City Council opted to agree with a self- described "nobody special~ just a chubby~ gray-haired guy who’s lived in Turlock for a little over 20 years"
Lodi Council Permits Jesus Prayers
October 1~ 2009
The Lodi City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to allow prayers to be said in Jesus’ name before council meetings.
Lodi Letdown: Calif. City Votes To Continue Official Prayers
October 1~ 2009
I wrote earlier this week about the increasing religious diversity of America and the rise of “nones” – people who say they belong to no specific religious group.
Lodi City Council votes to keep prayer as ‘uncensored invocation’ (local reactions)
October 1~ 2009
After months of debate~ the Lodi City Council voted 5-0 late last night to keep prayer before council meetings. A draft will now be drawn up to invite members of all faiths~ as well as those not affiliated with any religious group; calling the non-affiliated invocation a Call to Civic Responsibility.
Victory for Jesus Prayers — Lodi CA Votes 5-0 to Defeat Atheist Complainers
October 1~ 2009
The Lodi City Council voted 5-0 last night to allow pastors to speak the previously forbidden words "in Jesus name" at the end of public prayers.
Lodi mayor leans toward uncensored prayer
September 30~ 2009
Going into tonight’s Lodi City Council meeting designated to discuss the issue of allowing prayer before meetings~ Mayor Larry Hansen said he has a workable solution.
Group threatens to display on billboards how council members vote on invocations
September 29~ 2009
Council members might soon see their names on billboards under the words "Against Jesus" and "For Jesus" depending on what the council decides Wednesday night.
Prayer debate continues as council prepares to vote
September 26~ 2009
After months of debate~ rallies and even national attention~ the Lodi City Council will tackle on Wednesday the issue of whether to continue prayers before council meetings.
Tehachapi City Council votes 5-0 for opening prayers to stay
September 26~ 2009
The Tehachapi City Council voted unanimously to not put limits on what religious leaders say during opening prayers for its meetings Monday.
Tehachapi City Council Will Continue Prayer During Meetings
September 23~ 2009
For the past six months~ Tehachapi City Council meetings have begun with an invocation prayer~ but stopped after the city received a six-page letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation that said the council’s actions were unconstitutional.
Tehachapi latest city to have ‘Jesus’ under further review
September 23~ 2009
Across California and the nation~ city councils continue to grapple with the legality of opening meetings with Christian prayer and mention of Jesus.
Tracy clarifies prayer policy
September 17~ 2009
For years~ City Council meetings have started with a prayer traditionally performed by a Christian leader. The prayers usually invoke the name of Jesus Christ.
ACLU threatens Lancaster officials for praying in Jesus’ name
August 18~ 2009
The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California has demanded that Lancaster officials stop invoking Jesus’ name during opening prayers for government meetings~ or face possible legal action.
School prayer charges stir protests
August 17~ 2009
Students~ teachers and local pastors are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer.
Greece prayer case goes to court
August 14~ 2009
The fight against sectarian prayer before town of Greece board meetings got its day in federal court Thursday.
Lodi still a battleground for prayer warrior chaplain
August 12~ 2009
One prayer rally later~ former Navy Chaplain Gordon Kligenschmitt plans a second assault on the Lodi City Council’s hold and possible ban on using the name of Jesus before city meetings.
Case of prayer at Greece meetings heads to court
August 10~ 2009
The ongoing battle over prayers at town of Greece board meetings heads to court this week.
Lodi City Council prayer tradition causes stir
August 10~ 2009
While lining the sidewalk~ 13-year-old Eddie Lopez and about 10 other kids chanted "Jesus said ‘Amen~’" as others marched up and down the sidewalk with signs saying "Keep them separate" and "Not all Lodians ‘R’ Christian.
Tempers Flare as Lodi Council Tackles Prayer Debate
August 6~ 2009
At Lodi City Hall~ you didn’t have to look hard Wednesday evening to figure out where people stood on the issue of the wildly controversial call to end prayers before city council meetings.
Groups fan prayer dispute
August 6~ 2009
Two groups at the opposite ends of a national controversy combined for a crowd of more than 350 outside of Lodi’s City Hall on Wednesday night.
Praying in Jesus’ Name Causes Controversy in Lodi
August 6~ 2009
The city of Lodi is bracing for dueling rallies Wednesday night on both sides of the controversy of religion in a governmental forum.
Prayer Protesters And Supporters Pack Lodi
August 6~ 2009
Hundreds of people on both sides of a debate over public prayer rallied outside Lodi City Hall before the city council’s Wednesday night meeting.
Protesters Face Off Over Lodi City Council Prayers
August 6~ 2009
The battle over prayer and politics came to Lodi Wednesday evening as the City Council debated a religious ritual done before every meeting.
Christians Rally to Defend Prayers in Jesus’ Name
August 6~ 2009
A former military chaplain who battled the U.S. Navy over the right to pray in Jesus’ name is waging a similar fight in Lodi~ Calif.~ where the City Council in May temporarily banned sectarian prayers before meetings.
Prayer rallies to be held tonight before the Lodi council meeting
August 5~ 2009
Tonight~ two rallies about prayers before the Lodi City Council meetings will take place near Carnegie Forum~ where the council meets.
Lodi Council Faces Prayer Debate
August 5~ 2009
"Jesus is not an illegal word and we are defending pastors’ right to compose a prayer of their own making to their own god~" Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt said earlier.
Christians to Rally in Calif. to Defend ‘Jesus’ Prayers
August 5~ 2009
Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt has flown to Lodi~ Calif.~ which has become the latest battleground over praying in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer showdown
August 4~ 2009
In an all-black outfit~ Gordon James Klingenschmitt stood with his Bible in hand and quoted from both religious texts and the U.S. Constitution to prove that Jesus should be allowed in prayer at the Lodi City Council meetings.
Lodi prayer battle draws in others
August 4~ 2009
Standing outside Carnegie Forum~ leaders of two out-of-town organizations argued Monday afternoon that invocations in the name of Jesus Christ should be permitted at Lodi City Council meetings.
Facebook Users Rally For God
July 28~ 2009
It’s a tradition the Lodi City Council has had for decades. It starts each meeting with a prayer which often calls on Jesus.
National group stlll plans prayer before Aug. 5 council meeting
July 21~ 2009
Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt still plans to be in Lodi on Aug. 5 even though the Lodi City Council has postponed its discussion on an invocation policy that night.
McCall: No Mentioning Jesus In House
July 21~ 2009
State House of Representatives Speaker Keith McCall~ D-122nd~ of Carbon County~ recently instructed a guest chaplain to refrain from referring to Jesus Christ in chamber prayers.
Pa. House prayer rejected over ‘Jesus’
July 19~ 2009
Three weeks ago~ a Christian clergyman from Adams County was surprised and upset when state House officials wouldn’t let him open a session with a prayer that contained what they termed an "offensive" word — the name of Jesus.