We’ve sent nearly 700, 000 faxes to the Senate…can you help reach 1 Million?
URGENT PETITION! (Even if you’ve signed before, you can sign again & we’ll re-fax.) Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAXyour petition automatically to ALL 99 U.S. SENATORS right away (saving you hours of labor!) Please forward widely.
12 Democrats Promote Anti-Jesus Judge, 7 Republicans Against:
While most of the country paid attention to the Sotomoyor nomination, a stealth and surprise vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee went largely unreported, while our citizen voices were heard by 7 Republican Senators, and ignored by 12 Democrats. But our fight for religious liberty and the right to pray publicly “in Jesus name” is not over.
On 4 June 09, the committee voted 12-7 along strict party lines, to forward the nomination of Judge David Hamilton, the anti-Jesus Judge, the same judge who issued controversial rulings banning public prayers offered “in Jesus name,” (but allowing prayers to Allah), and hastening the abortion of unborn children. This vote came after we’d already sent nearly 600,000 faxes to the entire Senate opposing Hamilton, proving some Republicans are listening to the voice of the people, and some Democrats remain deaf to our petitions. Now this anti-Jesus Judge Hamilton will face the full Senate, and the threat of filibuster by the pro-faith, pro-family Senator James Inhofe (R-OK).
To stop Hamilton, we need 40 strong Senate votes to stand with Senator Inhofe, to uphold his filibuster. If we fail, Hamilton will be promoted to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the same court that overruled his aggressive, anti-life, anti-liberty decisions for years. So we’ve newly identified 17 key undecided Senators, from which we need just 7 votes to successfully defeat Hamilton’s nomination, (see list below).
Judge Hamilton wrote: “The injunction orders the Speaker…that the prayers should not use Christ’s name or title or any other denominational appeal…If those offering prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives choose to use the Arabic ‘Allah’…the court sees little risk that the choice of language would advance a particular religion or disparage others.”
In other words, Judge Hamilton ruled the words “Jesus” or “Christ” or “Savior” are illegal words, prohibited for public speech, banned by the First Amendment, which somehow prohibits freedom of religious expression, and makes Christian prayers ILLEGAL, but prayers to Allah are TOTALLY LEGAL in a public forum. (What crazy version of the First Amendment is he reading?)
Thank God, we took action in 2007 and provided legal arguments to the Indiana Attorney General who appealed to the 7th Circuit Court and WE WON a 2-1 decision overruling Hamilton, restoring the right to pray “in Jesus name” in Indiana. But if President Obama succeeds in promoting Hamilton to the same court that overruled him, that good reversal will be in jeopardy.
We’re now the leading national voice against Hamilton, and we’re getting traction toward a successful Senate filibuster that can stop Hamilton’s confirmation, much to the horror of many liberal groups (including the National Abortion Rights Action League who is actively campaigning FOR Hamilton). But together, we can be a louder voice.
Judge Hamilton is the worst of Obama’s 15 new liberal appeals court appointees. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals covers Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois. Since most cases never reach the Supreme Court, the federal appellate circuits often provide the last word on cases affecting life and liberty.
The Judicial Confirmation Network quickly opposed Hamilton’s nomination, stating that “President Obama’s first nominee to the federal appeals courts — specifically the appeals court based in Chicago — is an ultra-liberal named David Hamilton who is a former fundraiser for ACORN and former leader of the Indiana chapter of the ACLU. He was nominated to the district court bench by President Clinton even though he had no judicial experience and was rated as ‘not qualified’ by the American Bar Association.”
Now newly promoted Judiciary Committee ranking minority Member Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), agrees with pro-faith Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), that we should oppose and filibuster Hamilton’s nomination to the 7th Circuit. Thanks in part to our public pressure, the Republicans and Sessions have twice succeeded in delaying Hamilton’s committee votes, saying “This a complex area of the law, I’ll admit, but it’s time for the federal court to get their heads straight on proper separation of church and state issues.”
In 2003, Judge Hamilton struck down part of an Indiana law on abortion. The reasonable law had required abortion clinics to simply give women information about alternatives to abortion in the presence of a physician or nurse, 18 hours before the procedure, until Hamilton ruled to hasten abortions. But thank God, the 7th Circuit Court also reversed Hamilton’s bad decision in that case.
If confirmed now Hamilton will sit on that 7th Circuit Court (the same court that frequently overruled him) with tyrannical power to rule the heartland of Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin with his anti-life, anti-liberty, anti-Christian agenda.
We’ve already sent nearly 600,000 faxes to the full Senate, and we’re getting results! On April 1st and again on April 29th, Senator Orrin Hatchled all Republicans to walk out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in protest against the Democrat “rush job” to confirm Judge Hamilton. Senator Jeff Sessions said he was troubled by Hamilton’s ruling against a sectarian prayer to open the Indiana House of Representatives. Even Senator Arlen Specter expressed concern about Hamilton while serving as a Republican, but after switching parties he broke his promise to not become a “rubber stamp” for the Obama Administration, and voted to confirm Hamilton anyway. But will any Democrats oppose the anti-Jesus Hamilton?
To support Senators Inhofe and Sessions, and stop Hamilton, we first 40 solid votes by any good conservatives or moderates, including both of YOUR STATE Senators, whom you might call to ask him to OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Judge David Hamilton, at 202-225-3121. We have carefully identified 17 undecided Senators, who should especially receive your blast-faxes in the coming days.
WE MUST TAKE ACTION TODAY. So please sign our fax-petition (even if you already signed it before), but then PLEASE MAKE 17 PHONE CALLS TODAY to each of the undecided Senate votes here, asking to oppose and filibuster Judge David Hamilton, because he ruled it’s illegal to pray in Jesus name, but legal to pray to Allah:
x Ben Nelson, D-NE 202-224-6551 y George Voinovich, R-OH 202-224-3353
x Bill Nelson, D-FL 202-224-5274 y Judd Gregg, R-NH 202-224-3324
x Kay Hagan, D-NC 202-224-6342 y Richard Lugar, R-IN 202-224-4814
x Mark Pryor, D-AR 202-224-2353 y Olympia Snowe, R-ME 202-224-5344
xz Blanche Lincoln, D-AR 202-224-4843 y Susan Collins, R-ME 202-224-2523
z Chris Dodd, D-CT 202-224-2823 xy Kit Bond, R-MO 202-224-5721
z Barbara Boxer, D-CA 202-224-3553
z Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY 202-224-4451 z Michael Bennet, D-CO 202-224-5852
z Roland Burris, D-IL 202-224-2854 z Byron Dorgan, D-ND 202-224-2551
(x = Lives in the South. y = Voted for Sebelius. z = Facing re-election in 2010.)
But remember, 100 emails = 10 phone calls = 1 fax in political capital, since the Senate staffers must handle each paper and usually write a reply. So please join our automated fax-petition campaign first, WE WILL ESPECIALLY FAX THE 17 ABOVE. Then please forward this email to your Indiana-Illinois-Wisconsin friends, and to all pastors in all 50 states, and select here to download a church flyer that pastors can copy and distribute.
But first, take action right now! I pray you will not hesitate, but sign the petition and WE WILL FAX your petition right away, automatically to all 99 U.S. Senators.
(Or please just donate to help us prepare for the upcoming Supreme Court battle to replace Justice Souter, since we are a leading voice of opposition to activist judges.)
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
a.k.a. “Chaps”
P.S. Time is urgent! The Senate could vote on this confirmation as early as mid-April. If you click and sign today, we will forward your name immediately. Please don’t wait another minute. Life, Liberty, and Jesus are too important to be banned by one extremist judge.