The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
We don’t just report the news~ we pray the scriptures~ in Jesus’ name.
Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
Join us! Read the news~ pray the scriptures~ change history.
Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 52 "Blue-Dog" Democrats to oppose the socialist Obamacare government takeover of hospitals.
1. Sunday~ 30 Aug 09 One Minute Prayer:
Pro-Life Hero Dies~ Father of Terri Schiavo~ Robert Schindler
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we grieve the sudden loss of pro-life hero Robert Schindler from heart failure~ the father of Terri Schiavo who had been inhumanely euthanized by dehydration in 2005~ a man whom I met in Washington and corresponded with just last month. We pray you comfort his wife Mary~ son Bobby~ and daughter Suzanne~ in the joy of knowing Robert and Terry are reunited in heaven. We pray from 2 Corinthians 1:4 that you comfort and protect others through the Terri Schindler – Schiavo Foundation~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 30 Aug 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP083009Sun.mp3)
2. Monday 31 Aug 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Michelle Winkler vindicated after ACLU threatens jail for prayer
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ from Proverbs 31:9 we thank you for the courtroom victory for Michelle Winkler~ a clerk in a Florida School District~ who was nearly thrown in jail by the ACLU because her husband said a prayer at a school awards banquet~ but was cleared by the judge who ruled their public prayers were not illegal. God we pray for victory for Frank Lay and Robert Freeman on Sept 17th when they face possible jail sentences for the same ACLU charge that prayer is illegal~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 31 Aug 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP083109Mon.mp3)
Sign our new FREE PETITION PRAISING FOUR HEROES~ Parris~ Auberger~ Lay~ Freeman who defend public prayer "in Jesus name."
3. Tuesday 1 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Obama Blesses the Muslim Month of Ramadan after rejecting NDOP
Let us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray for repentance by President Barack Hussein Obama~ who claims to be a Christian~ but posted a five-minute You Tube video in many languages celebrating the Muslim tradition of Ramadan~ just months after he broke tradition with previous Presidents by refusing to participate in the National Day of Prayer with Christians and Jews. From Proverbs 21:1 we pray God would turn Obama’s heart away from false religions~ because You hold his heart is Your hand and You turn it where You choose~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 1 Sep 09. Download MP3: ( ChapsEP090109Tue.mp3)
4. Wednesday 2 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Church blackens “Lutheran” after vote for homosexual sin
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for Pastor
Richard Mahan~ who courageously blacked out the word “Lutheran” on his church after the ELCA voted to ordain sod omits. Mahan respected the ominous warning from God when a tornado overturned a Lutheran Church steeple in Minneapolis moments before that vote. From Romans 3:18 we pronounce God’s anathema upon the ELCA~ there is no fear of God before their eyes~ and we bless all exodus churches from Psalm 1:1~ who walk not in the counsel of the wicked~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 2 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP090209Wed.mp3)
5. Thursday 3 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Most red ink ever: $9 trillion over next decade
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ this week President Obama forecast a 10 year budget deficit of $9 trillion~ more than the sum of all previous deficits since America’s founding~ and by 2020 the national debt will be 75% of the entire U.S. economy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said “The alarm bells on our nation’s fiscal condition have now become a siren.” From Proverbs 22:7~ the borrower is a slave to the lender~ and we pray for mercy~ grace~ and forgiveness for our national sins against God~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Thursday~ 3 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP090309Thu.mp3)
Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 435 Congressmen to stop burning the privately-owned Bibles of American troops.
6. Friday 4 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Judge: Kentucky Cannot Legislate Dependence Upon God
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for the courage of Democrat legislator Pastor Tom Riner who included the term “Almighty God” in legislation for the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security~ but we condemn the atheist complainers who filed a lawsuit~ and Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate who struck God’s name saying we cannot “rely on protection from above during national emergencies.” Lord from Ecclesiastes 3:16 we pray you remove wickedness from the seat of justice~ and help Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway appeal this bad ruling~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 4 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP090409Fri.mp3)
7. Saturday 5 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer:
ACLU fails to force Lesbian visits on Christian child of Lisa Miller
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we rejoice with Christian mother Lisa Miller~ after the ACLU failed in their attempt to throw her in jail~ and the court dismissed all fines against her~ after Janet Jenkins~ an unrepentant lesbian tried to take Lisa’s biological daughter~ Isabella. God we pray for Isabella’s permanent protection~ and Lisa’s final victory in the months ahead. From Luke 17:2 if anyone causes a little one to stumble~ let a millstone be hung around their neck~ and be drowned in the depths of the sea~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 5 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP090509Sat.mp3)
Sign our NEW PETITION TO PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE & SENATE and WE WILL FAX automatically to all 235 members~ to allow Jesus prayers!