BREAKING NEWS: Afraid of atheist complainers~ another city council bans prayers in Jesus name~ replacing with pledge of allegiance.
NEW FREE PETITION to TEHACHAPI CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL to reverse their new ban on Jesus prayers
Sign petition~ write comments~ we will post to Mayor Linda Vernon Atheists misquote the law~ saying "invocations are OK~ as long as all references to ‘Christ’ are removed." Read best news reports here.
The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ SIGN FREE PETITION! Please select and sign our FREE PETITION to all five members of the Tehachapi City Council to reverse their ban on prayers "in Jesus name."
1. Sunday 20 Sep 09 One Minute Prayer: Tehachapi~ California Bans Prayers Offered “in Jesus name.” Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You give courage and conviction to the City Council of Tehachapi~ California who have apparently caved-in to bullying by the Freedom From Religion Foundation~ and banned prayers in Jesus’ name~ substituting the pledge of allegiance instead of prayer. God remind them of Matthew 10:33~ “But whoever disowns me before men~ I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Help them not only say the pledge of allegiance~ including the words under God~ but reverse their ban~ and let pastors take the microphone to pray publicly~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 20 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP092009Sun.mp3) 2. Monday 21 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: New Baucus "Health" Bill Directly Funds Abortions with Tax-Dollars Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray you defeat abortion and euthanasia provisions in the Democrats “health” care bill~ which President Obama pushes despite his promise to the American people~ especially the new Senate plan released by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) which not only directly funds some abortions~ but also dramatically increases the number of babies likely to be killed by ELECTIVE abortion using tax-dollars and federal funds~ as confirmed by Time and U.S. News. From Psalm 94:21~ stop those who band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 21 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP092109Mon.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 52 "BLUE-DOGS!" Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 52 "Blue-Dog" Democrats to oppose the socialist Obamacare government takeover of hospitals.
3. Tuesday 22 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: Lay and Freeman Cleared of Jail “Crime” of Prayer in School Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank You for victory over the anti-Christian ACLU~ and for hearing our prayer from 31 August and petition signed by over 2400 people~ by clearing Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman from criminal charges and possible jail~ because they said a prayer over a meal at a school function. God embolden others to stand up and pray publicly without fear. From James 1:17 we praise you for you give good gifts to your children~ and deliver them from their opposition~ in Jesus Nam e~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 22 Sep 09. Download MP3: ( ChapsEP092209Tue.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 88 ARMED SERVICES! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 88 House & Senate Armed Services to remove "Hate Crimes" from Pentagon Budget
4. Wednesday 23 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: 50~000 Muslims expected for Islamic prayer on Capitol Hill~ 25 Sep Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray you confront and rebuke the followers of the false god of Islam Allah~ and their false prophet Mohammed~ since 50~000 Muslims will descend on Capitol Hill on 25 September to pray the Athan calling out “Allahu Akbar” meaning~ “Allah is the Most Great.” But Jesus~ You alone are the Highest God~ and You alone can save~ so we pray you save these Muslims~ from 2 Peter 3:9: You are patient and do not want anyone to perish~ but for all to come to repentance~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 23 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP092309Wed.mp3) 5. Thursday 24 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: Christian girl may face death by Muslim parents: Court Hearing 29 Sep Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray for Your Divine protection of Rifqa Bary~ the Ohio teen whose Muslim father allegedly threatened her with “honor killing” because she loves Jesus~ as she awaits a court hearing in Florida on September 29th~ that has the power to force her to return to Ohio to face death. God give the judge wisdom to protect her life~ especially from the mafia Mosque members who have been tied to terrorism. From 2 Timothy 3:12~ all who desire to living godly in Christ Jesus will face persecution~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Thursday~ 24 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP092409Thu.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 435 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 435 Congressmen to stop burning the privately-owned Bibles of American troops.
6. Friday 25 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: California~ Stand Up for Jesus Rally (Again) on 30 Sep Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray a big Christian crowd will show up again at the Lodi City Council meeting on 30 September~ and we pray the council will vote against atheists who threaten lawsuits~ to restore the rights of pastors to pray publicly “in Jesus name.” Lord~ we pray from John 16:23~ which promises whatever you ask the Father in My Name~ you will give it. We thank you in advance for this victory~ and for all attendees who will stand up for Jesus in Lodi on 30 September~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 25 Sep 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP092509Fri.mp3) 7. Saturday 26 Sep 09 One-Minute Prayer: Girl Rejects Gardasil~ Loses Opportunity to Become US Citizen Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for the faithful stand of Simone Davis~ a 17 year old devout Christian~ who is a virgin~ and who took a stand and forfeited her citizenship~ by refusing to take the vaccine Gardasil for sexually-transmitted diseases~ which is wrongly required to become a US citizen. We ask from Psalm 26:1 that You~ O Lord~ would vindicate Simone~ for she has walked in integrity and trusted in You without wavering. And we also pray that Congress would change this unfair legislation~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 26 Sep 09. Download MP 3: (ChapsEP092609Sat.mp3) DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 235 PENN. LEGISLATORS! Sign our PETITION TO PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE & SENATE and WE WILL FAX automatically to all 235 members~ to allow Jesus prayers! |