Victory for Jesus Prayers — Lodi CA Votes 5-0 to Defeat Atheist Complainers
October 1, 2009
Christian Newswire — Christian Newswire
The Lodi City Council voted 5-0 last night to allow pastors to speak the previously forbidden words “in Jesus name” at the end of public prayers.
The victory vote came after months of lobbying, petitioning, protesting, and pro-Jesus rallies, both in Lodi and nationwide, organized by The Pray In Jesus Name Project.
An atheist group from Wisconsin has threatened a lawsuit if the city allows Jesus prayers, but the Mayor and four other councilors found their back-bone, and handed the atheists a resounding defeat.
This month four California cities, Tehachapi, Tracy, Turlock, and now Lodi have all heroically voted unanimously to allow free speech and public prayers “in Jesus name,” even under threat of lawsuit.
“This victory should inspire legislators across America, that 85% of polled voters want you to allow public prayers ‘in Jesus name,’ even in public venues,” said Chaplain Klingenschmitt. “Don’t cave-in to empty threats of lawsuits by atheist complainers. Christian voters will rally to support you, and Jesus is not an illegal word!”
Secret emails now available at show that Lodi Mayor Larry Hansen changed his previous plan to vote against Jesus, two days ago on 28 September. Coincidentally, that same day he was notified by a Lodi newspaper that The Pray In Jesus Name Project would publish highway billboards announcing his vote, if he had voted against Jesus, likely damaging his chances of re-election next year.
“The timeline on our web-site, quoting Mayor Hansen’s own emails and words, clearly shows he suddenly changed his vote upon hearing of our plan to purchase billboards,” said Chaplain Klingenschmitt who led a 400-person Jesus rally in Lodi last month.
“Although the Mayor complained of our plan, and called us unchristian names, we’re grateful for his change of heart, whatever his reasons, he voted for Jesus and free-speech in the end. Perhaps the success of our billboard plan proves Ronald Reagan’s adage: ‘When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.'”
Chaplain Klingenschmitt is available for nationwide media interviews at 719-360-5132 or email