The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
We don’t just report the news~ we pray the scriptures~ in Jesus’ name.
Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
Join us! Read the news~ pray the scriptures~ change history.
Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 100 Senators to oppose and filibuster Judge Hamilton who ruled it’s illegal to pray "in Jesus name."
1. Sunday 15 Nov 09 One Minute Prayer:
Aborted Babies Used in Beauty Creams
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we are outraged by the Washington Times report that the San Francisco based company~ Neocutis~ Inc.~ who reportedly uses aborted baby cells in their beauty creams~ claiming the donated fetal skin tissue was harvested in a responsible ethical manner! Lord~ thank you for the work of Children of God for Life~ a watchdog group that exposed them. We pray You bless them~ and from 1 Timothy 6:10 we confess the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil~ so God bring Neocutis Inc. to financial ruin~ in Jesus name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 15 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP111509Sun.mp3)
2. Monday 16 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Another Honor Killing in the Name of Allah
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray swift justice~ not only for the Muslim Nidal Hasan who killed our troops in Fort Hood Texas~ but also for Arizona Muslim killer Faleh Almaleki~ who admitted running over his twenty year old daughter Noor because she was "too Westernized" and "brought shame on him and his family." God Thank You for the quick capture and trial of both these evildoers~ from Proverbs 21:15~ "When justice is done~ it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers." God stop Sharia law in America~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 16 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP111609Mon.mp3)
Ask to override City Attorney who banned Jesus name from prayers.
3. Tuesday 17 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Organization of Islamic Conference targets Christians
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray for victory for the American Center for Law & Justice as they work against the Organization of the Islamic Conference~ the largest member nation in the United Nations~ who keeps pushing a bad resolution called Combating Defamation of Religions~ which would criminalize the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Father~ from James 1:5 we pray for wisdom for those who expose this resolution~ and raise up a multitude to stand against the U.N. when they try to silence Christian people~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 17 Nov 09. Download MP3: ( ChapsEP111709Tue.mp3)
4. Wednesday 18 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Massachusetts Man fired over Christian belief in traditional marriage
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray for Peter Vadala wh
o was fired from his job as assistant manager of a Brookstone retail store at Boston’s Logan Airport after a lesbian manager from another store pushed her upcoming lesbian "marriage" on him~ after he naturally asked where her husband was going to take her on her honeymoon. When he expressed opposition to homosexual "marriage~" the lesbian complained to human resources and the Christian was fired. Lord~ from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 we pray Peter Vadala’s borders would increase and Your hand be with him~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 18 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP111809Wed.mp3)
5. Thursday 19 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
German Group Tweets the Entire Bible on Twitter
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we rejoice and thank you for Melanie Huber~ from Germany~ and other Christians who are tweeting the entire Bible in 40 days on Twitter. May they inspire us all~ from Matthew 10:27~ "What I say to you in the dark~ tell in the light; and what you hear whispered~ proclaim from the housetops." So we pray You bless Your Word as it goes forth~ from Isaiah 55:11~ "It will not return to me empty~ but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it~" in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Thursday~ 19 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP111909Thu.mp3)
Shelby Ohio Mayor vetoes bill that would’ve allowed prayer before meetings. Sign free petition to city council to reverse their ban.
6. Friday 20 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Planned Parenthood Director Gets Saved~ Quits Abortion Business
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for the sudden conversion of Abbey Johnson~ a Planned Parenthood Director for eight years~ who quit her job after seeing a preborn baby killed on an ultrasound machine~ and came to faith and trust in Jesus Christ. God thank You for hearing the prayers of the ministry 40 Days for Life~ who prayed and fasted for employees and patients who kill children at Planned Parenthood. From Luke 15:7 we thank You for the rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 20 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP112009Fri.mp3)
7. Saturday 21 Nov 09 One-Minute Prayer:
Maine Counselor’s career threatened for supporting marriage
Let us pray. Almighty God~ we pray Your blessings from Deuteronomy 28 upon Christian licensed social worker Donald Mendell in Maine~ who has been targeted with an ethics complaint by Ann Sullivan~ a pro-homosexual counselor who called for an investigation because Mendell appeared in a television ad supporting traditional marriage. Meanwhile~ Sullivan’s bosses wife~ Sherri Gould appeared in the opposition campaign without any complaints being filed against her. Lord~ stand with your servant Donald Mendell and show the evildoers Your power~ as you remove the power of their evil~ in Jesus Name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 21 Nov 09. Download MP3: (ChapsEP112109Sat.mp3)
Sign our PETITION TO PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE & SENATE and WE WILL FAX automatically to all 235 members~ to allow Jesus prayers!