May Day! Americans call upon God to forgive nation
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Chelsea Schilling — World Net Daily
Christian and Jewish leaders are inviting Americans to join them at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to pray and repent for how the nation has turned from God.
“May Day: a Cry to God for Our Nation in Distress” will take place May 1 from sunrise to 2 p.m. at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
“Our nation faces what is perhaps the most serious moral crisis since the civil war as we’ve turned our backs on God and have clearly displeased him,” Dr. James Dobson said in an invitation to Americans to attend the event. “May Day 2010 is a time to come together and proclaim what God has done in the past, to pray for forgiveness and to plead for God’s mercy on all of us.”
They will gather for one purpose: repentance.
The group will repent for how the nation has turned from God in every area of influence: 1) business 2) government, 3) media, 4) arts and entertainment, 5) education, 6) the family and 7) religion and invite God back into each area of Americans’ lives.
Dobson is part of a 36-member committee organizing the event. Other committee members include Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, WND columnist and Faith2Action President Janet Porter, WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi, Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, Don VanCurler of Coral Ridge Ministries, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, Dr. Rick Scraborough of Vision America, Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, Dr. Jerry Newcombe of Coral Ridge Hour, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt and others.
In her recent WND column, Porter explained that she believes the nation is under a curse for disobeying God.
“Don’t think we’re under a curse?” she asked. “Spend a minute looking at one of the U.S. debt clocks. Here’s just one,, which puts our national debt at $12 trillion and counting and our nation’s total debt at more than $54 trillion.”
She continued, “Don’t think we’re under a curse? We are just finding out what’s in that debt-raising ‘first stimulus’ bill, while Obama has announced that he’s going to try and ram through another along with the most lethal legislation this nation has ever seen: government health-care rationing – with taxpayer-funded killing of the elderly, disabled and those soon to be born.”
However, she said the good news is there’s a way to break that curse.
“The checklist has been provided in 2 Chronicles 7:14: 1) humble ourselves, 2) pray, 3) seek God’s face, and 4) repent and turn from our wicked ways,” she wrote. “That’s exactly what we are going to do two months from now on May 1.”
She said the committee plans to have all 50 states represented at the event, and she urged Americans to get their churches involved. Likewise, Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said he wants citizens to gather and join him in a show of solidarity at the Lincoln Memorial.
“America stands at a critical crossroad,” he said. “We have the opportunity to carry on the vision of the founders, or we can choose to allow radical political leaders to dismantle our liberty one policy at a time. I am hopeful that history will proclaim that when the battle raged on our watch, we stood firm and we carried the torch of freedom with courage. It is time to pray and act.”