Anti-Christian Complainer Attacks Franklin Graham and National Day of Prayer
Tuesday, April 21, 2010
Christian Newswire
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 21 /Christian Newswire/ — The anti-Christian complainer once described by a Pentagon spokesman as “a rabid anti-evangelical” Mikey Weinstein has publicly attacked Franklin Graham, leader of The Samaritan’s Purse and son of legendary evangelist Billy Graham. AP and the New York Times report Weinstein now demands the Pentagon chaplain must disinvite Graham to pray with our troops on the National Day of Prayer (NDOP), because Graham is Christian.
“We are at war with a sub-set of evangelical Christianity…how many? Roughly 12.6% of the American public or 38 million people,” admitted Mikey Weinstein, who has repeatedly sued the military (and lost in court) to demand punishment of any troops who talk openly about their faith in Jesus Christ.
Weinstein now accuses Franklin Graham of daring to endorse Christianity, and daring to criticize violent Islamic terrorists. “Given the heinously hurtful, bigoted, and very public continual statements of Mr. Graham against [Islamic terrorists], and his position as honorary chairman of the [National Day of Prayer Task Force, Mikey] hereby demands that the Pentagon Chaplains Office immediately rescind its invitation to Mr. Graham,” ordered Mr. Weinstein in a letter to Defense Secretary Gates.
In 2008, Weinstein “demanded the court-martial” of the Army Chief of Chaplains because the two-star General issued a public proclamation inviting military chaplains of all diverse faiths to pray for our troops.
In 2009, Weinstein also “demanded the court-martial” of an Army Chaplain in Afghanistan for “proselytizing” because the Chaplain quoted Jesus’ words in a sermon during an optionally-attended church service. The Pentagon later seized and burned the privately owned Bibles of American troops attending that service, to Weinstein’s great delight.
Also in 2009, Weinstein revealed his anti-Semitic tendencies by filing lawsuit against Chaplain Klingenschmitt for praying a Jewish prayer to God and for quoting the Hebrew Psalm 109 (verbatim) in that same prayer to God, which allegedly caused Weinstein to “suffer severe emotional distress.” Weinstein also criticized Orthodox Jews and Dennis Prager for supporting Israel, and Reform Jews and Abe Foxman for having “no spine…no balls,” and threatened “I would like to beat the **** out of [Klingenschmitt] in a boxing ring or in an alley behind a Safeway.”
Chaplain Klingenschmitt invites people who support Franklin Graham and NDOP to sign a FREE petition at asking President Obama to reinstate White House observance of NDOP which Congress enacted in 1952 but Obama did not publicly celebrate in 2009, replacing NDOP with public banquets for homosexuals and Muslim Ramadan prayers. Last week a Federal Judge in Wisconsin ruled Congress somehow violated the First Amendment in 1952, by encouraging people to exercise their First Amendment rights, to assemble and pray.
“Thousands will gather to pray at the Lincoln Memorial in DC on May 1st for the prayer rally, endorsed by James Dobson, Dutch Sheets, Tim Wildmon, Cindy Jacobs, Janet Porter, Mat Staver, Rick Scarborough, and myself, and I personally invite the anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein to come pray with us, and give his life to Jesus Christ,” said Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who may be contacted for interviews at 719-360-5132 cell or