Franklin Graham Disinvited By Pentagon Due To Efforts Of Anti-Christian Hate Monger, Mikey Weinstein
April 23, 2010
John G. Winder — The Cypress Times
Petition available for signature, will be sent to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates urging Graham be reinstated.
Pentagon officials invited Christian evangelist Franklin Graham, leader of “The Samaritan’s Purse” and son of Billy Graham, to pray with our troops on the National Day of Prayer. Following complaints, the Pentagon disinvited Graham from the event. The change of heart by Pentagon officials was prompted primarily by Mikey Weinstein.
The official reason for disinviting Graham was because Graham has described Islam as “evil” and “wicked”.
The Stars and Stripes reports that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation had been prepared to seek a temporary restraining order against National Prayer Day if it were “polluted by someone as hideously Islamophobic as Franklin Graham.” said Mikey Weinstein, leader of the organization.
A Pentagon spokesman once described Mikey Weinstein as a “rabid anti-evangelical”. Weinstein has said of his group’s purpose, “We are at war with a sub-set of evangelical Christianity…how many? Roughly 12.6% of the American public or 38 million people.”
Weinestein has repeatedly sued the U.S. Military demanding punishment of any troops who openly discuss their faith in Jesus Christ. Mr. Weinstein has lost those cases in court.
In a breaking news expose, The Pray In Jesus Name Project has published 27 violent, profanity-laced, and bigoted anti-Christian comments made by Mr. Weinstein himself, who was reportedly paid with our tax-dollars to defame Christianity to our troops, and according to The Pray In Jesus Name Project “should be disinvited far more quickly than Franklin Graham.”
Due to the profane nature of many of Mr. Weinstein’s statements we won’t publish all of them here, but below are a few we can publish:
“Our Pentagon has been turned into a Pentacostalgon, and our department of defense has been turned into an imperious, vicioustic, contagion of unconstitutional triumphalism by people that want to kill us, or have their version of Jesus kill us, if we don’t accept their Biblical worldview.” – Weinstein
“General Petraeus has, by his own hand, become a quintessential poster child of this fundamentalist Christian religious predation, via his unadulterated and shocking public endorsement of a book touting both Christian supremacy and exceptionalism,” Weinstein told Aug. 16.
And by endorsing a book that argues only those who believe in God can fully contribute to the military mission or unit, Weinstein contends that Petraeus insults “”the integrity, character and veracity of approximately 21 percent of our armed forces members who choose not to follow any particular religious faith.”
“[Petraeus] should still be relieved of duty and court martialed,” [Weinstein] said.
“Either you stay quiet and let the evangelical chaplains shape a generation of the most powerful instrument of death the world has ever known into an army for Jesus, or you speak up. I couldn’t stay quiet”… today we face a new danger; the rise of the “fundamentalist Christian, parachurch, military corporate proselytizing complex.” – Weinstein
“We are a weapon. We’re a militant organization. Our job is to kick ass, take names, lay down a withering field of fire, and leave sucking chest wounds on this unconstitutional heart of darkness, if you will, this imperious fascistic contagion of unconstitutional triumphalism.” – Weinstein
Standing in opposition to Weinstein and his organization is the leader of The Pray In Jesus Name Project, U.S. Navy Chaplain Captain Gordon Klingenschmitt of whom Mr. Weinstein has said,“I would like to beat the s–t out of him in a boxing ring or in an alley behind a Safeway.”
Chaplain Klingenschmitt has now organized a petition which will go to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates requesting to re-invite Franklin Graham to pray with our troops at the National Day of Prayer, and stop paying the violent, profanity laced, and bigotted anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein who blasphemes Christianity to our troops.
“Never did Franklin Graham threaten profanity-laced violence or declare war against 38 million Americans because of their faith, like Mr. Weinstein has,” said Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who is launching a FREE national petition drive to SECDEF Robert Gates, to re-invite Franklin Graham and disinvite Mikey Weinstein.
“Thousands will gather to pray at the Lincoln Memorial in DC on May 1st for the prayer rally, endorsed by James Dobson, Dutch Sheets, Tim Wildmon, Cindy Jacobs, Janet Porter, Mat Staver, Rick Scarborough, and myself, and I personally invite the anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein to come pray with us, and give his life to Jesus Christ,” said Chaplain Klingenschmitt.