The Pray In Jesus Name Project has contracted with part of a team of private investigative journalists to research Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan~ and that team has now released a breaking news report about how Kagan’s administration forced Blue-Cross~ Blue-Shield to pay for sex-change operations as a benefit for students as Dean of Harvard Law. The breaking news report by Amy Contrada and Peter LaBarbera~ just published this morning at contains links to 2006 and 2008 articles from the Harvard Crimson newspaper. The Harvard Crimson reports prove Elena Kagan teamed up with the Lambda "Trans-gender Task Force" as Harvard Law Dean overseeing the administrative team that forced Blue-Cross~ Blue-Shield to provide sex-change operations as a paid benefit~ including breast enhancement or breast-removal (but not yet genital mutilation) for students or faculty who suffer from "gender identity disorder." The partial sex-change operations must be fully covered by insurance premiums~ as Kagan’s administrators demanded they be funded as an "equal right." "Prior to the modification~ Harvard subscribed to a standard plan from Blue Cross that specifically excluded ‘services and supplies that are related to sex change surgery or to the reversal of a sex change~’" reported the Harvard Crimson. But after Kagan’s involvement~ "the new policy states that ‘gender reassignment surgery is one treatment option for Gender Identity Disorder~ a condition in which a person feels a strong and persistent identification with the opposite gender accompanied by a strong sense of discomfort with their own gender.’…’Putting the insurance policy in line with Harvard’s goals of equity and inclusion goes along with the non-discrimination statement~’ says Eva B. Rosenberg […]~ chair of Harvard Transgender Task Force. This raises a question that must be asked by Senators: "Does Elena Kagan believe Obamacare is a Constitutional right~ and does that include sex-change operations?"
–"Bathrooms~ locker rooms~ or dorms can be chosen according to one’s self-proclaimed ‘gender identity.’ Harvard College housing (now ‘gender neutral’) allows students to declare themselves ‘transgender’ or ‘other’ instead of male or female~" (thanks partly to Kagan’s pro-transgender leadership) the report reads. –"Cross-dressing must be allowed without comment or reaction~" the report reads. Kagan’s administration pressured censorship of critical opinion. "A lot of people don’t realize that using a bathroom or checking off gender on a form can be stressful to gender nonconforming people~" Rosenberg told the Harvard Crimson in 2008. "Some of the discrimination that goes on is just unconscious or routine~" lamented trans-genders at Harvard. IN OTHER WORDS~ NORMAL PEOPLE DISCRIMINATE BY DEMANDING MEN USE THE MEN’S ROOM. But Kagan supported Lambda’s efforts to make such "discrimination" illegal~ as proven below… PLEASE SELECT HERE~ SIGN PETITION~ AND WE’LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS~ OPPOSING ELENA KAGAN LIBERAL EXTREMIST JUDGE TO THE SUPREME COURT The September 2008 Harvard Crimson reported Lambda had "begun conversations with the law school administration [i.e.~ Elena Kagan] to make our restrooms safe and accessible for people regardless of their gender identity or expression. Kagan spoke several times at pro-homosexual banquets~ and personally said ‘I am committed to working with Lambda and others . . . on making progress for the elimination of discriminatory policies" not only in the military~ but now apparently by any business that labels "Men" or "Women" on the ladies restroom (that’s illegal discrimination?)~ and Blue-Cross~ Blue-Shield~ who had previously excluded sex-change operations. (That’s illegal discrimination? Kagan believes yes~ it is.) Our alarming new report confirms how Elena Kagan will rule on laws like "E.N.D.A." which homosexual Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) is trying to push through Congress~ forcing all women and little girls nationwide to share public restrooms with cross-dressing men. "For students and employees who have a medical need for the procedures that are now covered~ it is an important increase in accessibility to surgeries that significantly improve one’s quality of life and often are necessary for ensuring safety~" wrote Sara Kimmel~ a psychologist at UHS. [In other words~ Kagan believes not having a sex-change is unsafe.] Recognizing sex-change operations as a medical need was another reason for Kagan to demand Blue-Cross Blue-Shield remove the exclusion. "Many transgender people experience discomfort and depression because of the incongruence between body and mind~ a sentiment that is becoming more widely accepted as constituting a medical need and a right to treatment~" reported the Harvard Crimson. &nb Let’s get this straight. Kagan believes the best way to help gender-confused students is to make others pay their doctors to mutilate their bodies~ so their bodies will match their confused minds. Sex-change operations are the new civil right~ according to Kagan. PLEASE SELECT HERE~ SIGN PETITION~ AND WE’LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS~ OPPOSING ELENA KAGAN LIBERAL EXTREMIST JUDGE TO THE SUPREME COURT In October 2003~ Kagan appeared at a two-day conference held by Lambda~ the Lesbian student group at the Law School. The Harvard Law Record reported: "much of what Kagan said was a recital of her personal abhorrence for the military discriminatory policy [Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell]. She said~ ‘I am committed to working with Lambda and others . . . on making progress for the elimination of ‘ discriminatory policies in the military." In September 2008~ Kagan was a major participant at the 25th reunion of the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus~ titled "A Celebration of LGBT Life at Harvard~" serving as moderator of a panel that included recent Obama appointee (and noted lesbian activist) Chai Feldblum. Besides the fact the White House now deceives the public claiming Kagan’s not Lesbian~ Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel explains why it matters: "Kagan’s ‘sexual orientation’ remains the pink elephant in the room: Can a sitting justice~ potentially engaged in the homosexual lifestyle~ be trusted to rule on cases that might well grant special preferred government status to some – including that very justice – while~ at the same time~ eliminating certain free-speech and religious-liberties rights enjoyed by others? (i.e.~ hate-crimes laws; the Employment Non-Discrimination Act; constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act; constitutionality of "don’t ask don’t tell~" etc.)…whether or not Elena Kagan self-identifies as a lesbian~ she has proven herself a radical anti-military~ pro-homosexual ideologue and activist. There’s little doubt that she would take this activism with her to the high court….it’s my hope that a few Republican U.S. senators might take the time to introduce you to a nice fellow by the name of Phil A. Buster." PLEASE SELECT HERE~ SIGN PETITION~ AND WE’LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS~ OPPOSING ELENA KAGAN LIBERAL EXTREMIST JUDGE TO THE SUPREME COURT In a breaking news interview by Politico~ Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s former college roommate spoke on her behalf~ to reveal that although Kagan (rarely) dated boys 30 years ago~ Kagan today still refuses to personally and publicly deny reports by four Harvard students in 2006-2007 that she is currently a practicing homosexual Lesbian. Google queries for "Elena Kagan husband" and "Elena Kagan personal life" ranked in the top 10~ showing we have created serious internet buzz that is forcing the Obama Administration to re-think their secrecy about Kagan’s sexual orientation. "The rumors that Kagan is gay~" her former college roommate Sarah Walzer said~ "were current before she became a public figure~ and a source of frustration to Kagan and her friends – who were frustrated by their persistence~ but worried that denying them could imply some anti-gay prejudice." What? Read that again~ slowly. In other words~ Kagan believes anyone who claims to be heterosexual is prejudice and anti-gay~ (including you and me)~ just by stating they are not gay~ so in order to not offend gays~ Kagan will not publicly or personally claim she is heterosexual~ nor refute the observations of Harvard Students who observed her with her female lover on campus. In fact~ Walzer here admits Kagan has intentionally rejected heterosexual labels for years~ remaining "in the closet" even today~ for fear of offending homosexuals. Instead of speaking for herself~ Kagan sends out a far-past roommate spokesman who only adds confusion to the mystery~ to paraphrase Kagan’s private admission to Walzer: "I reject heterosexual labels to avoid offending homosexuals." Is this the kind of crazy-thinking we need ruling on the Supreme Court? As far back as 2006 and 2007~ four different Harvard Law Students confirmed that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was Lesbian. Why now is the Obama Administration ashamed to admit her homosexual orientation? Why stay "in the closet" to the American public~ when Kagan is openly-gay among her friends? In January 2006~ The Harvard Law Review Epinions openly advertised Kagan’s Lesbian qualifications as a reason to attract new students: Harvard Student #1) "HLS has changed over the years~ and the newest~ high-energy dean is Elena Kagan~ a lesbian professor who has revitalized the community…I actually attended HLS. And I did so RECENTLY to boot~ not 10 years ago." In December 2007~ three more Harvard Law Students confirmed Elena Kagan is a Lesbian while writing on the Harvard Law School Admissions Discussion Board~ posting under the topic "Is Elena Kagan married?" Their comments all agree: Date: December 16th~ 2007 2:16 PM Harvard Student #2) Isn’t she known to be a lesbian? Date: December 16th~ 2007 3:10 PM Harvard Student #3) well she is in ma. Date: December 16th~ 2007 2:10 PM Harvard Student #4) pretty sure she’s with a female former partner of another leading legal academic. In my combative FoxNews Radio interview with Alan Colmes last month~ I read how confirmed our report~ saying "Kagan Gay Rumors Didn’t Start on the Right" and referencing pro-homosexual web-sites that claimed Kagan was Lesbian back in 2009~ including Queerty~ PinkNews~ and Gawker. They brag about her~ but why is the Obama Administration suddenly ashamed of Kagan’s sexual orientation? Why won’t the left wing media investigate? We must demand our Senators fully inquire~ and filibuster… The following seven Republicans sadly voted for Kagan in 2009 in the 61-31 vote to confirm her as Solicitor General. Please call each to say "oppose and filibuster Elena Kagan" right away. Let’s seize momentum! Kyl (R-AZ~ 202-224-4521)~ Hatch (R-UT~ 202-224-5251)~ Coburn (R-OK~ 202-224-5754)~ Lugar (R-IN~ 202-224-4814)~ Snowe (R-ME~ 202-224-5344)~ Collins (R-ME~ 202-224-2523)~ Gregg (R-NH~ 202-224-3324). Also please call new Senator Scott Brown (R-MA~ 202-224-4543) Don’t have time to call? Select here to sign petition and we will fax 100 Senators instantly~ saving you time. CBS News reported that President Obama’s new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will be the "first openly gay justice~" pleasing much of Obama’s liberal base. But after complaints by an anonymous White House staffer that parts of the report were not public~ the CBS reporter updated the post to say "I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted — odd~ because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles." The CBS report has now been pulled~ after The Washington Post repeated the CBS report~ and the White House denials~ but criticized CBS policy~ saying "most major news organizations have policies against ‘outing’ gays or reporting on the sex lives of public officials unless they are related to their public duties." The sudden media blackout on the ‘taboo topic’ is ironic~ since Kagan’s private sex life already has~ and will directly impact her public Supreme Court decisions. "Kagan’s boldest foray into public life was~ as dean of Harvard Law School~ throwing the military off campus over its ‘don’t ask~ don’t tell’ policy on gay soldiers. Kagan called the policy~ implemented by her former boss President Bill Clinton~ ‘a profound wrong — a moral injustice of the first order.’ She pursued the matter all the way to the Supreme Court~ where the justices unanimously slapped down her arguments~ forcing Harvard to allow the military to return…. "On the Defense of Marriage Act~ Kagan damned with faint praise — she defended the law~ but not without first saying the Obama administration opposed it~ thought it was discriminatory and hoped to overturn it. Pro-homosexual marriage lawyer Dale Carpenter wrote the move was a ‘gift to the gay-marriage movement’ because the administration was ‘helping knock out a leg from under the opposition to gay marriage.’… "Long ago~ Kagan wrote a memo while clerking for the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall that said religious organizations that provide care for teen pregnancies shouldn’t get federal funds because of a strict line separating church and state." Needless to say~ Kagan is a bomb-thrower~ who would rule as a pro-homosexual~ pro-abortion~ anti-Christian activist~ and she must be filibustered if nominated. PLEASE SELECT HERE~ SIGN PETITION~ AND WE’LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS~ OPPOSING ELENA KAGAN LIBERAL EXTREMIST JUDGE TO THE SUPREME COURT
x Bill Nelson~ D-FL 202-224-5274 y Judd Gregg~ R-NH 202-224-3324
x Kay Hagan~ D-NC 202-224-6342 y Richard Lugar~ R-IN 202-224-4814
x Mark Pryor~ D-AR 202-224-2353 y Olympia Snowe~ R-ME 202-224-5344
xz Blanche Lincoln~ D-AR 202-224-4843 y Susan Collins~ R-ME 202-224-2523
z Chris Dodd~ D-CT 202-224-2823 xy Kit Bond~ R-MO 202-224-5721
z Barbara Boxer~ D-CA 202-224-3553
z Kirsten Gillibrand~ D-NY 202-224-4451 z Michael Bennet~ D-CO 202-224-5852
z Roland Burris~ D-IL 202-224-2854 z Byron Dorgan~ D-ND 202-224-2551
(x = Lives in the South. y = Voted for Sebelius. z = Seat up for election in 2010.) |