Did Kagan “Queer” Harvard?
June 29, 2010
Stephanie Mencimer — MotherJones.com
As promised, virulently anti-gay activist Peter LaBabera, head of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, has released his shocking expose of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s efforts to “queer” the Harvard Law School campus. Among the damning evidence that Kagan is a radical champion of the homosexual agenda:
— Kagan started an LGBT clinic that handled domestic violence cases in same-sex relationships, among other things./strong>
— Kagan somehow got Harvard to change its health insurance to partially cover sex change operations.
— During Kagan’s tenure, there were conversations between students and faculty about letting transsexuals use the bathrooms of their choice (i.e. letting “she-males” in the ladies room.)
— And then there are the various faculty members Kagan hired to teach “queer theory,” and all the other speakers she brought to campus, including lesbian law scholar and EEOC member Chai Feldblum and gay rights pioneer Frank Kameny.
Gordon James Klingenschmitt, the former Navy chaplain turned anti-gay activist who teamed up on the report, thinks that the Obama administation is “deceiving” Americans into thinking that Kagan is not a lesbian. He says of the report, “This is further proof Elena Kagan cannot be trusted to impartially rule on Obamacare or bathroom bills like ENDA, since she believes sin is a Constitutional right, but rights come from God, who never grants the right to sin.”
Helpfully, the report includes a whole bunch of suggested questions the Judiciary Committee should ask Kagan about her involvement in all of this radical transgender and gay activism. So far, on Tuesday afternoon, none of the senators had yet asked the looming questions about whether Kagan thinks cross-dressers have a constitutional right to use the ladies’ room, but there’s still time. Sen. Tom Coburn hasn’t had a turn yet.