Seven Daily "National News Prayer Alerts" for the Week of 11-17 July 2010: |
Speaker of North Carolina State-House Bans Prayer "in Jesus Name" (Sign FREE Petition!) Speaker of the House Bans "Jesus" as an illegal word. I just spoke personally with my friend Pastor Ron Baity~ who confirmed a Fox News Report entitled "Pastor Yanked from Capitol Over ‘Jesus’ Prayer" which says the Pastor was relieved of his duties as an honorary chaplain of the state house after he closed a prayer by invoking the name of Jesus. "I got fired~" said Ron Baity~ pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. He had been invited to lead prayer for an entire week but his tenure was cut short when he refused to remove the name Jesus from his invocation. Select here to read the full report from Fox News-sign FREE PETITION! And everybody PLEASE TWEET these words on Facebook/Twitter:
The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
1. Sunday 11July 10 One Minute Prayer: ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 100 SENATORS! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators to oppose and filibuster pro-homosexual Elena Kagan to Supreme Court! 2. Monday 12 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Obama Changes NASA’s Mission to Reach Muslims Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You condemn President Obama’s actions when he asked NASA Administrator Charles Bolden change their mission and instead reach out to the Muslim world~ under the guise of making Muslims feel good about their contribution to math and science. We pray instead that any outreach would lead millions of Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ~ because 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that You desire none to perish but for all to come to repentance and faith in Jesus. God use Christians in NASA as ambassadors of faith in Christ~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 12 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071210Mon.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 435 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 435 Congressmen to protect our Chaplains’ right to pray "in Jesus name~" and stop burning Bibles. 3. Tuesday 13 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Presbyterians Vote To Ordain Homosexual Ministers Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray the people of the Presbyterian Church USA will overthrow its leaders who just voted 373 to 323 to ordain homosexual ministers who live in open and defiant sin with long-term partners of the same sex. We pray the regional bodies of PCUSA will reject their new language over the next year~ and enforce the Biblical abomination against sod omy in Leviticus 18:22~ You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female~ and 1 Tim 3:12 presbyters and deacons shall be the husband of one wife~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 13 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071310Tue.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 100 SENATORS! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators to oppose and filibuster pro-homosexual Elena Kagan to Supreme Court!
4. Wednesday 14 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Church of England Rejects Homosexual Bishop Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray for the Church of England and the global Anglican Communion~ who just rejected the promotion of a homosexual priest Jeffrey John who wanted to become a bishop~ since conservatives vowed to replace any Anglican leaders who approved such an abomination. God~ we now pray the man is entirely de-frocked~ since you declare in Ephesians 1:22 that You place all things under Christ’s feet and Jesus to be the head over everything for the church. Jesus rejected sin~ so we must also~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 14 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071410Wed.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Congressmen – Stop ENDA & keep men out of ladies bathrooms! 5. Thursday 15 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Obama v. Israel Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for Your promise in Genesis 12:3 that you will bless those who bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. God we thank you for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s patience with President Obama~ as Obama has disrespected him and Israel in the past months by calling for international investigations after Israel and Egypt defended the Gaza strip from terrorists. Lord~ please forgive America’s poor leadership~ and turn Obama’s photo-op this past week with Netanyahu into something that is genuinely good and truly supportive of Israel~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Thursday~ 15 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071510Thu.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX all 535 Congressmen to protect troops from open homosexual aggression; keep "Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell."
6. Friday 16 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Obama v. Arizona Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray for the people of Arizona~ including the family of rancher Robert Krenz who was killed recently by drug smugglers~ but the people are now being sued by the Obama Administration to stop state enforcement of their borders~ when Obama refuses to pay the AZ National Guard. God we love immigrants~ we only pray from Romans 13:1 that everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities~ because God has established such authority for everyone’s protection. And we pray God overthrows any national leader who hates the law~ the people~ and the Constitution~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 16 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071610Fri.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 50 STATE ATTORNEYS! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 50 State Attorneys General to join lawsuit to repeal Obamacare – defund Abortion! 7. Saturday 17 July 10 One-Minute Prayer: Plan to Pray Outside DC Planned Parenthood on 13-14 August **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 17 July 10. Download MP3: (ChapsEP071710Sat.mp3) DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX ALL 235 PENN. LEGISLATORS! Sign our PETITION TO PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE & SENATE and WE WILL FAX automatically to all 235 members~ to allow Jesus prayers!
Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt~ who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying ‘in Jesus name’ in uniform~ (but was later vindicated by Congress)~ are his own personal views~ not the views of any political party~ government~ or organization.