Chaplain Klingenschmitt discusses Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
November 10~ 2010
Bill Lumaye — Bill Lumaye Show
Radio Show (Listen to MP3 audio below): Gordon James Klingenschmitt~ former US Navy Chaplain. The new Commandant of The Marinie Corps~ 4-Star General James F. Amos~ surprised the Obama Adminstration this week by advising Senators to support Senator John McCain’s filibuster of the repeal of “Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell~” during the lame-duck session of the Senate.
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”01/21/2012: Iran: Pastor Refuses to Bow to Mohammed in exchange for Jail Release ” dl=”0″]
MP3 File
FAX Petiton 535 Congressmen to protect our troops from homosexual aggression