STOP OBAMA’S "DEATH TAX" FROM STEALING Stop Obama’s "Death Tax" from Stealing your Children’s Inheritance Just imagine if the government seized 55% of your assets tomorrow~ and forbid you to pass them along to your children by inheritance. That’s exactly what will become law on January 1st~ 2011~ when America will see its biggest tax hike in history! The Obama administration is bringing back the “death tax” at a rate of 55%. This is a zero to 55 % tax hike. Your family farm land? Seized and sold at auction to pay taxes. Your family business? Bankrupt and all employees fired~ the office furniture sold to pay taxes. Unless Congress acts~ the federal estate tax~ which was repealed last year~ will return in 2011 with a lower exemption and a higher tax rate than ever before. Even Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln admitted~ "In just two short months~ American taxpayers will face the largest tax hike in history unless Congress acts." 23 Conservative Senators led by Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are taking a stand with Senate Bill S. 3773~ the “Tax Hike Prevention Act of 2010~” a bill to permanently extend the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax relief provisions~ freezing the estate tax at 33% or lower~ and providing permanent relief to families. This bill was introduced in September of this year but liberal Senators have buried it in committee and refused this much needed tax relief for American families to move to a vote of the Senate. Let’s help the Conservatives pass US Senate Bill S. 3773 which will give the American People tax relief in FIVE different ways: Benjamin Franklin said over 200 years ago: "in this world nothing can be said to be certain~ except death and taxes." Unfortunately~ by combining these two inescapable events in the form of the estate tax~ liberals cause a number of destructive outcomes: slower economic growth~ reduced social mobility~ and wasted productive activity. Let’s say no! Sen. Harry Reid and Democratic Party have made it clear~ they hope to ignore the wishes of our historical landside victory in the midterm elections. We the people of these United States took back this great land and stood up to fire Nancy Pelosi~ and we sent her left socialist agenda packing. Pelosi and her gang of liberals "steal by taxation" gangsters over the last two years passed a bill to borrow and spend $787~000~000~000 for a FAILED "stimulus" package. Then they passed socialist "Obamacare" costing the American people $940~000~000~000 over the next ten years~ and RAISED TAXES on American businesses by $9~700~000~000 putting small business at a disadvantage. Obama spent $4 Trillion in deficit spending~ and now he wants to seize your assets to pay for his frivolity! Let’s say no. CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING INSTEAD. It’s clear the left has no attention of listening to the demands of the people~ so we must make them hear us. WE ARE NOT DONE FIRING THEM~ and the 2012 elections can’t come soon enough! Even though the American people have given the conservatives the largest landslide since 1948~ Senator Reid and President Obama are meeting right now to plan how to vote in the rest of their socialist government-takeover of YOUR family~ business~ and assets. This estate tax is on ALL assets EVEN property and residences. Suppose you pay off your mortgage. Your house will still be seized and your children forced to pay 55% of your home’s value when you die. THIS IS MADNESS! And Obama’s socialist politics of envy not only steal from hard-working Americans~ but also spiritually violates the poor by forcing them to violate TWO of God’s Ten Commandments: Let’s ask Congress to vote in favor of this Bill for these 11 reasons: | |
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P.S. Prefer to sponsor us by direct mail? Please mail postal donations to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project~ PO Box 77077~ Colorado Springs~ CO 80970. Please don’t wait. Our children’s inheritance depends on you. Please take action~ sign our petition today~ and we’ll automatically deliver your message! Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt~ who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform~ (but was later vindicated by Congress)~ are his own personal views~ not the views of any political party~ government~ or organization. |