Senate to vote Thursday on Road-side Strangler~ Anti-Marriage Judges The lame-duck Senate Judiciary committee has announced it will vote Thursday on the nominations of 12 liberal judges appointed by President Obama~ including the Road-side Strangler judge Robert N. Chatigny~ who seeks promotion to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals~ despite his history of arguing "sexual sadism" is not a crime~ but a disease. The worst Road-side Strangler Judge Robert Chatigny (pronounced Shot-nee) attempted to free the "Roadside Strangler" Michael Ross~ who had killed 7 victims~ showing empathy for the killer (but not the victims) because the killer suffered from the "disease" of sexual sadism. No kidding~ Chatigny wrote that sexual sadism was a "mitigating factor" warranting Ross be released from prison after raping and killing seven women. (Read Chatigny’s detailed ruling on Ross below.) Thank God~ Judge Chatigny was overruled and Ross was later executed. [Chaps comment: Jesus supported the death penalty in Matthew 15:3-4 and Mark 7:8-11.] But Judge Chatigny lived to continue his reign of insanity~ imposing sentences "well below the recommended minimum in a series of child-pornography and sexual-assault cases and even tried to invalidate Connecticut’s version of the Megan’s Law sex-offender registry~" according to The Wash. Times.
Read Judge Chatigny’s legal opinion about "The Roadside Strangler" who kill JUDGE CHATIGNY: "This is a man [Roadside Strangler Michael Ross] who~ before he went off to Cornell~ was as far as I know okay. He’s at Cornell~ he has this classmate~ this petite Asian girl who is sweet and he likes her and he winds up killing her because he has this affliction~ this terrible disease [sexual sadism]. And having gratified this awful~ uncontrollable~ impulse to sexually brutalize this person he liked and then kill her~ he realizes that he has done evil and he stands on the bridge and is going to kill himself before he does it again. But he doesn’t jump. And today~ he looks back at those days and he hates himself because he didn’t jump. He was a coward… "So for Michael Ross to be able to back out now~ forget it. The only way Michael Ross is going to get his life back is if somebody like you [defense lawyer]~ and maybe only you~ says~ ‘We realize you’re no longer in a position to change your mind.’ You’re like the guy standing on the bridge back at the gorge in Ithaca~ and you’re not going to make the same mistake~ the one you made back then because you went on and took seven innocent lives~ and you know that you are responsible. You know you had sexual sadism. You know that you became a monster because of it. And you have now found a way to end this. And there’s no turning back... "I suggest to you that Michael Ross may be the least culpable~ the least~ of the people on death row. Michael Ross~ by what I see in the record~ suffered from these intolerable obsessional bouts with sexual sadism~ which were not relieved until he began that regimen of chemical castration~ whereupon they were relieved. And then when it was taken away from him~ they came back. And it was only when he got the alternative regimen that he found relief again... "He explains that the only people in the system who showed him any kindness were two women. The only ones who didn’t treat him like a monster were these two women~ yet in the grip of this disease he would lie awake all night thinking about sexually brutalizing them and killing them. So is he a sick man? Boy~ oh~ boy... "So when he says~ I feel that I’m the victim of a miscarriage of justice because they didn’t treat it as a mitigating factor~ I can well understand where he’s coming from… "Going beyond that~ we have a guy who~ having gotten beyond the sexual sadism~ is nevertheless trapped in this environment at Northern [prison] where you have no human contact to speak of~ you’re locked up in a seven by twelve foot cell where you get to ruminate about all these things that you did~ you get to think about how the world hates you~ despises you."
–Judge Robert Chatigny about Roadside Strangler Michael Ross. Goodwin Liu is an extremely liberal professor from Berkeley~ who~ according to a top homosexual blog in San Diego~ "signed onto a friend-of-the court brief~ prepared by lesbian law scholar Kathleen Sullivan~ in the same-sex marriage lawsuit before the California Supreme Court in 2008. The brief argued that the California constitution’s guarantee of equal protection required same-sex couples have the same access to marriage licenses as straight couples." Liu told the Los Angeles Times~ "there is no question that [Proposition 8 traditional marriage] targets a historically vulnerable group and eliminates a very important right [to gay marriage.]" Liu predicted same-sex marriage will "become an unremarkable thread of our social fabric" and Christians who oppose it are a "narrow and ultimately temporary majority." Liberals praise Liu’s pro-abortion~ pro-environment~ and extreme pro-welfare views~ noting he finds welfare [i.e. Obamacare] a Constitutional right~ which even Justice Sonia Sotomayor rebuffed. Liu clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and served the Obama-Biden transition team~ and the ACLU-Northern California. Liu co-authored a book "Keeping Faith with the Constitution~" which praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 decision~ Lawrence v. Texas~ striking down sodomy laws. Liu wrote in his book: "In worrying that criminalization of private homosexual conduct invites public discrimination against homosexual persons… the Court understood that the lives and identities of gay people transcend what they do in their bedrooms to encompass who they are in civil society. Protecting gay people’s choices within the intimacy of their homes serves essentially as a safeguard of their dignity in a more public sphere." [Chaps comment: Liu is eternally wrong. Courts should never ‘protect’ sin~ which hurts all homosexuals eternally~ and costs their very souls. Judges should always reflect Divine Justice~ and prepare all men for God’s final Judgment. Thus Liu opposes God Himself.] WE MUST TAKE ACTION TODAY. So please sign our new fax-petition~ but then PLEASE MAKE 17 PHONE CALLS TODAY to each of the undecided Senate votes here~ asking to oppose and filibuster both Judge Liu (Loo) and Judge Chatigny (Shot-nee)~ because they both oppose traditional family values and pervert justice: x Bill Nelson~ D-FL 202-224-5274 y Judd Gregg~ R-NH 202-224-3324 x Kay Hagan~ D-NC 202-224-6342 y Richard Lugar~ R-IN 202-224-4814 x Mark Pryor~ D-AR 202-224-2353 y Olympia Snowe~ R-ME 202-224-5344 xz Blanche Lincoln~ D-AR 202-224-4843 y Susan Collins~ R-ME 202-224-2523 z Chris Dodd~ D-CT 202-224-2823 xy Kit Bond~ R-MO 202-224-5721 z Barbara Boxer~ D-CA 202-224-3553 z Kirsten Gillibrand~ D-NY 202-224-4451 z Michael Bennet~ D-CO 202-224-5852 z Mark Kirk~ R-IL 202-224-2854 z Byron Dorgan~ D-ND 202-224-2551 (x = Lives in the South. y = Voted for Sebelius. z = Seat up for election in 2010.) | |
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P.S. Time is urgent! The full Senate will vote on both Liu and Chatigny soon. Select and sign today~ & we will forward your name immediately. Please don’t wait another minute. Life~ Liberty~ and Morality are too important to be banned by two extremist judges |