PROTECT MILITARY CHAPLAINS RIGHTS. SIGN PETITION! UPDATED PETITION! Defend military Chaplains~ Christian troops from LGBT persecution. Please select~ sign~ and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress. We’ve already sent 94~000 fax petitions. Can you help us reach 100~000? The pro-homosexual newspaper Huffington Post reports: "Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain~ for one~ deserves credit for declaring~ "[The repeal] is settled at this point~" following the debate. [Cain~ pictured right~ has not to my knowledge made any public pledge to protect military chaplains or ban open homosexuality among our troops~ and now he apparently has endorsed open homosexuality in the military.] Cain is pro-homosexual. Here are some more quotes after a previous debate. Following the debate [not during the debate]~ no other candidate or campaign [besides Herman Cain] offered support for a reinstitution of the [DADT] law. "I would not seek it~" Herman Cain told The Huffington Post. "But I think it is a distraction at this point. Wherever the military is~ the day that I take office I’m not going to stir that pot because I think it is an unnecessary distraction. It is settled at this point. If the military comes to be and say that they want something different~ then I would listen. … If they had never repealed it I would have been fine with it. But I’m just saying~ I’m not going to allow myself to get distracted on the issue that the military shouldn’t even be getting distracted on." On a personal level~ Cain added: "I have no problem with [gays serving openly]. The first order of business should be to do their job. As long as they do their jobs I think people in the military will be fine with that. It is when it becomes a distraction and you have got to spend a lot of time creating special situations~ this is what I disagree with." In good news~ however~ "Most [other] GOP 2012 presidential candidates remain entrenched in their stance that DADT should be reinstated." Senator Rick Santorum stated that "while his administration would repeal the repeal~ gay and lesbian soldiers who come out before the new DADT went into effect would not receive pink slips." He previously blasted DADT repeal as "social experimentation." [Chaps comment: They should receive pink slips~ and President Obama is to blame.] Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has repeatedly said in the past~ that if elected President she "would favor reinstating the ban on openly gay or lesbian people serving in the military~ a policy known as ‘don’t ask~ don’t tell~’" and ban open-homosexual service. Bachmann also led the charge for chaplains rights last year in Congress. Texas Governor Rick Perry supports restoring DADT~ but earned Huff Po’s "Kudos also to Texas Governor Rick Perry’s campaign for — belatedly — calling the heckling of an active member of the U.S. armed forces ‘very unfortunate.’" At a previous debate~ a conservative crowd booed the Obama Administration’s policy of repealing DADT and forcing open homosexual service on our troops~ when a homosexual serviceman came out on TV. Pro-homosexual candidate Mitt Romney’s weak~ catch-all stance is that "it was inappropriate for the Obama administration to dump the policy when the U.S. military was engaged in military action~" but he has never stated he would reverse the policy. Romney also enforced homosexual ‘marriage’ licenses in Massachusetts while governor. Pro-homosexual candidate Ron Paul is one of only a very few Republicans who voted for open-homosexual service~ insulting our troops and joining Nancy Pelosi’s San-Francisco Democrats to repeal DADT in December. Pro-homosexual President Obama dared Republicans to oppose homosexual sin~ for which he campaigns aggressively. "This is a contest of values~ that’s what’s at stake here~ this is a fundamental debate about who we are as a nation~" Obama said in his second pandering speech to the [Homosexual] Rights Campaign in DC. Where does your candidate stand? On this critical issue~ it looks like Santorum~ Bachmann~ and Perry are the only three remaining "conservative" candidates~ but more importantly~ the U.S. Congress needs to protect the First-Amendment rights of military chaplains~ as 2~000+ chaplains are resisting pressure to do ‘gay’ ‘weddings~’ read here. Let’s petition Congress to protect chaplains and reinstate DADT~ right now… Our friends at the American Family Association report: "A retired Army chaplain is concerned that the Pentagon has given the go-ahead for military chaplains to perform same-sex unions on military installations… "The Pentagon’s personnel chief recently announced that military chaplains may now perform homosexual ‘wedding’ ceremonies whether on or off a military installation…the move violat[es] the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act~ which defines marriage as an institution between one man and one woman. "Colonel Ron Crews (USA-Ret.) served as a chaplain for 28 years~ including stints with the storied 82nd and 101st Divisions. He now serves as a spokesman for the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. "I do not understand this administration’s lack of appreciation for law~" he says emphatically. "And [thanks to your faxes] Congress has already sent messages to the Department of Defense to remind them that federal installations are federal property and therefore subject to federal law." "Crews adds that he is not reassured by the stipulation that military chaplains can opt out of performing same-sex ceremonies should they conflict with their religious or personal beliefs. "[A chaplain who opts out] can be viewed as a non-team player — and that’s important in the military~" he explains. "… That can impact his efficiency reports~ which then would impact when he goes before promotion boards that could impact their potential careers." "Crews says he hopes this will stir Congress to insert a right of conscience act to protect chaplains and service members who have concerns about the consequences of the repeal of ‘don’t ask~ don’t tell.’" In other news~ 65 evangelical Navy Chaplains (many former Navy Chaplains) are suing the Navy for anti-Christian discrimination~ and how have found statistical evidence. Read the full story on the lawsuit (with Chaps pictured right–>) here. Bottom line: Military Chaplains and Christian troops now face homosexual harassment~ and will face anti-Christian discrimination if they don’t embrace sin openly. Let’s help. SELECT HERE to sign PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS~ TROOPS~ AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION~ and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly~ (saving you much time!) TAKE A STAND. President Obama’s Pentagon issued new regulations Friday~ forcing all military chaplains to facilitate (and allowing some to actually preside) homosexual wedding ceremonies in military chapels in all 50 states and overseas. The Wall Street Journal reports: "Military chaplains will…preside over same-sex marriages on military bases [in all 50 states]~ the Pentagon said Friday… "In a pair of memos~ top Pentagon officials said military chaplains can participate in private same-sex ceremonies on or off military instillations. The ceremonies must not be official Defense Department events and can’t be held in violation of local laws. "Jeh Johnson~ the Defense Department general counsel~ said in one memo Friday that the military must make its facilities available on a basis that is neutral toward sexual orientation." [In other words~ chaplains MUST open up their chapels to desecration.] "Private functions are not official activities of the Department of Defense~" he wrote. "Thus~ the act of making DoD facilities available for private functions~ including religious and other activities~ does not constitute an endorsement of the activities by DoD. "In another memo~ Clifford Stanley~ the undersecretary of defense for personnel~ said the ceremonies would be allowed on any military base~ except where local law explicitly prohibits such private ceremonies." [Note it’s not just in states that issue wedding licenses to homosexuals~ it is literally in all 50 states. A homosexual can get a "marriage" license from Massachusetts and have the ceremony on a Texas base.] In other words~ today Obama’s Pentagon violates the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act~ and effectively KICKS ALL base chapels off federal land~ putting ALL MILITARY CHAPELS under the state law of Massachusetts. Military chapels (both Catholic and Protestant) must now be opened to desecrecration by sod omite ceremonies~ and chaplains in all 50 states and overseas must open the chapel or face disciplinary action. Some chaplains will be allowed to "opt-out" of actually presiding over the wedding~ but even those will soon be labeled "discriminators" and passed over for promotion~ as "not a team player." Watch my breaking news TV interview about chaplains and gay weddings here. WE MUST DEMAND CONGRESS ENFORCE THE LAW~ and protect chaplains TODAY. SELECT HERE to sign PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS~ TROOPS~ AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION~ and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly~ (saving you much time!) TAKE A STAND. The Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta violates the law today~ by repealing "Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell" (DADT) without issuing any regulations about how Christian troops will be protected or treated~ which regulations were required by Congress PRIOR TO certification that our troops were "ready" to welcome homosexual sin. Panetta is now 60 days late providing those regulations~ and there is now doubt they will ever be published as required by the same law former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) forced on our troops last December. After receiving YOUR faxes~ Republican Congressmen Howard McKeon and Joe Wilson~ Chairmen of the House Armed Services Committee and Military Personnel Subcommittee~ demanded regulatory protection of Christian troops~ writing to Panetta that Congress "has still not received the necessary policies and regulations~" that tell commanders in the field HOW to implement repeal of DADT without harassment of chaplains or heterosexuals. Repeal should be delayed because "the Department is not ready to implement the repeal because all the policies and regulations necessary for the transition are not yet final." No reply. Stone silence from Obama’s Pentagon. No plan to protect Christian troops from homosexual harassment~ but Panetta violates the law and repeals DADT today anyhow. Elaine Donnelly wrote in today’s Washington times that Congress "called for a delay in implementation until the Pentagon provides written regulations that the repeal legislation requires. PowerPoint slides do not qualify." Chaplain Ron Crews told Focus on the Family: "The training that’s gone on has all been PowerPoint slides of various scenarios of what the post-DADT will look like in the military. But the military does not operate on that — it operates on written policies and regulation~ and we are still waiting to see those." "President Obama made a political promise to LGBT activists~ and Defense Department appointees have created a shaky house of cards that is about to collapse~" Donnelly wrote. "Congress has the right to review regulations defining the president’s ‘San Francisco military.’ Tactics used to pass and enforce the LGBT law should be made public~ and the next president and Congress should resolve to take our military back." But the good news is~ the next Congress and President will have power to restore DADT unilaterally~ by issuing Pentagon regulations that prohibit open homosexual service. Let’s demand they do~ especially by protecting chaplains and Christian troops right now… SELECT HERE to sign PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS~ TROOPS~ AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION~ and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly~ (saving you much time!) TAKE A STAND. It is not too late to stop the U.S. military from being homosexualized~ or at least protect chaplains and Christian troops~ when "Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell" is fully repealed on September 20th. Since the U.S. House of Representatives included 3 good amendments in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012~ we can still take action. The U.S. Senate is considering whether to keep or reject 3 good amendments that would protect Chrisitan chaplains and troops~ but make homosexual bloggers angry. According to LGBTQ nation: 1) "The first of the three amendments was sponsored by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) requires that — in addition to the certifications already required from the President~ the Secretary of Defense~ and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — all four military service chiefs also certify that implementation of the ‘Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell’ repeal would not impact combat readiness. [Chaps comment: This could postpone repeal indefinitely…] 2) "The second amendment~ from Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.)~ reaffirms that DOMA [the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act] still applies to Defense Department regulations and policies…" [DOMA defines federal marriage as only between one man and one woman.] 3) "The third amendment~ from Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.)~ prohibits the use of military facilities or personnel for marriage ceremonies between same-sex couples~ and also prohibits military chaplains or civilian Defense Department employees from officiating gay weddings." [Chaps comment: Chaplains and chapels won’t be forced to welcome sin.] Sadly~ the provision protecting a chaplains’ right to pray "in Jesus name" was not included this year~ as it was last year~ but it could still be added in the Senate~ so we must fight on! And with Harry Reid (D-NV) in charge of the Senate~ these provisions could be stripped out if we don’t demand the Senate keep the 3 good amendments listed above. WE MUST BURY THE U.S. SENATE IN FAX PAPER. Can you help? SELECT HERE to sign PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS~ TROOPS~ AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION~ and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly~ (saving you much time!) TAKE A STAND. Legal analysts interviewed by the New York Times admit the next President can legally restore "Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell" and ban open homosexual service by Executive Order~ even without Congressional approval. The Times reported yesterday: "If elected president~ Michele Bachmann said over the weekend~ she would favor reinstating the ban on openly gay or lesbian people serving in the military~ a policy known as ‘don’t ask~ don’t tell.’ Former Senator Rick Santorum has said similar things in the past. "Turns out that it wouldn’t be hard to do~ legal experts say. "That’s because the law repealing the ban that President Obama signed last December did not expressly order the Pentagon to allow openly gay or lesbian troops in the armed forces. Congress merely laid out a process under which the ban could be lifted… "Once that certification was made and sent to Congress~ the secretary of defense then had to prepare and issue new regulations allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. That is where the process is now: the regulations are being written and the ban will be lifted on Sept. 20. "But because Congress did not require the military to allow open service~ a new president could order his or her new secretary of defense to issue new regulations that effectively reinstate the ban~ said Aubrey Sarvis~ executive director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network~ which advocates for gay and lesbian troops." Even the homosexual lawyers agree~ that President Bachmann or Santorum has power to ban future homosexual service. You can read the full NY Times article here. We must demand all Republican Presidential Candidates (starting with Rick Perry) adopt the Bachmann-Santorum position~ and pledge to reinstate the ban on open homosexual service. Our troops overwhelmingly rejected open homosexual service in the Pentagon Poll~ as explained below. I JUST UPDATED OUR PETITION LANGUAGE to all 100 Senators~ who will consider the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act~ which contains 3 good amendments protecting our troops and chaplains against homosexual harassment. Let’s petition the Senate to keep the 3 good amendments when they pass that bill next month… Former Navy Chaplain Klingenschmitt was interviewed Tuesday by investigative reporter Mike Gooding of WVEC-13~ the ABC affiliate covering the world’s largest Naval Station Norfolk~ concerning the shocking new memo signed by Chief of Navy Chaplains RADM Mark L. Tidd~ a liberal Presbyterian who attempted to authorized homosexual weddings in Navy Chapels~ after pressure by lawyers with the Obama Administration. Watch the breaking news video here~ and don’t say I didn’t predict this over a year ago:
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P.S. Time is urgent! We must make a bold statement to the Senate before they vote to strip out these good pro-family amendments! Religious freedom for our troops is my #1 legislative priority this year 2011. Will you make it yours? Please sign our petition today! Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project~ PO Box 77077~ Colorado Springs~ CO 80970. |