Seven Daily "National News Prayer Alerts" for the Week of 30 Jan – 5 Feb 2011 |
Hawaii Senate Bans Public Prayer Sign FREE Petition and WE WILL FAX all 50 State Senators The State Senate of Hawaii has banned prayer by voice vote~ becoming the first of all 50 states to fully ban the traditional practice of allowing visiting pastors to pray before legislative meetings. Caving in to fears of an empty-threat lawsuit by atheist complainers at the ACLU~ the Senators not only forbid speech by pastors who pray "in Jesus name~" but also forbid anybody of any religion to pray all all. (Can you say overkill?) Let’s take action. Please SIGN OUR FREE PEITITION and if enough people give an optional donation~ WE WILL FAX all your comments to all 50 State Senators in Hawaii. Then please forward this free link to everybody you know in Hawaii: The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
1. Sunday 30 Jan 11 One Minute Prayer: Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You reverse the ban on public prayers in the Hawaii legislature~ enacted by the Hawaii State Senate as the first state to ever take such a drastic measure~ after the ACLU bullied them by threatening a lawsuit. God Bless Republican Senator Sam Slom and Democrat Senator Will Espero who took a stand with 9 Senators who prayed anyway. We pray now the Churches will rise up and demand prayer be restored~ from John 5:23 – That all should honor the Son~ even as they honor the Father~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Sunday~ 30 Jan 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP013011Sun.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to DEFEND MILITARY CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS! 2. Monday 31 Jan 11 One-Minute Prayer: Virginia: Constitutional Amendment Would Protect Public Prayers Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ bless our friend Delegate Bill Carrico and 12 state legislators of the Virginia House~ who voted to pass a bill out of committee that makes it legal to pray at schools and other public buildings and events under a constitutional amendment. We pray for passage as it now moves to the full House and Senate~ and ask for complete victory for the right to pray in Jesus name without fear of retribution from God haters and atheist complainers. We declare from Proverbs 29:2~ when the righteous rule the people rejoice~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 31 Jan 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP013111Mon.mp3) ACTION ALERT! FAX CONGRESS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators – Stop the National Debt Now 3. Tuesday 1 Feb 11 One-Minute Prayer: Washington: Atheists trying to ban Jesus from City Council Prayers Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You give courage to the members of the Yakima City Council who are now being threatened by atheist complainers at the Freedom From Religion Foundation with a lawsuit if they continue to open meetings with prayers referencing Jesus Christ or God. Lord~ we pray for victory for religious freedom~ and defeat for atheists whom the bible calls “fools” in Psalm 14:1. When this case goes before a judge~ let him rule on the basis of the free exercise clause of the Constitution. Let righteousness prevail~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Tuesday~ 1 Feb 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP020111Tue.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to Repeal Obamacare – and defund Abortion!
4. Wednesday 2 Feb 11 One-Minute Prayer: California: High School Forbids Christian Words Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ bless the Alliance Defense Fund lawyers representing Lou Ann Hart and Sheryl Caronna~ who purchased memorial bricks in support of a Palm Desert High School fundraiser~ and requested to display scripture messages on the bricks~ like many others who purchased bricks were allowed inspirational messages. We now grieve that after buying the bricks~ they were denied placement on school property and refused a refund because school officials censored the scripture verses. Give them wisdom in court~ from Proverbs 22:23~ the Lord would take up their cause and give them victory. In Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Wednesday~ 2 Feb 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP020211Wed.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Congressmen – Stop ENDA & keep men out of ladies bathrooms! 5. Thursday 3 Feb 11 One-Minute Prayer:
Marriott Won’t Sell Adult Movies in New Hotels
Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ bless Omni Hotels who have never sold porn movies to their customers since 1999~ and bless Marriott hotels for deciding they will stop selling porn in their new hotels~ because they want to be a more family and child friendly hotel. God help them remove filth from all their old hotels too. We pray Your hand of blessing as they agreed with Job 31:1~ “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman.” Raise up more hotels with the same integrity~ in Jesus Name~ Amen. ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to DEFEND MILITARY CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS!
6. Friday 4 Feb 11 One-Minute Prayer: Boehner Abortion Bill Will Fund Abortions in the Case of Rape~ Incest Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You help us stop all government funding of abortion~ even in the cases of rape and incest~ unlike the new bill Speaker John Boehner recently introduced~ falsely calling it the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act~” which actually still funds abortion with our tax dollars in the rare cases of rape~ incest and the life of the mother. We declare from Deuteronomy 30:19 that all life is precious from conception~ so all people should choose life that our children may live. Give Congress wisdom to see the truth and vote for life. In Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 4 Feb 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP020411Fri.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to Repeal Obamacare – and defund Abortion! 7. Saturday 5 Feb 11 One-Minute Prayer: Military to Unveil Homosexual Indoctrination Plan Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You condemn the Pentagon’s new plan to force the resignations of Chaplains who cannot “reconcile” with homosexual sin under their new proposed homosexual indoctrination plan. The plan says twice~ “If a chaplain is unable to reconcile serving with or caring for gay and lesbian Service members with his or her faith~ the chaplain may request that the relevant endorsing agency withdraw its ecclesiastical endorsement for him or her. This would trigger an administrative separation under DoDI 1304.28." From Romans 1:28~ God gave some over to a reprobate mind. In Jesus Name~ Amen. **Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 5 Feb 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP020511Sat.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to DEFEND MILITARY CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS!
Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt~ who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying ‘in Jesus name’ in uniform~ (but was later vindicated by Congress)~ are his own personal views~ not the views of any political party~ government~ or organization.