STOP TAX-FUNDED ABORTIONS. SIGN PETITION! SIGN PRO-LIFE PETITION. Help Congress defund ALL child-killing abortions~ period. Select~ sign~ we will fax all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you much time!) We’ve already delivered 76~000 fax petitions~ can you help us reach 100~000? Focus on the Family VP Tom Minnery sent a warning shot across Herman Cain’s bow Wednesday~ rebuking him for advocating a pro-abortion~ pro-choice view of right to life. "Presidential candidate Herman Cain cast a cloud on his pro-life views during a television interview Wednesday night~" said Minnery. "Cain’s unclear statement about his pro-life position came during an interview with CNN host Piers Morgan. In that interview Cain said that he believed abortion was wrong in all circumstances~ and then Morgan asked him specifically about rape and incest abortions." Cain replied: [HERMAN CAIN:] "What it comes down to is~ it’s not the government’s role — or anybody else’s role — to make that decision. Secondly~ if you look at the statistical incidents~ you’re not talking about that big a number (of abortions due to rape). So what I’m saying is~ it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make. Not me as president. Not some politician. Not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide~ they decide. I shouldn’t try to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive decision." Cain was then asked whether he could have an opinion such as this without wanting it to become federal policy. He said~ [HERMAN CAIN:] "I can have an opinion on an issue without it being a directive on the nation. The government shouldn’t be trying to tell people everything to do~ especially when it comes to a social decision that they need to make." [MINNERY’S ANALYSIS:] "It will be important to all who believe human life is sacred for Cain to quickly clarify his statement~ so we know the extent of his pro-life views." Before you get offended~ read Herman Cain’s quote again~ slowly~ carefully~ above. I have not added any of my own opinion here~ I merely quoted Cain’s own words. You decide. Herman Cain is also pro-homosexual. Again~ don’t get offended~ just let me simply quote his words. After a recent debate~ the Huffington Post asked Cain if he would reinstate "Don’t Ask~ Don’t Tell" (DADT) and stop homosexualizing our military. [HERMAN CAIN:] "I would not seek it~" [reinstating DADT] he told The Huffington Post. "But I think it is a distraction at this point. Wherever the military is~ the day that I take office I’m not going to stir that pot because I think it is an unnecessary distraction. It is settled at this point. If the military comes to be and say that they want something different~ then I would listen. … If they had never repealed it I would have been fine with it. But I’m just saying~ I’m not going to allow myself to get distracted on the issue that the military shouldn’t even be getting distracted on." [HERMAN CAIN:] "I have no problem with it [gays serving openly]. The first order of business should be to do their job. As long as they do their jobs I think people in the military will be fine with that. It is when it becomes a distraction and you have got to spend a lot of time creating special situations~ this is what I disagree with." Cain is now openly pro-choice on abortion~ and openly pro-homosexual on the military. I have personally reached out to his campaign on these two issues~ with no reply. I call upon every Christian in America to confront Herman Cain~ demanding he oppose murder and sod omy. And let’s petition Congress to stop abortion funding with our tax-dollars… Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. Tax-funded abortions~ or No tax-funded abortions? Battling op-eds. Last week two battling opinion-editorial (op-ed) articles were written for and against tax-funded abortions. Charmaine Yoest is a pro-life leader with Americans United for Life wrote a Wall Street Journal article opposing tax-payer funded abortions~ and seeking to de-fund Planned Parenthood. And Lawrence J. Korb is a liberal pro-abort who works for the Center for American "Progress" who wrote in the L.A. Times~ advocating for tax-funded abortions on military bases. Which side do you support? Or more importantly~ on which side will your Senator vote? In May the House voted 251-175 to pass H.R. 3~ the mislabeled "No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act~" and that bill was placed on the Senate calendar for an upcoming vote. But President Obama threatened to veto~ demanding YOU pay liberals to kill innocent children~ if the Senate passes that House vote. "The Administration will strongly oppose legislation that unnecessarily restricts women’s reproductive freedoms [legalized child-killing] and consumers’ private insurance options [by not subsidizing private abortions with public tax money]~” the White House said in a statement. "If the President is presented with H.R. 3~ his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill." Meanwhile the Family Research Council’s PAC is running national radio ads that say: "For 35 years~ the Hyde Amendment has protected federal tax dollars from being used for abortion. Obamacare changed th The Senate will soon vote on H.R. 3~ the so-called "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act." This imperfect bill is misnamed~ because it still funds abortion in the rare cases of rape and incest~ but if it were fixed and passed~ it could defund all tax-paid abortions permanently. How will your Senator vote? Please call 202-225-3121 and ask them to FIX and then PASS the bill to stop funding all abortions with our tax-dollars~ period. Don’t have time to make 100 phone calls? Save time by signing our petition~ here… Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. National Right To Life reported the so-called "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" would permanently restore the recently abrogated 30-year old Hyde Amendment across all federal government functions~ and "replace this leaky patchwork [of loopholes for many tax-funded abortions] with a permanent~ government-wide prohibition on federal funding of abortion and federal subsidies for health plans that cover abortion [except in the cases of rape or incest]." Since we must never support abortion~ even in the case of rape and incest~ (to quote a friend~ never kill a child simply because her father is a criminal)~ we must continue to petition Congress to FIX and then PASS this legislation. First~ we must demand Congress FIX the bill by removing any loopholes for all abortions period~ and second we must PASS this ban on federal funding of abortion with our tax-dollars everywhere permanently. Why do your tax dollars pay for abortion? Because liberals confuse their so-called "right to kill their children" with an entitlement that Christians must pay the executioner’s bill. Can you imagine if we funded marijuana with tax subsidies too? (Oh~ wait~ they do in Seattle.) I’m sorry~ but your "right" to sin against God and neighbor A) is not a right~ and B) should never be funded by government theft from us unwilling complicitors. If we fail to act~ we are forced to aid and abet their murderous crime. Well over 90% of abortions kill children merely due to "incovenience" of a pregnancy to the mother and father. As President Obama sadly admitted~ if his own daughters someday welcome sex out of wedlock~ "if they make a mistake~ I don’t want them punished with a baby~" so Obama would support tax-funded abortions~ even of his own grandchildren. The bottom line: We may have only days to petition the Senate before their critical vote. Please call 202-224-3121 and demand all 100 Senators stop funding abortions by fixing and passing H.R. 3. Don’t have time to make 100 phone calls? We save you much time if you sign our petition… Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. The Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner (R-OH) did not stand firm to defund Planned Parenthood in February~ but he did stand firm on at least one pro-life amendment to defund abortion in DC. Along with a $38.5 Billion cut in spending~ Boehner held firm to demand part of that cut must include defunding abortion services for women in Washington D.C. According to the Washington Post and CBS News~ "The measure would also prohibit Washington~ D.C. from spending its own money to provide abortions for low-income women." We know Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms as they claim. We know they helped kill 324~008 innocent children last year~ while helping only 2~405 children find homes by adoption~ a whopping 96% of their services are abortion-related (see chart below). But make no mistake~ Speaker Boehner is under tremendous pressure from Democrats and is already being blamed by the liberal media~ when Harry Reid (D-NV) and his Democrats threatened to shut down the government~ unless we pay for abortions. Let’s encourage Speaker Boehner to take a stand on H.R. 3~ by sending another round of faxes to all 535 Congressmen and Senators… Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. HARRY REID: PAY FOR ABORTIONS OR I’LL SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT Marjorie Dannenfelser~ president of the Susan B. Anthony List~ criticized Reid’s demands: "Senator Reid is wrong. Planned Parenthood is an abortion-centered organization and America’s largest. It performs more than 300~000 abortions a year~ which constitutes at least 37 percent of its revenue~ by conservative estimates…. Planned Parenthood must be defunded and it must be defunded now." Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. The House continues to debate three important abortion bills~ that would strip federal tax-payer funding of most abortions. The three new bills are labeled H.R. 3 "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" [NTFAA]~ the H.R. 358 "Protect Life Act" and the H.R. 217 "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act." Although it’s great to see pro-life Congressmen trying to stop abortion funding~ but there’s only one problem. These bills still allow tax-payer funding of abortions in the rare cases of rape or incest. Why should we be forced by the IRS to pay a murderous abortion "doctor" to kill an innocent child~ just because the baby’s father was a criminal? We should not. The baby deserves to live~ even if conceived by rape or incest. Punish the criminal~ don’t kill the innocent victim. Christian Coalition writes these 3 new bills would: Their analysis is mostly correct. Subsidized abortions would cease~ except it would still be funded in the rare cases of rape and incest~ which we must also oppose~ by calling 202-224-3121 for your Congressman and both Senators today. But until the U.S. Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade~ liberals will argue abortion is a "legal right." Yet even if the government could try to over-rule God to make child-murder a legal right~ must it also be a tax-payer funded entitlement? Of course not. Liberals often confuse legal rights with funded entitlements. As pro-death Senator Barbara Boxer confused this week~ the new bill H.R. to defund most abortion subsidies "punishes women and businesses with a tax hike if they wish to keep or buy insurance that covers a full range of reproductive health care." No Senator~ it merely requires they pay for abortions with their own private money~ not with mine. By refusing them our tax-dollar subsidies~ and making them pay their own money to kill their own children~ she calls it a tax hike? Give me a break. We’re not stupid. Let’s take a stand. Please select~ sign~ and we will fax your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you time!) to DEFUND ALL ABORTIONS~ AND SAVE ALL UNBORN CHILDREN~ including those born as victims of rape or incest. Let’s take a stand for unborn children. Or maybe we are stupid. For 2 years the Church has been largely silent while the Obama-Boxer-Pelosi coalition raised government spending for Planned Parenthood~ just like the Bush-led government did for 8 years before. Now Speaker Boehner’s NTFAA bill attempts to change direction~ by making the 1976 Hyde Amendment permanent and banning most federal funding for abortion-providers like Planned Parenthood. Without this ban~ you can see in the <–chart how "coincidentally" abortions increase when their funding increases~ and how YOU PAID FOR 363~000 abortions last year by funding Planned Parenthood (of which over 90% were elective~ not rape or incest abortions). Can anybody guess what would happen if their tax-dollars were denied? No doubt the number of abortions would go decrease~ and tens of thousands of babies (but not all babies) would be saved. And herein lies the dilemma faced by the pro-life community. Should we pass bills that save a few~ perhaps even most babies while "legalizing" killing the children of rape or incest? Some say yes~ some say no. I say we follow a sequence: 1) petition Congress to first remove the murderous "exceptions" in these so-called pro-life bills~ then 2) ban all federal funding of abortion~ | |
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P.S. Thank you for petitioning to save unborn children. Your reward will be seen on their faces when you meet them in heaven. If we speak our peace~ their blood is not on our hands. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project~ PO Box 77077~ Colorado Springs~ CO 80970. |