DEFEND ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM FROM TERRORISM. SIGN PETITION! HOT PETITION! Sign to support PRO-ISRAEL H.Res. 297 and 271 which defends Israel’s right to defend her borders~ and rejecting President Obama’s call for a return to the indefensible 1967 borders. We will auto-fax 535 Congressmen/Senators. We’ve already delivered 303~000 petitions for Israel. Can you help us reach 350~000? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has begun lobbying members of the U.S. Congress to violate existing U.S. law and send more of your tax-dollars to fund Palestinians~ [who harbor terrorists and plan to seize Jerusalem~] according to Reuters news service. "Though their application for full U.N. membership [may or may not] fail due to U.S. opposition~ the Palestinians can still secure full membership of some international agencies~ even with their current U.N. status as an ‘observer entity.’ "These include UNESCO~ the World Health Organization (WHO)~ the international police agency Interpol and the International Telecommunications Union. U.S. pressure has in the past [in the Bush Administration~ apparently not the Obama Admin.] played a major role in dissuading the Palestinians from applying for full membership of such agencies. "But their application for full UNESCO membership~ like their bid to become a full member state of the United Nations~ has signaled a new Palestinian readiness to ignore U.S. objections… "Acceptance of the Palestinian application for UNESCO membership would trigger an automatic cutoff in U.S. funding for the agency under U.S. law. "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said this week she had made the case to U.S. lawmakers that the U.S. government should have the flexibility to decide whether or not to deny funding to such agencies if they admit the Palestinians… Palestinian rep to the U.N. Omar "Awadallah said the Palestinians had been advised by their friends to back out of the UNESCO application until they had secured full U.N. membership~" [but apparently they disregarded even their friends advice.] [Chaps comment: Palestinians were warned repeatedly~ by 55 Republican Congressmen and 29 Democrats who visited Israel this summer~ that U.S. law mandates cutting off Palestinian funding if they violate their 1993 Oslo Peace Accords~ by seeking independent statehood and UNESCO membership to seize Jerusalem without Israel’s permission. They ignored U.S. law and they broke their word anyway. Now U.S. law FORBIDS funding Palestinian oath-breakers~ partly due to their open sponsorship of Hamas terrorism.] And Hillary Clinton is lobbying Congress to send your tax-dollars to fund Hamas and help Palestinians seize Jerusalem anyway~ even in violation of existing U.S. law? I think it’s time we lobby Congress NOT to listen to Hillary Clinton. Let’s fax them now. SELECT HERE TO SIGN URGENT PETITION DEFENDING ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO PROTECT HER OWN BORDERS~ NOT DIVIDE HER GOD-GIVEN LAND~ AND REJECT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CALL FOR RETURN TO 1967 BORDERS. (WE WILL AUTO-FAX YOUR PETITION TO 535 U.S. CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS!) In breaking news at 2am EST today~ the Palestinian Foreign Minister claimed he has all 9 votes needed (out of 15) for a majority+1 in the UN Security Council to seize Jerusalem. In an interview with the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency~ Palestinian Authority negoiator Nabil Shaath said the countries that support the statehood bid (returning Jerusalem to pre-1967 Muslim control) are Gabon~ Bosnia-Herzegovina~ Brazil~ India~ Lebanon~ Nigeria~ South Africa~ China and Russia. Shaath also reiterated the PA will not return to negotiations with Israel unless construction in Judea and Samaria stops. A smaller agency of the UN called UNESCO (UN Educational~ Scientific~ Cultural Org.) has already voted to recognize Palestine as an independent nation~ without authority from the UN Security Council. Now~ if the Obama Administration fails to veto~ Jerusalem will fall into Muslim hands~ apart from a miracle from God~ who alone can overrule whomever He wants~ so we must pray. Meanwhile the Israeli government presented to the UN four legal reasons why Palestine cannot govern themselves as an independent state under international law: Their "five-page paper states that under the accepted principles of international law going back to the Montevideo Convention of 1933~ there are four prerequisites for statehood: a permanent popul But here’s the good news: After your faxing~ the U.S. Congress is moving to hold back funding for Hamas terrorists who operate within the Palestinian government~ full story here. BECAUSE OF YOUR FAXES TO CONGRESS~ 57 Congressmen held a press-conference~ proposing legislation to de-fund the UN if they seize Jerusalem or promote Palestinian independence without negotiations from Israel. The Miami Herald reports Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL–>) proposed to cut funding to the United Nations. As Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs~ she submitted legislation that would~ among other things~ make funding to the U.N. voluntary and block U.S. funding to any U.N. agency that elevates Palestine’s status in the international body~ without negotiating their land-grab with Israel. Sadly~ the Obama administration denounced such support for Israel~ saying "it would undermine Obama’s U.S. foreign policy~" [which apparently is to let the UN vote to seize Jerusalem without any consequence.] The UN "could vote this week to make Disneyland a state — it wouldn’t have any more impact outside of the hall for Palestine or Disneyland~" Bolton said. "The General Assembly does not have authority to make these decisions — this is purely theatrical and people ought to treat it that way." Asked about the threat of violence~ Bolton agreed with what I’ve said for months: Do you agree~ and should Congress de-fund the UN if they seize Jerusalem from Israel? Let’s tell all 535 Congressman and Senators to get behind our 57 friends for Israel. Sadly President Obama’s pro-Muslim Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta criticized the move on Monday~ saying: "This is a critical time. This is no time to withhold those funds." Apparently Secretary Panetta (pictured right–>) does not know U.S. law already forbids our tax-dollars from funding the Palestinians now that they have abrogated the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords~ by going solo to the UN and demanding independence illegally. As a reminder~ Mr. Panetta~ last month 407 Congressmen (to 6) voted for H.Res 268 to remind us WHAT U.S. LAW ALREADY CURRENTLY SAYS: "Resolved: That the House of Representatives…reaffirms the United States statutory requirement precluding assistance to a Palestinian Authority that includes Hamas unless that Authority and all its ministers publicly accept Israel’s right to exist and all prior agreements and understandings with the United States and Israel." Hamas is forbidden by law from receiving U.S. tax dollars~ but what’s this I hear? "Every single Palestinian Authority terrorist held in an Israeli jail receives a monthly salary from the Palestinian Authority~" paid with American tax-dollars~ reports read article here. "Terrorists who committed the most heinous crimes – and therefore received longer sentences – receive the most money~ according to a report in Israeli paper Yisrael Hayom." "Prisoners who were jailed for periods of up to five years receive 1~400 to 2~000 NIS per month. However~ terrorists serving 10 to 15 years receive 6~000 shekels~ the ones serving 15 to 20 years receive 10~000 shekels~ and those serving 20 to 30 years get 12~000 shekels. These are people who planned~ directed and took part in the intentional sadistic slaughter of civilian men~ women and children~ at point blank range. SELECT HERE TO SIGN URGENT PETITION DEFENDING ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO PROTECT HER OWN BORDERS~ NOT DIVIDE HER GOD-GIVEN LAND~ AND REJECT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CALL FOR RETURN TO 1967 BORDERS. (WE WILL AUTO-FAX YOUR PETITION TO 535 U.S. CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS!) "My hope is that this will help buck up Israel~" Walsh said. "We’re not going to get peace until the other side realizes that they’re dealing with strength~ that Israel and the U.S. are not going to back down." —President Obama blamed Israel for the coming Muslim violence in Palestine after the vote~ saying Israel would ‘hurt itself’ if it withdraws resources that in any way harmed the PA’s self-policing efforts. [Are you kidding? So if Israel doesn’t fork over money~ the Muslims won’t be able to control their own violence~ so it’s Israel’s fault? Only the pro-Muslim Obama could spin that crazy logic.] —127 nations~ including Russia and China~ are now ready to vote to divide Jersualem and recognize Palestine independent state inside Israeli territory without Israeli permission. Only America and some European nations are undecided. –Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Wednesday there will be "harsh and grave consequences" if the Palestinians persist with their plan to seek UN membership as a state. He says Palestinians are planning an "unprecedented bloodbath" after the UN move~ and PM Netanyahu is meeting with Defense Minister Ehud Barak to prepare for war. A top Israeli Army officer predicted "all-out war" will be initiated by Muslims from Egypt~ Turkey~ and Iran next month~ after the U.N. vote to seize Jerusalem on 20 Sept. "’This leads us to the conclusion that through a long-term process~ the likelihood of an all-out war is increasingly growing~‘ the IDF general said. ‘Iran has not abandoned its nuclear program. The opposite it true; it continues full steam ahead~’ he said. ‘In Egypt~ the army is collapsing under the burden of regular security operations…’" "Referring to what he characterized as the possibility of a ‘radic Meanwhile the Obama Administration has failed in their half-hearted efforts to persuade Palestinian President Abbas to stop seeking a UN vote. "We have exhausted all opportunities so we have to go to the U.N.~" Abbas said. Palestinians refuse to return to the negotiating table~ instead pushing forward with plans to ask the United Nations to recognize their independence in September~ a move that could lead to war. Salam Fayyad~ the Prime Minister of the Palestinian authority~ warned that his own President Mahmoud Abbas is raising public expectations for independence~ which the UN vote cannot grant. "The truth is the day after the vote will the same as the day before~" he complained that Abbas is deceiving the Palestinian people into expecting independence that the UN cannot grant. The angry mob is rising. Polls confirm Abbas is deceiving his own people. A reporter in Haifa Israel quoted a recent survey of Palestinians that "the public supports the September process~" but "the minute the leadership returns from New York~ Palestinian youths expect them to begin exercising absolute sovereignty." Palestinian PM Fayyad admitted President Abbas is deceiving the public. All of the public discussion "is based on a false premise. What I find objectionable is that this has not been explained to the Palestinian people~" Fayyad said. Jews in Israel fear the crisis coming in September. The reporter in Haifa Israel said "Around here~ everyone is deeply concerned about September. In fact~ that’s just about the only thing anyone is talking about." The bottom line: War is coming. Abbas will force a UN vote~ which Obama may not veto~ but even if we do veto~ Palestinians are raising an army (see below)~ and their civilian angry mobs will soon declare independence~ because Abbas has lied to them~ claiming the UN vote will grant independence~ when it cannot. Hoards of angry young Palestinians will not understand the limits of the UN vote~ and will take to the streets in violence~ calling for Israel’s and America’s destruction. Israel gives land~ but gets no peace. And our U.S. Congress has not demanded the UN stop their vote. "The Palestinian Authority (PA) is quietly and illegally increasing the size of its military~ in preparation to fight Israel for control of Jerusalem in September~ when the United Nations (UN) may recognize Palestine’s independence and seize Jerusalem without Israeli permission. reports the PA Army has exceeded its legal size limit by 25%~ but plans to grow their Army even more: |