Christian Friends,
Please consider this important message below, from my dear friend Rochunga Pudaite. His organization is called BIBLES FOR THE WORLD. For $2.50 U.S., they can print and mail one native-language Bible to the home of one family in India that has never read God’s Word. And thanks to matching funds of a generous donor, your gifts are doubled, so your $100 gift can print and mail not just 40 Bibles, but 80 Bibles to poor families around the world, and give them the hope of God’s Word!
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Dear Friends,
Have you ever stopped to think about what it would be like to live without God’s Word? It’s a terrifying thought! I can’t imagine not having my Bible close by, ready to illuminate the mind and heart of God whenever I need it.
I can’t imagine never knowing the comfort of Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Or the strength of Psalm 73:26: “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Or the power of John 16:33: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world.”
Every day, the news has reports of people around the world who are facing famine. Today, more than 925 million people are going hungry. That’s a shocking fact, and certainly, as Christians, we need to do whatever we can to relieve their suffering, in Jesus’ name.
But there’s another kind of famine that also plagues our world. It is a spiritual famine. Just as with physical hunger, hundreds of millions of people in the world do not have nourishment for their souls, food to grow in true faith, or sustenance for their hearts and minds. That’s because, unlike you and me, they do not have access to God’s Word or the salvation in Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, that it reveals.
SELECT HERE TO DONATE TO BIBLES FOR THE WORLD, and for just $2.50 you can help print and mail one TWO native-language Bible New Testaments to poor people worldwide. Your gifts will be matched and doubled up to $10,000!
As the Psalmist wrote… “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.” (Ps. 119:11)
At Bibles For The World, we are committed to feeding people spiritually by placing copies of God’s Word directly into their homes, and hands.We don’t want even one person in our world to experience spiritual famine. We want everyone to know the comfort, strength and power of the Bible that we are so blessed to know. Mawii and I urge you to join us today in committing to end spiritual famine in the world! If we each do our part, with God’s blessing, I know that together, we can accomplish this ambitious, but most worthy task.
Right now, specifically, we are working to provide copies of God’s Word to homes in Assam state in northeast India, where 65% of the people are Hindu and another 30% are Muslim. Clearly, this is a region where people are suffering from spiritual famine. But you can help end this hunger in Assam with a generous gift. Only $2.50 will enable us to print and place a copy of the Bible in a home in this state. For $25.00 you can “feed” the members of 10 homes.
Thank you so much for your past support of Bibles For The World and for your consideration of this urgent request to join us in helping to end spiritual famine in Assam through God’s Word.
SELECT HERE TO DONATE TO BIBLES FOR THE WORLD, and for just $2.50 you can help print and mail one TWO native-language Bible New Testaments to poor people worldwide. Your gifts will be matched and doubled up to $10,000!
May God richly bless you!
Your brother in Christ~
Rochunga Pudaite
Founder~ BFTW
P.S. Please give today, and make the dream of owning a personal copy of God’s Word a reality for people in northeast India who cannot afford to purchase their own. Thank you!
Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: Persuade The World Ministries (attn: BFTW), PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.
SELECT HERE TO DONATE TO BIBLES FOR THE WORLD, and for just $2.50 you can help print and mail one TWO native-language Bible New Testaments to poor people worldwide. Your gifts will be matched and doubled up to $10,000!
Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was vindicated by Congress after being honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying “in Jesus name” in uniform, are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization.