STOP UN VOTE TO SEIZE JERUSALEM FROM ISRAEL. SIGN PETITION! HOT PETITION! Sign to support PRO-ISRAEL H.Res. 297 and 271 which defends Israel’s right to defend her borders~ and rejecting President Obama’s call for a return to the indefensible 1967 borders. We will auto-fax 535 Congressmen/Senators. We’ve already delivered 263~000 petitions for Israel. Can you help us reach 300~000? 150 Iranian rockets bomb Israel~ but Ron Paul says "Let Iran Have Nukes!" Prime Minister Netanyahu directly tied the rocket attackes to Iran~ telling 25 visiting U.S. Republican Congressmen: "those who fire missiles at Israel are supported by Iran with weapons~ money and training. They constitute a forward Iranian post on our borders. Just as Iran threatens us~ so too it threatens the US." But Presidential Candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) said this week Iran should be armed with nuclear weapons~ and America should not defend Israel~ even if Iran annihilates Jews. Watch Ron Paul on 2 minute video~ saying Iran needs nuclear weapons. Ron Paul was one of only 6 Congressmen who voted "NO" in a 407-6 vote on H.Res 268 to help Israel last month~ when 13 liberal Democrats voted "PRESENT." Iran President Ahmadinejad says Iran will have full nuclear capability by December 2011~ and also repeatedly has threatened genocide against the Jews. He has said: 2005: "I have no doubt that the new wave [of violence against Jews] that has started in Palestine~ and we witness it in the Islamic world too~ will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world." 2008: "Those who think they can revive the stinking corpse of the usurping and fake Israeli regime…are seriously mistaken. Today the reason for the Zionist regime’s existence is questioned~ and this regime is on its way to annihilation…You should know that the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime…has reached the end of its work and will soon disappear off the geographical scene." May 2011: " … like a cancer cell that spreads through the body~ this regime infects any region. It must be removed from the body." [He’s still saying it~ folks…] Ahmadinejad is the dictator Ron Paul wants to arm with nuclear weapons? Seriously? If it wasn’t bad enough when Ron Paul promoted marijuana and homosexualized the military~ Ron Paul wants nukes for Muslim terrorists who are already launching Rockets now killing Jews? Let’s call Ron Paul’s office today at (202) 225-2831~ and demand he retract implied support for Iran’s nuclear destruction of Israel. Then forward this blog widely. Let’s fax 535 Senators/Reps to de-fund the UN if they dare divide Jerusalem next month… SELECT HERE TO SIGN URGENT PETITION DEFENDING ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO PROTECT HER OWN BORDERS~ NOT DIVIDE HER GOD-GIVEN LAND~ AND REJECT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CALL FOR RETURN TO 1967 BORD Israelis and Palestinians are taking counter-opposite actions before the September vote at the United Nations (UN) to seize Jerusalem and declare Palestine an independent state. Let’s compare this week’s tactics: 1) Palestinian television is praising suicide-bombers as martyrs~ while 2) Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is sending hand-delivered personal letters to every world leader pleading for Israel’s life at the September UN vote. Xinhua Chinese News Agency reports: "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dispatched members of his cabinet to personally hand letters to foreign heads of states urging them to vote against a bid by the Palestinians to secure recognition of a state at the United Nations in September. Some 40 international leaders – in Asia~ Africa and Latin America – received a letter signed by Netanyahu~ which underscores Israel’s position that a unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood would undermine the peace process." Netanyahu’s letter to each world leader said in part: "Ahead of the UN General Assembly’s September session I ask you to object to a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state… Regardless of the path the Palestinians will choose~ their appeal to the UN attempts to avoid negotiations based on mutual compromises and breaches the existing agreements between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority." Meanwhile~ Palestinian TV has started airing a new show called "The Best Moms~" which is not a tribute to good parenting~ loving marriages~ or chocolate chip cookies~ rather it shows the speeches made by mothers who are suicide-bombers who murder innocent civilians~ and abandon their children. You can watch a short clip of the program here. Since Palestinian TV is controlled by the government of the Palestinian Authority~ it reveals President Abbas’ plan to stir up an angry mob to declare war against Israel immediately after the September UN vote to seize Jerusalem. Contrast this with the peaceful pleas of PM Netanyahu who writes letters urging world leaders to simply let Israel keep their own land. Netanyahu continues to call for peace talks~ and Abbas refuses to deal~ vowing instead to violate the 1993 Oslo Accords with unilateral action. Let’s demand the U.S. Congress de-fund the UN if they vote to seize Jerusalem from Israel… After YOU helped fax 254~000 petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding they defend Israel~ 26 Democrat Congressmen led by minority whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) flew to Israel for a visit. But Democrats apparently forgot U.S. law prohibits funding Hamas terrorists. The Jerusalem Post reports: "Asked whether Congress would cut off aid to the PA if it goes through with its bid for statehood recognition at the UN~ despite strong US objections~ Hoyer – saying he did not want to prejudge the issue – While Hoyer apparently glossed over that part of the bill (and of existing U.S. law) for which 407 Congressmen voted~ the 55 pro-Israel Republican Congressmen will not forget the text of their own vote (as Hoyer did)~ since H.Res 268 clearly reminds us WHAT U.S. LAW CURRENTLY SAYS: "Resolved: That the House of Representatives…reaffirms the United States statutory requirement precluding assistance to a Palestinian Authority that includes Hamas unless that Authority and all its ministers publicly accept Israel’s right to exist and all prior agreements and understandings with the United States and Israel." In other words~ Mr. Hoyer forgot that American federal law already prohibits funding the Palestinian Authority at all~ if they violate the 1993 Oslo Accords~ and join the Hamas terrorists to declare independence illegally this September. Mr. Hoyer~ stop equivocating on your pretend support for Israel~ and tell them the truth~ that American law requires defunding Palestinians if they violate the 1993 Oslo Accords. Let’s remind all 535 Congressmen and Senators~ especially those visiting Israel now and next week~ that we the American people stand behind Israel… SELECT HERE TO SIGN URGENT PETITION DEFENDING ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO PROTECT HER OWN BORDERS~ NOT DIVIDE HER GOD-GIVEN LAND~ AND REJECT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CALL FOR RETURN TO 1967 BORDERS. (WE WILL AUTO-FAX YOUR PETITION TO 535 U.S. CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS!) Palestinians refuse to return to the negotiating table~ instead pushing forward with plans to ask the United Nations to recognize their independence in September~ a move that could lead to war. Salam Fayyad~ the Prime Minister of the Palestinian authority~ warned that his own President Mahmoud Abbas is raising public expectations for independence~ which the UN vote cannot grant. "The truth is the day after the vote will the same as the day before~" he complained that Abbas is deceiving the Palestinian people into expecting independence that the UN cannot grant. The angry mob is rising. Polls confirm Abbas is deceiving his own people. A reporter in Haifa Israel quoted a recent survey of Palestinians that "the public supports the September process~" but "the minute the leadership returns from New York~ Palestinian youths expect them to begin exercising absolute sovereignty." Palestinian PM Fayyad admitted President Abbas is deceiving the public. All of the public discussion "is based on a false premise. What I find objectionable is that this has not been explained to the Palestinian people~" Fayyad said. Jews in Israel fear the crisis coming in September. The reporter in Haifa Israel said "Around here~ everyone is deeply concerned about September. In fact~ that’s just about the only thing anyone is talking about." The bottom line: War is coming. Abbas will force a UN vote~ which Obama may not veto~ but even if we do veto~ Palestinians are raising an army (see below)~ and their civilian angry mobs will soon declare independence~ because Abbas has lied to them~ claiming the UN vote will grant independence~ when it cannot. Hoards of angry young Palestinians will not understand the limits of the UN vote~ and will take to the streets in violence~ calling for Israel’s and America’s destruction. Israel gives land~ but gets no peace. And our U.S. Congress has not demanded the UN stop their vote. "The Palestinian Authority (PA) is quietly and illegally increasing the size of its military~ in preparation to fight Israel for control of Jerusalem in September~ when the United Nations (UN) may recognize Palestine’s independence and seize Jerusalem without Israeli permission. reports the PA Army has exceeded its legal size limit by 25%~ but plans to grow their Army even more: One pro-Israel U.S. Congressman has introduced a brand new law to de-fund the United Nations if they dare to seize Israeli land~ or if President Obama fails to veto any Palestinian land-grab of Jerusalem without permission from Israel. Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) led 45 Members of Congress with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) this week by introducing H.Res 271 supporting Israel’s right to defend its own borders~ against attack by Hamas terroists~ Iranian nuclear ambitions~ and the Obama Administration. |