JOBS~ JOBS~ JOBS. Get Obama off backs of Small Business. Sign Petition! NEW PETITION! Save and CREATE JOBS by freezing federal government regulations of small businesses~ which employ 99.7% of all working Americans. Sign petition here~ and we will instantly fax it to all 535 Congressmen and Senators (saving you much time!)Stocks Crash. Zero Jobs Created. Obama Doubles Unemployed. Take Action! Stocks are down again today on poor jobs reports~ as if more proof were needed of President Obama’s failure to create jobs. "The U.S. economy failed to add any new jobs in August caused European and Asian stock markets to sink sharply Monday~" reported AP. "That jobs figure [ZERO JOBS CREATED] was far below economists’ already tepid expectations for 93~000 new U.S. jobs and renewed concerns that the U.S. recovery is not only slowing but actually unwinding. U.S. hiring figures for June and July were also revised lower~ only adding to the gloom." New reports from the Department of Labor show the unemployment rate has nearly doubled in the first two years of President Obama’s leadership. In 2008 under President Bush unemployment averaged just 5.8%~ but by 2010 after two years of Obama the unemployed rate rose to 9.6%. This is second highest unemployment rate in over 60 years. In 2011 the unemployment rate is averaging 9.01%~ making this the first time since the Great Depression that unemployment has held above 9% three years in a row. Obamanomics has created the worst economy in four generations. But we have good news. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has proposed a bill that would actually create jobs~ called S.1438~ the Regulation Moratorium and Jobs Preservation Act of 2011. According to the Small Business Association~ small businesses employ 99.7% of all working Americans~ and are responsible for 75% of all new jobs created. Small business is the driving force of the American economy as much today as ever.Sen. DeMint is sponsoring a bill that calls for all Government agencies to STOP expanding regulatory compliance costs~ until unemployment shrinks to 7.7%. Let’s petition 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen to STOP OVER-REGULATING SMALL BUSINESSES… Please select here to SIGN NEW PETITION to PASS S. 1438 the REGULATION MORATORIUM AND JOBS PERSERVATION ACT OF 2011~ and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) The Obama Administraion has been over-regulating small businesses with "fees" as a "hidden tax" that cost American business more then $1.75 trillion each year. Obama spent trillions bailing out Big Wall Street banks in 2009~ has not offered so much as a penny to help the small town firm or farmer many were the hardest hit in the recession~ and had to lay people off and in many cases closed their doors entirely. Now as scary as these numbers are~ they only hide the real depth of the problem. The "dirty little secret" about unemployment numbers is that they only count unemployed people actively searching for jobs. Obama does not count what economists call "discouraged workers" or "underemployed" workers with part-time jobs. A discouraged worker actively seeks employment but did not find a job in one year of searching. Some people have been out of work so long~ that Obama no longer counts them as unemployed. Even if you look for a job every day~ you no longer matter to the politicians~ who only care about their re-election~ so they fudge the unemployment numbers to make themselves look good~ (despite the fact they over-regulated YOU out of a job). Another group of people the "underemployed" or over-qualified for the job they have. The medical doctor who drives a taxi because its the only employment he can find~ is not counted as unemployed. Also not counted: people who work seasonal jobs~ and students who just graduated college and are still looking for their first job. When all these people are counted~ The Economic Policy Institute adds at least 11 million unemployed Americans. According to the Department of Labor 9.1% equals 14 million~ so if you add the missing 11 million~ Obama’s true unemployment rate is closer to 16%. Stopping the White House and its agencies from bullying extra "regulatory fee" taxes out of small business owners forces them to employ less people. Obama’s greed for big-government power has directly cost millions of Americans their jobs. Unlike big banks~ the small business man of America is not asking for an $8 trillion goverment handout~ rather "They want the regulators off their back~ the National Labor Relations Board to stop pushing the union agenda~ and try to help companies that create jobs~" said Senator DeMint. Let’s help put America back to work~ by petitioning Congress to get off the backs of small busi Please select here to SIGN NEW PETITION to PASS S. 1438 the REGULATION MORATORIUM AND JOBS PERSERVATION ACT OF 2011~ and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Let’s honor Labor Day by helping small business owners hire some labor! Even if you’re fully employed~ chances are good you know and love somebody who isn’t. Let’s get Obama~ Pelosi~ and Reid off their backs~ and help them get back to work.
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P.S. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project~ PO Box 77077~ Colorado Springs~ CO 80970. Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt~ who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform~ (but was later vindicated by Congress)~ are his own personal views~ not the views of any political party~ government~ or organization. |