NYC Mayor Bloomberg banned clergy from praying at the 9/11 ceremony
Corroborating Proof Articles:
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NYC Mayor Bloomberg bans clergy from 9/11 Memorial
In a sad display of anti-Christian censorship~ Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has banned clergy from participating or praying at the 10th anniversary 9/11 memorial ceremony honoring the victims of terrorist attacks from September 11th~ 2001
Today I spoke with Bishop Dan Johnson~ a 9/11 first-responder clergyman who ministered to the dead and dying in New York City on Sept 11th~ 2001. For the last nine years~ Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg invited Bishop Johnson to the annual ceremony~ but this year he was told by Mayor Bloomberg’s staff that he cannot attend “in his capacity as clergyman~” but only in his capacity as first-responder. And he dare not pray aloud.
“It’s unbelievable~” says Southern Baptist leader Richard Land. “We live in a country where the overwhelming majority of people identify as Christian or have a religion~ and clergy were some of the first people to respond on 9/11 to minister to victims. Why aren’t they welcome today?”
“I’m stunned~” said Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association. “This event affected the whole psyche and soul of the country~ and you are going to have no prayer? What’s a memorial service if you are going to leave God out of it completely? It seems kind of hollow.”
Mayor Bloomberg warned on a radio show that the event “cannot be political” and said it would offer a “poem or quote or something that each one of the readers will read” with “no speeches whatsoever.”
PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION! Petition to NYC Mayor Bloomberg to Invite Clergy to 9/11 Ceremony — select here.