Seven Daily “National News Prayer Alerts” for the Week of 9 – 15 Oct 2011 |
100% of donations go Bibles For The World We’ve raised 66% toward our summer goal…
Honestly folks~ we’ve been slogging toward our summer goal~ which we should’ve reached weeks ago. I’m sure the slow pace is my fault~ but please realize I’ve never taken ONE PENNY of salary from your gifts to our non-profit ministry in 12 years~ and when I say we’re raising money to print Bibles for the poor in India~ (in their own native language)~ that means even my non-profit doesn’t keep the money. We’re doing a 100% of this campaign for a third-party organization~ Bibles for the World. I pledged to help raise $10~000 for them~ and thanks to YOUR KIND GENEROSITY we have raised about $6~608 of that since July 5th. But today is October 9th~ and we need just ONE BIG DONOR to kick in $3~400 (or 34 donors to give $100)~ to finish our goal which then gets doubled to $20~000 with matching funds~ printing and mailing not just 4~000 Bibles~ but 8~000 Bibles (including postage) to 8~000 homes overseas that have NEVER BEFORE READ THE BIBLE in their own language. Can you imagine if YOU never got a Bible? No Jesus~ no gospel~ no church~ no love? Let’s help! Last chance~ because either way I’ll end this campaign on 30 Oct! PLEASE DONATE TO BFTW HERE. 100% of your gifts to our “Bibles For The World” Campaign will go to printing and mailing Bibles to poor folks in India~ Africa~ China~ or even the Middle East! Since your gift is doubled by a generous donor~ your gift of $100 prints and mails 80 Bibles! I’m setting a team goal to raise $10~000 so we can send 8~000 Bibles to India and Middle East. Please select here to donate and 100% of your gifts will be matched~ doubled~ sent to BFTW.
The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
1. Sunday 9 Oct 11 One Minute Prayer: Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ from Ephesians 5:11 we faithfully expose the deeds of darkness~ reporting the U.S. Census Bureau now admits inflating homosexual statistics by forty percent~ when the truth is only 0.0055 homosexual households exist for every 1 heterosexual~ far less than 1% of the population. Just 646~464 homosexual households exist in America~ whether “married” or not~ almost 40% fewer than falsely reported last year. Out of 116~716~292 total households~ that means less than 1% of Americans are actually homosexual~ far less than the 25% reported by Hollywood liars. God reveal the truth~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Congressmen – Protect Israel’s right to Exist and Defend Her Borders. 2. Monday 10 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer: Judge Rules Ohio can Fire Teacher for having Bible on Desk Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we are saddened by Judge Otho Eyster’s bad ruling against veteran teacher of 24 years~ John Freshwater~ who was fired for teaching students to think critically about science~ and for keeping his bible at his desk. We pray You overturn his case on appeal by The Rutherford Institute~ and give a fair ruling that doesn’t ban the Bible as an “illegal book” with wisdom from James 1:5~ knowing you grant wisdom liberally to all who ask. God provide for this persecuted teacher~ and bless Him with eternal rewards~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Monday~ 10 Oct 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP101011Mon.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to DEFEND MILITARY CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS!
3. Tuesday 11 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer: Delaware: Federal Court May Ban The Lord’s Prayer in Public Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You give victory for the First Amendment and the right to freedom of speech in Delaware~ as leaders and citizens who pray the Lord’s Prayer publicly are being sued in federal court by atheist complainers. From Matthew 6:9-13~ Jesus teaches us how to pray~ “Our Father~ who art In heaven~ hallowed by thy name…” which prayer Sussex County council members have openly recited for years~ but now their free speech may be banned as “illegal prayer.” Lord protect and answer the prayers of the righteous~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
4. Wednesday 12 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer: Victory at Supreme Court: Christian Groups Can Fire Heretics Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we rejoice with World Vision who just won a four- year court battle at the U.S. Supreme Court~ defending the rights of religious organizations to hire Christian workers in their religious ministry~ and fire three employees who lied about their disagreement with World Vision’s statement of faith~ then sued for discrimination when they were properly fired for harming the religious mission. Thank God the Supreme Court ruled that Christian organizations can fire heretics for religious reasons. From Proverbs 16:11~ “honest scales and a just balance are from the Lord~” in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! 5. Thursday 13 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer: Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Ordains First Openly Homosexual Minister Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You condemn the new sod omite practices of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. who ordained their first openly homosexual minister~ Scott Anderson~ as a religious leader in Wisconsin on Saturday October 8th~ making him the first unrepentant homosexual to be ordained after a majority of districts in PCUSA voted to delete and violate the Biblical requirements for eldership in 1st Timothy 3:2~ “An overseer~ then~ must be above reproach~ the husband of one wife~” and violate Romans 1:32 which condemns homosexual sin and anyone who gives approval to sin~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
ACTION ALERT! FAX CONGRESS TO DEFEND “DOMA” MARRIAGE Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Congressmen and Senators – Stop homosexual marriage in 50 states.
6. Friday 14 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer:
Muslims Carve Jewish Star Into Back of Iraqi Christian in St. Louis Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we pray You heal the wounds of a Christian man in St. Louis~ Alla Alsaegh~ who converted from Islam but was brutally attacked by Muslims who used a knife to carve a star of David into his bare back~ because he wrote a poem that expressed sorrow over the murder of six million Jews. God publish his poem widely in Arabic~ called Tears at the Heart of the Holocaust~ ( so that his suffering will not be in vain~ and from Jeremiah 30:17 restore health to him and heal his wounds~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Friday~ 14 Oct 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP101411Fri.mp3) ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to Repeal Obamacare – and defund Abortion! 7. Saturday 15 Oct 11 One-Minute Prayer: Mexico Supreme Court upholds “Personhood” ban on Abortion Let Us Pray. Almighty God~ we thank you for answering our prayers from September 30th concerning a bad Judge in Mexico~ Jose Fernando Franco Gonzales’s “Action for Unconstitutionality” who declared two of Mexico’s pro-life Personhood Amendments unconstitutional. God Bless Pardo Rebolledo~ and Supreme Court Justices Salvador Aguirre~ Margarita Luna~ and Guillermo Ortiz who protected unborn children from abortion and upheld the constitutionality of the Personhood Amendments~ blocking a Roe vs. Wade type of case law. We praise God they listened to the Holy Spirit and chose life~ as you declared in Deuteronomy 30:19~ in Jesus’ name~ Amen.
**Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday~ 15 Oct 11. Download MP3: (ChapsEP101511Sat.mp3)
ACTION ALERT! DON’T JUST PRAY~ FAX 535 CONGRESSMEN! Please select~ sign and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 Senators and Congressmen to DEFEND MILITARY CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS!