Let us pray. Almighty God we pray many Christian couples will honor “Marriage Week” from 7 to 14 Feb 2012, and resist divorce and unwed childbearing, which cost U.S. taxpayers $112 Billion annually. Marriage between one man and one woman protects children, who deserve a mother and a father. God help conservatives stop all efforts to legalize homosexual marriage by legislators in Washington State, Maryland, and New Jersey, and help the voters pass traditional marriage amendments in Minnesota and North Carolina, as Jesus defined marriage in Matthew 19 between one man and one woman, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
[wpaudio url=”https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/ChapsEP020812Wed.mp3″ text=”Listen: Homosexual ‘Marriage’ pushed in 5 states: NJ, MD, WA, MN, NC” dl=”0″]