The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
We don’t just report the news, we pray the scriptures, in Jesus’ name.
Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
Join us! Read the news, pray the scriptures, change history.
1. Sunday 11 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Obamacare to Fine Religious Groups $2000 Per Employee
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, in accordance with Ephesians 5:11 we pray You expose the evil deeds of darkness in the Obamacare mandate that now requires religious groups to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs for their employees. Now religious groups will have to pay fines of $2000 per employee or $100 a day if they refuse to comply because it violates their conscience. God give wisdom to Christian lawyers who are challenging this mandate and grant a reversal and protection for religious organizations that oppose this mandate, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031112Sun.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
2. Monday 12 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Victory! MD: Pro-Life Group Wins $385,000 for Unlawful Arrests
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we rejoice that the group Defend Life has won a $385,000 settlement which includes the forcing the state of Maryland to train their police officers on First Amendment rights, since eighteen members of Defend Life were wrongfully arrested in 2008 by police who violated their right to protest against abortion. Thank God for the Alliance Defense Fund, Thomas More Society of Chicago and the American Catholic Lawyers Association who defended the pro-lifers and won their case. We pray more would “choose life” from Deuteronomy 30:19, regardless of the cost, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031212Mon.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
3. Tuesday 13 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Victory! Philly Cream Cheese Pulls Sponsorship from Anti Christ G.C.B. Show
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we rejoice that Kraft’s Philadelphia Cream Cheese has decided to pull their advertising support of the anti-Christ show G.C.B. which mocks Christians who take the bible seriously, attacks Christian women and is filled with obscenity. We pray now that other advertisers like Target, Mentos, Chef Boyardee and Unilever will also remove their advertising on this show, and only support family friendly programming. Viewers understand Proverbs 22:1, that a good name is more desired than riches, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031312Tue.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
4. Wednesday 14 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Victory! Megachurch leaves pro-homosexual Presbyterian Church USA
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we ask you to bless the First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs for their wise decision to leave the PCUSA due to the mainline denomination’s growing acceptance of homosexuality. We rejoice that eighty-eight percent of this 4000 member church voted to leave the denomination showing that the overwhelming majority in this church are serious about obeying the Bible. They believe from Romans 1:32 that the sin of homosexuality should never be approved of, as some are doing. We pray more churches would realize that it is better to obey God, rather than man, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031412Wed.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
5. Thursday 15 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Kirk Cameron Responds to Uproar Over Homosexuality Comments
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, thank you for actor Kirk Cameron’s obedience to God’s Word the Bible and his unwavering stand for the truth of the scriptures that condemn homosexual sin, calling it an abomination in Leviticus 18:22. Cameron truthfully answered questions from Piers Morgan who tried to set him up to look like a hater, during an interview about Kirk’s new movie Monumental, but actually made Kirk look like a hero and gave extra promotion to his Christian movie. God we ask for your continued blessing on Kirk and all of his adventures, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031512Thu.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
6. Friday 16 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Pro-life Youth Arrested Outside School and Held in Jail for 24 Hours
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, 2 Timothy 3:12 promises that all who desire to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted, just as Kristina Garza and Brianna Baxter were, when they peacefully demonstrated outside Murrah High School in Jackson, Mississippi. Both are Members of the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Campus Life Team and were attempting to educate students about abortion, when they were surrounded by at least five police officers who arrested and jailed them for talking against abortion. God bless all who stand for life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031612Fri.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
7. Saturday 17 Mar 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Christians Safest in Israel But Ousted in Other Middle Eastern Countries
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem from Psalm 122:6 and thank you for the freedom that Christians have in Israel compared to other nations in the Middle East, like Egypt and Iran where Christians are being persecuted and forced to flee due to repeated attacks from Muslims. Thank God that since Israel’s founding in 1948, its Christian communities which include Russian and Greek Orthodox, Catholics, Armenians and Protestants have expanded more than 1,000%, compared to over 200,000 Coptic Christians fleeing Egypt in 2011, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP031712Sat.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.