Let Us Pray. Almighty God, thank you for actor Kirk Cameron’s obedience to God’s Word the Bible and his unwavering stand for the truth of the scriptures that condemn homosexual sin, calling it an abomination in Leviticus 18:22. Cameron truthfully answered questions from Piers Morgan who tried to set him up to look like a hater, during an interview about Kirk’s new movie Monumental, but actually made Kirk look like a hero and gave extra promotion to his Christian movie. God we ask for your continued blessing on Kirk and all of his adventures, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
[wpaudio url=”https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ChapsEP031512Thu.mp3″ text=”Listen: Kirk Cameron Responds to Uproar Over Homosexuality Comments dl=”0″]