HOT PETITION! Stop Sen. Al Franken from homosexualizing public school classrooms. Stop mandatory pro-homosexual lectures to kids. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) to oppose and filibuster S.555 + H.R. 998 the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” aka Student Non-Discrimination.
N.E.A. writes “Homosexual Lesson Plans” for your children
U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) has joined forces with comedian Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) to homosexualize public school children by supporting S. 555 and H.R. 998, bills that would mandate perverse sexual indoctrination of every young person in America.

Sen. Menendez issued a press release this week praising pro-homosexual group Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), saying they help educate our youth on the acceptance of homosexuality. Mr. Menendez’s bold support is another example of the all out assault by the homosexual left to take control of the classroom and kids’ minds. They could win! H.R. 998 has 157 co-sponsors in the House and S. 555 has 37 Senate co-sponsors.
The bad bill awards attorneys fees rewarding homose xual lawsuits against public schools, by blaming the schools of any ‘gay’ kid endures teasing on the playground. The bill says: “While discrimination, including harassment, bullying, intimidation and violence, of any kind is harmful to students and to our education system, actions that target students based on sexual orientation or gender identity represent a distinct and especially severe problem.”
In other words, all kids must be re-educated about the ‘normalcy’ of homosexual sin, or else the school could lose its funding.
A list of “teachable moments” with pro-homosexual lesson plans is here.
And the National Education Association is already planning homosexual lessons, here.
If we lose this fight, then public, private and even religious schools will be forced to accept and teach a pro-homosexual agenda, or face lawsuits. One agenda even encourages students to ‘experiment’ with homosexuality. Pro-homosexual students will soon harass Christian students, making sexual assault protected as ‘freedom of self-expression.’
President Obama’s “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings once said “every school, public, private or parochial has an obligation” to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum. Traditional values will be outlawed as ‘bigotry,’ and speech by Christian students will be silenced.
Let’s take action to protect America’s kids today…
Video: 6-year olds recruited for homose xual agenda by public schools
Yet another reason why Christian parents should home-school their children: The Homosexual Rights Campaign is now openly indoctrinating 6 to 12 year-olds to embrace homosexual sin as “normal” in a nationwide campaign to reform public schools.
President Obama’s Department of Education is fully compilicit. Shocking training videos now show kindergarten children embracing homosexuality as normal, thanks to mandatory pro-gay lectures by public school teachers who fear losing their funding if Senator Al Franken’s bill S.555 is passed. One of the new training DVD’s is titled: “What do you know? Six to twelve year old talk about gays and lesbians.”
Watch a 2-minute excerpt here The full 13 minute video instructs new teachers and parents on how to help kids (ages 6 to 12) understand and embrace homosexuality.
As sick and perverse as it is to “re-educate” six to twelve year olds to reject their parents’ faith, and encourage them to embrace homosexual sin as normal, this is only the beginning of child abuse promoted by Obama’s cronies at the Homosexual Rights Campaign.
Not only is Sen. Franken’s perverse child-recruiting legislation dangerously close to passage, it now has official public support from President Obama. The White House told the Washington Blade “the president supports the goals of the Student Non-Discrimination Act” [aka Homosexual Classrooms Act] and Mr. Obama boasted: “I hosted the first White House conference on bullying prevention and many in my Administration, including myself and Vice President Biden, participated in the It Gets Better Project that [recruits] young people who are [confused about] their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.”
With 38 Senators and 158 Representatives supporting S. 555 and H.R. 998, the legislation that will require pro-gay lessons to ALL public school kids is dangerously close to becoming law, unless we stop them. Let’s petition Congress again today.
Federal Judge: Children must get access to explicit web-sites in school
The Washington Times confirms Democrats #1 education priority is to homosexualize children in the classroom, by passing Senator Al Franken’s S. 555 and H.R. 998.
The bills “would be more appropriately titled the ‘GLBT Student Promotion Act,’ ” says the top lawyer for Concerned Women for America, Mario Diaz. “The aim of the legislation is not the protection of students. SNDA is a Trojan horse with the objective of promoting acceptance of GLBT behavior by eradicating deeply held [Christian] beliefs that proponents view as ‘homophobic.’ ”
Pro-homosexual Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wants to re-write the Democrat National Committee platform to force homosexual ‘marriage’ in all 50 states, saying the issues should be put on the platform because “I think it’s basically who we are.”
President Obama wants homosexual ‘marriage’ but fears losing Christian votes. Obama openly supports the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” with allies like Sen. Al Franken (author of S.555) and openly homosexual Congressman Jared Polis (author of H.R.998). With Obama’s help now 38 Senators and 157 Reps. (195 Democrats total) publicly support turning our kids over to homosexual re-education.
In a shocking court ruling this week, a federal judge in Missouri ruled that school children must be given access to sexually explicit web-sites in school. The Judge agreed with ACLU lawyers that a school district’s custom filtering system “systematically allows access to websites expressing a negative viewpoint toward LGBT individuals by categorizing them as ‘religion,’ but filters out positive viewpoints toward LGBT issues by categorizing them as ‘sexuality.'” So the judge now blocks religious sites, to favor sex sites in school?
But thank God, Americans like the pro-family group in California are fighting for the rights of Christian children in public schools. California law (SB 48) recently forced all public school textbooks to promote homosexuality to kids in school. But Christians in California are petitioning again to overturn that law.
If we lose the battle to stop S. 555 or H.R. 998, we will lose our kids in all 50 states. Homosexuals will have full control of classrooms, and kids. Let’s demand Congress stop Sen. Al Franken in his tracks, right now.
Al Franken: Minnesota should homose xualize marriage; all 50 states to re-educate kids.
Senator Al Franken (D-MN) made a video this week demanding Minnesota legalize homosexual ‘marriage’ and vote against a ballot initiative that would define Minnesota marriage as only between one man and one woman, this November. North Carolina will also decide in a similar vote this fall.
The controversial Senator is also the driving force behind S. 555 and H.R. 998 which would “re-educate” elementary school children in all 50 states to accept homosexual sin as normal, against the teaching of their parents’ faith. Both these bills are an attempt to give homosexuals and perverts protected status, and mandate pro-homosexual recruiting of kids in public schools (or else the school loses funding).
If either of these bills find their way to President Obama’s desk, make no mistake, Obama will sign them into law, forcing America’s children to be exposed to pro-homosexual ideas as early as kindergarten, and every year thereafter. These bills have 150+ co-sponsors.
The nagging question is, why? Why is Sen. Al Franken trying to force homosexuality onto your children? Remember that “all politics is local.” Franken needs homosexual money to get re-elected, and since most gays don’t tithe to churches, they will pay Franken’s campaign for re-election.
But thank God, both houses of the conservative Minnesota state legislature voted to let the people vote this fall, whether to ban ALL gay marriages in the state. Sen. Franken is trying to do an end run, around his own state legislature, by passing a federal law. Minnesota Christians have out-raised homosexuals in both money and volunteers, and right now traditional marriage shows a slight edge with 48% supporting “one man, one woman,” 44% against.
Liberals have already sued to try to force gay marriage in Minnesota. Labor unions and the NAACP are also funding homosexual marriage initiatives, despite opposition from many of their own constituents. Last week the President of the NAACP Ben Jealous said “LGBT and civil rights groups must unite and join forces for both movements to succeed.” Sadly, NAACP leaders have declared war on every Christian home in America.
Let’s protect kids in all 50 states, especially Minnesota, by demanding Congress oppose Al Franken’s “Homosexual Classrooms Act” and defeat S. 555 and H.R. 998.
New State Law? Boys can use girls locker rooms. (Your state next).
In California a recently amended bill will soon allow boys to access the girl’s locker room, bathrooms as well to play and compete on girl’s sports teams.
Assembly Bill 266 has been amended to read: “A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”
“The promoters of this legislation are exploiting children’s gender confusion with their proposal to let each student choose the bathroom and locker room were they most desire to be,” said Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resource Institute. “Does anybody really believe it is a good idea for either the troubled or the tempted to be told it is up to them to decide whether they should use the boy’s or the girl’s bathroom?”
While gay, lesbian, and preverts are pushing this onto elementry school kids in California, there are over 140 Congress men in DC trying to do the same thing in every school across America, both private and public. Senator Al Franken and Homosexual Congressman Jared Polis have introduced S.555 and H.R. 998 the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” aka Student Non-Discrimination.
The Obama Administration would make it legal for homosexuals to recruit your children starting in the first grade, with mandatory classroom lectures that normalize sin. Educators will be required to ask your children if they are straight or gay starting in the 1st grade, and they will be able to help each child find his or her “chosen” sexuality. At an age when most kids don’t even know what sex is, they will be forced to endure pro-homosexual propaganda. Schools that decline will lose their funding.
The Liberals are fighting this battle on every front. Assembly Bill 266 in California started out as a common bill about sports education two years ago. Yet by adding an amendment to a two year bill the legislation avoids many of the hearings and public input requirements and much of the expected public opposition this would generate.
This is also true in DC, where Homosexuals are trying to push pro-gay bills on elementary children very quietly and without spotlight or attention. Your petitions to Congress expose their evil, and deny them any stealth ability. YOU shine the light on their dark sinful deeds.
Senator Al Franken bullies kids with “Homose xual Classrooms Act.” Take action!
While Barney Frank (D-MA) is retiring (thank God), his replacement Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and openly homosexual Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) are pushing to attach the “Homosexual Classrooms Act” (aka Student Non-Discrimination) to recruit our kids.
According to LGBTQnation: “No Child Left Behind (2001), soon to be re-authorized after ten years in the updated Elementary and Secondary Education Re-Authorization 2011 (ESEA), made it out of committee in October 2011 without the bipartisan support it needed to include protection for LGBT students.
“When the ESEA is brought to the floor of the Senate in either December or January, there is a push to attach the Student Non-Discrimination Act, HR [998] (SNDA), to it.”
Christian activist Linda Harvey of Mission America warns “that such anti-bullying legislation is ‘using bullying prevention as a tool to force approval of homosexuality and gender bending on children, teachers and families.'”
Mandatory pro-homosexual recruiting lessons to grade-school children? Why?
71% of Americans oppose this bill. Then why do 148 Reps and 34 Senators Co-Sponsor these bills to make child abusing abomination federal law?

Al Franken’s bill is S. 555 and Jared Polis’ (the first openly gay man to be elected as a non-incumbent) bill is H.R. 998.
This legislation would make it not only legal for teachers to introduce to alternative and sexually perverse lifestyles, but in fact require them to introduce kids to homosexuality without parental consent.
This legislation would protect homosexual propositions and sexual advances as free speech. The legislation will EXEMPT homosexual students from any punishment if they initiate propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to “freedom of self-expression.”
Any school that does not teach this pro-homosexual agenda will lose all federal funding.
What about private or religious schools? They would be forced too. Kevin Jennings, the President’s pro-homosexual “Safe Schools Czar,” stated that “every school, public, private or parochial has an obligation” to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum. Traditional values will be outlawed as “bigotry,” and speech by any Christian student will be silenced.
We need to fight this! If we don’t stand up and help put the fear of God into Congress, the Senate will attach this bill, and the President will sign it into law, very soon. Let’s petition.
Friends, our nation’s future depends upon whether we take a stand to protect children from pro-homosexual recruiters like Jared Polis and Al Franken. They’re recruiting public school kids aggressively now. Let’s take a stand today, and keep them out.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For interviews, speaking invites, select here.
P.S. Time is urgent! Please sign our petition today, since our kids may not have tomorrow. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.