URGENT PETITION to REPEAL OBAMACARE, STOP ABORTION-FUNDING, END GOV’T TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress instantly (saving you much time!) We have already delivered 1.4 million fax petitions. Can you help us reach 1.5 million?
Church-funded Abortion Pills? 43 Catholic Universities Sue Obamacare’s Mandate
When the Obama Administration openly punishes Christian and Catholic hospitals, universities, and employers who refuse to dispense abortion pills, they have crossed the line of separation. The government is now abolishing the church with state sword.
This argument will appear in 12 courts where 43 Catholic Universities and groups just sued President Obama for requiring Christians dispense abortion pills (not just contraception) to all their students and employees, under his horrible Obamacare law.
Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, said the step was necessary “to protect our religious liberties from unwarranted and unprecedented government intrusion.”
NPR reports: “43 Catholic educational, charitable and other entities filed a dozen lawsuits in federal court around the nation Monday [in every circuit court], charging that the Obama Administration’s rule requiring coverage of birth control in most health insurance plans violates their religious freedom.
“Among the plaintiffs in the suits are the University of Notre Dame and the Catholic University of America, as well as the Archdioceses of New York, Washington, Dallas, St. Louis and Pittsburgh.
“They join several other, mostly smaller entities that have sued over the requirements for no-cost coverage of regular birth control, sterilization and so-called morning after emergency contraceptives.
“Because one of the ways those drugs may work is by preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg into a woman’s uterus, Catholics believe they can cause a very early abortion, even though they are classified by the Food and Drug Administration as contraceptives.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: FINALLY the liberal media admits what I’ve been saying all along, that Obama is forcing the Church to fund abortion pills! Liberals have twisted this as if it’s only a debate about birth control, but POST-CONCEPTION ITS NOT CONTRACEPTION, IT’S PHARMACEUTICAL ABORTION OF A LIVING FETUS. How dare the government fund child-killing, and force the church to pay for it?]
Let’s take a stand against Obamacare, by demanding Congress rescind the entire law.
Obama: “Supreme Court won’t overturn Obamacare” because it’s a “good law.”
President Obama claims he knows the Supreme Court will vote to PRESERVE Obamacare, in a surprising speech that labeled conservative Justices “Activists.”
“Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” Obama said at a Rose Garden press conference Monday.
“And I’d just remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is: The biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint — that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law,” Obama continued.
“Well, this is a good example. And I’m pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step.”
So if conservative judges uphold the Constitution, they’re now “judicial activists?” Ha!
If the Supreme Court FAILS to overturn Obamacare, I’ve listed the shocking statistical outcome below. But whether they do or don’t, fully or partly, CONGRESS MUST STILL ACT to repeal Obamacare entirely. Let’s petition Congress to do just that.
What if Supreme Court FAILS to overturn Obamacare?
Here are today’s shocking numbers from RNC Research, because of Obamacare.
67%: Americans That Believe The Supreme Court Should Overrule ObamaCare. (ABC News , 3/19/12)…
52%: Americans That Oppose ObamaCare. (ABC News , 3/19/12)
$2.6 Trillion: True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)
$1.76 Trillion: Ten Year Cost Of ObamaCare. (Updated Estimates For The Insurance Coverage Provisions Of The Affordable Care Act, Congressional Budget Office, 3/13/12)
$575 Billion: Medicare Cuts In ObamaCare. (CMS Chief Actuary Richard S. Foster, Memo, 4/22/10)
$525 Billion: Taxes Raised In ObamaCare. (CBO, 3/30/11)
$450 Billion: Cost Of ObamaCare “Glitch” Allowing The Middle-Class To Qualify For Medicaid. (Forbes , 6/21/11)
$401 Billion: Increase In Federal Entitlement Spending From ObamaCare. (CBO, August 2010)
$210 Billion: Amount Of Income Taxes Collected Over 10 Years Through ObamaCare. (Joint Committee On Taxation Report , 3/20/10)…
$15,073: Cost Of A Family Health Care Premium After ObamaCare Was Passed. (Kaiser Health News , 9/27/11)
$13,375: Cost Of Family Health Care Premium When Obama Took Office. (Kaiser Health News, 9/15/09)
$2,000: Penalty Per Employee Levied On Employers For Dropping Health Coverage. (The Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/27/10)
$1,000: Penalty Levied On Americans Who Don’t Obtain Health Insurance. (The Associated Press, 4/22/10)
Friends, as the Supreme Court weighs Obamacare this week, (and we may LOSE that decision, since no Supreme Court since 1936 has overturned major legislation), it becomes more critical than ever we must demand Congress rescind that bad law, which funds abortion with our tax-dollars and threatens American liberty.
78 Million: Americans Forced To Find Other Sources Of Health Coverage. (The Wall Street Journal, 6/8/11)…
6 Million: Retirees That Will Lose Prescription Drug Coverage. (CMS, 2010)
2.2 Million: Union Members That Received A Waiver. (CMS, Accessed 3/22/12)
800,000: Number Of Workers That Will Be Cut Out Of The Workforce By ObamaCare. (Politico, 2/10/11)
46,000: Shortage Of Surgeons And Specialists In 2020 Due To ObamaCare. (Association Of American Medical Colleges, 4/10)
45,000: Shortage Of Primary Care Physicians In 2020 Due To ObamaCare. (Association Of American Medical Colleges, 4/10)
43,000: Jobs Shipped Overseas When Medical Device Tax Comes Into Effect. (Advamed , 9/11)
24,000: Jobs Lost Due To Tanning Tax. (The Hill’s “Health Watch,” 6/8/11)
1,231: ObamaCare Waivers Granted By HHS. (CMS, Accessed 3/22/12)…
451: Union Plans That Have Been Issued ObamaCare Waivers From HHS. (CMS, Accessed 3/22/12)
34: States Where Health Insurers Have Stopped Selling Child-Only Insurance Policies. (Politico, 1/27/11)
20: Democrats That Have Co-Sponsored Legislation To Repeal The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). (H.R. 452, Introduced 1/26/11)
18: Tax Increases Included In ObamaCare. (The Heritage Foundation , 1/20/11)…
46%: Americans That Have Seen Their Health Care Costs Increase. (Kaiser Family Foundation, 1,213 A, MoE 3%, 2/29-3/5/12)
12.7%: Increase In Premiums Since Obama Took Office. (Kaiser Health News, 9/15/09; Kaiser Health News , 9/27/11)
10.6%: Increase In Employee Premiums For 2012. (Bruce Jaspen, “New Survey Projects Higher Employee Health Premiums,” The New York Times’ ” Prescription Blog ,” 10/2/11)…
9%: Increase In 2011 Premiums. (Julie Appleby, “Cost Of Employer Insurance Plans Surge In 2011,” Kaiser Health News , 9/27/11)…
2.3%: Tax On Medical Device Manufacturers. (Joint Committee On Taxation Report, 3/20/10)
0: Other People Obama Will Have Left To Blame For The Failures Of ObamaCare. (The American People, 11/6/12)
Obamacare forces YOU to pay $1 per month for abortions.
This week President Obama’s Department of Health and Human “Services” issued brand-new regulations requiring everybody in America to pay $1 per month for abortion services, if they join the Obamacare program as mandated by federal law.
My friend and attorney Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel explains: “The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced this week that a minimum of one dollar a month from every ObamaCare participant will help pay for someone’s abortion. The ‘abortion surcharge’ is cleverly hidden in the insurance premium, but not allowed to be listed as a line item. If you find that thought upsetting, as I do, then please join me in committing to pray that ObamaCare will be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court!…
“It’s now official. Contained in just-released Health and Human Services guidelines is yet another mandate that requires an ‘abortion premium’ for the establishment of state health care exchanges. According to our friends at LifeNews…
” ‘To comply with the accounting requirement, plans will collect a $1 abortion surcharge from each premium payer… The enrollee will make two payments, $1 per month for abortion and another payment for the rest of the services covered.
‘As described in the rule, the surcharge can only be disclosed to the enrollee at the time of enrollment. Furthermore, insurance plans may only advertise the total cost of the premiums without disclosing that enrollees will be charged a $1 per month fee to directly subsidize abortions.’…
“Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its most recent projections revealing that ObamaCare’s costs will be nearly double what the President promised and Congress approved – from $900 Billion to $1.76 Trillion. But independent analysts say the true cost will, in all likelihood, far exceed $2 Trillion over that ten-year span.”
[Chaps’ comment: Obama lied. He promised ‘no abortions’ funded by Obamacare, but now his own DHHS is forcing YOU to pay $1 per month extra for abortions. And his bloated budget costs TWICE what he projected. We must demand Congress repeal Obamacare, now.]
Obama stands firm: “Catholic Hospitals must issue Abortion Pills.” Take Action!
In a private retreat with Senate Democrats, President Obama strengthened his resolve Wednesday, and personally threatened to fully enforce the Obamacare law that will force Catholic and Christian hospitals to issue abortion pills and post-conception abortifacient devices like RU-486, the IUD, and Plan-B, forcing Christians to kill or help kill innocent children in the womb.
ABC News reports: “President Obama ‘reinforced’ his stance on the controversial contraception mandate while speaking at the Democrats’ annual retreat at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. today, Senate Democrats said.
“The retreat was closed to media.
“Following President Obama’s speech at the retreat, a small group of Senate Democrats, mostly women, left the retreat early in order to hold a news conference on Capitol Hill to counter the Republicans’ news conference today at which they called for the mandate to be overturned.
“Democrats said they will ‘fight strongly’ to keep the [Obamacare] mandate [forcing Christians to issue abortion pills] in place.
“It is our clear understanding from the administration that the president believes as we do, and the vast majority of the American women should have access to [abortion pills],” Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said, pointing out that 15 percent of women use [abortion pills] for medical issues. “[Abortion Pills] it’s medicine, and women deserve their medicine” [to be dispensed by Christians who oppose abortion], said Boxer.
House Speaker John Boehner vowed to repeal the parts of Obamacare that mandate Christian hospitals dispense abortion pills. [I say we repeal ALL of Obamacare.]
“It’s time to tell Republicans ‘mind your own business,’” said Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. “Ideology should never be used to block women from getting the [abortion pills] they need [to kill their unborn children] to lead healthier lives [dispensed by Christians who oppose abortion, who will be punished if they refuse to dispense abortion pills].”
Last January a Florida Federal judge ruled the new health care law known as Obamacare is unconstitutional, and must be thrown out. In his ruling, Judge Roger Vinson said that the law’s requirement to carry insurance or pay a fee “is outside Congress’ Commerce Clause power, and it cannot be otherwise authorized by an assertion of power under the Necessary and Proper Clause. It is not constitutional.” He also declared that the entire law “must be declared void,” because the mandate to carry insurance is “not severable” from the rest of the law. This differs slightly from a similar ruling last month by a Virginia Federal judge Henry E. Hudson, who ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional, but other parts of the law may be OK.
Virginia and Florida’s Attorney Generals are two of 26 states suing to overturn Obamacare, many who joined suit after receiving thousands of fax petitions from The Pray In Jesus Name Project, proving your faxes get results.
H.R. 2 and H.R. 9 are two important bills that the Republican Majority in the House promised during campaigns, and we need a strong showing by those conservatives we helped elect, for three reasons:
1. Obamacare law funds abortion with our tax-dollars, despite President Obama’s judicially unenforceable Executive Order that pretends to save the unborn while funding their destruction.
2. Obamacare mandates health-care rationing which creates “death panels” for the elderly by diverting their Medicare funds to young unemployed welfare recipients, and forcing Medicare physicians into bankruptcy.
3. Obamacare creates socialist government-control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy under massive bureaucracies that hurt businesses, cost jobs, and don’t care for patients like private doctors do.
We need to take immediate action and petition all 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators to approve H.R. 2 and H.R. 9, which do two things:
1. H.R. 2 repeals the pro-abortion, pro-death, rationing Obamacare law passed last year.
2. H.R. 9 instructs committees to begin work crafting a new bill to reform health care using principles of free-market capitalism that make America great (not socialism/Communism).
So let’s take action today.
Do you remember the legislative battle in the House and Senate last March? Former Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) betrayed conservatives by claiming to be pro-life, then voting with Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to fund abortion. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) did the same, betraying innocent children in the Senate. They initiated a phony compromise with President Obama who signed a toothless Executive Order (which conflicts with the law, and is unenforceable in court) to give them top-cover to claim they’re not funding abortion, when the law they all passed specifically stated on page 117:
“(ii) ABORTIONS FOR WHICH PUBLIC FUNDING IS ALLOWED.—The services described in this clause are abortions for which the expenditure of Federal funds appropriated for the Department of Health and Human Services is permitted, based on the law as in effect as of the date that is 6 months before the beginning of the plan year involved.” [That’s a direct quote from the law they passed.]
In other words, Democrats lied when they claimed Senator Nelson’s “compromise” with pro-abortion Senator Boxer (D-CA) somehow prevented public tax-payer funding of abortion, and only permitted private funding of abortion (as if that should be allowed either). And Planned Parenthood clearly lied in their analysis of the law, when they claimed “forcing individuals to write two separate checks (both of which are out of private funds) and requiring health plans to administer two different payments of private funds is not necessary to insure public funds are not used for abortion care.” No public funds? Really?
They lied, plain and simple, because the law quoted above now reads ABORTIONS FOR WHICH PUBLIC FUNDING IS ALLOWED through the Department of Health and Human Services, subsidizing child-killing of innocents with your tax-dollars, so welfare-moms can kill their child for a $12 co-pay, while Planned Parenthood gets rich charging YOU thousands of tax dollars against your will. No wonder both Stupak and Nelson were labeled traitors by every credible pro-life group in America. No wonder 32% of all voters self-identified as conservative Christian voted 78% for Republicans this past November, and threw out Stupak and Pelosi (and will soon throw out Nelson in 2012).
But the horrible Obamacare law remains law, until we help repeal it. So let’s get it done.
Friends, our nation stands in the midst of a spiritual war to save or destroy unborn babies and the elderly. You and I stand in this battle together. We must stand strong!
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
P.S. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.