Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who now runs The Pray In Jesus Name Project. He is pleased that the House Armed Services Committee has approved two amendments to the Defense Authorization Bill — one by Missouri Republican Todd Akin, and the other by Mississippi Republican Steven Palazzo.
“[Those bills] would protect military chaplains’ rights to free speech against homosexual sin and also their free right to not facilitate gay weddings in military chapels, which are being forced on military chaplains,” he details. “They have to turn over the keys to their chapel in all 50 states now under this Pentagon policy.”
So now, Klingenschmitt has turned his attention to the Senate, where several Democrats have said they do not agree with President Obama’s endorsement of same-sex “marriage.”
“Six Democrats have all come out and said we disagree with President Obama on the issue of homosexual weddings,” he notes. “Well now, we want to see them put their money where their mouth is. Some of these senators are on the hot seat — Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Claire McKaskill of Missouri [and] John Tester of Montana.”
Klingenschmitt intends to report to constituents how these particular senators ultimately vote on the amendments supporting chaplains’ rights.
This article was written by Chad Groening for One News Now – visit One News Now …