Let us pray. Almighty God, we are grieved that the Obama Administration and Nancy Pelosi “strongly object” to two good House defense authorization amendments that would prohibit the use of military chapels for same-sex “marriage or marriage-like” ceremonies, and would protect military chaplains from negative reprisals for refusing to perform homosexual ‘marriage’ ceremonies. Your Word says, “With the pure You show Yourself pure” (2 Sam. 22:27). God give U.S. Senators courage to keep these two good amendments in the Senate version of this bill, or at least during conference committee negotiations, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
[wpaudio url=”https://prayinjesusname.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ChapsEP052412Thu.mp3″ text=”Obama, Pelosi Want Military Chapels and Chaplains for Homosexual Marriages” dl=”0″]