The Evening Prayer Weekly National News Alert
We don’t just report the news, we pray the scriptures, in Jesus’ name.
Do you have one minute each day to stop and pray for America?
Join us! Read the news, pray the scriptures, change history.
1. Sunday 13 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Victory! ABC Cancels “GCB” but will Groupon stop sponsoring porn?
Let us pray. Almighty God, we thank God for the work of One Million Moms whose petitions caused so many sponsors to drop their ads that ABC television canceled their blasphemous “GCB” television show. But our hearts remain troubled by who has begun sponsoring Playboy and marketing pornography. God cause another Christian boycott until Groupon repents, and stops exploiting women and corrupting children for their love of money, from James 5:1-6. May we all repent of any such abuse of our freedom. Dear Lord give Christians a voice as we band together, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051312Sun.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
2. Monday 14 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Obama says JESUS wants homose xual ‘marriage’
Let us pray. Almighty God, we grieve that President Obama has now fully endorsed homosexual ‘marriage’ (which Jesus forbids in Matthew 19:4-6), by claiming Jesus wants homosexual ‘marriage’ because Jesus taught The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12). Forgive us for listening to false teachers who claim Jesus promotes sin, when Jesus came to deliver us from evil. From Proverbs 14:34, we know that “Righteousness exalts a nation” and “sin is a reproach to any people.” Forgive us Father, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051412Mon.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
3. Tuesday 15 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
North Carolina votes 61 to 39% to Protect Marriage = One Man + One Woman
Let us pray. Almighty God, you have defined marriage as the lifelong union between one man and one woman. (Genesis 2:24) And we thank you that the people of North Carolina voted 61 to 39% to change their constitution to protect traditional marriage. Sadly, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is demanding a special session of the legislature to pass homosexual “civil unions,” which are illegal under Colorado’s Constitution. We pray that the governing authorities would minister for the good of the people in accordance with God’s Holy and unchanging Word, from Romans 13:4, we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051512Tue.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
4. Wednesday 16 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Christian voters reject Senator Richard Lugar in Indiana
Let us pray. Almighty God, we rejoice that Christian voters rose up to vote against RINO Senator Richard Lugar, who had become “double-minded” (Luke 16:13) in his duties, and repeatedly endorsed President Obama’s anti-Christian Judges, like David Hamilton who ruled it’s illegal to pray “in Jesus’ name.” God Bless his replacement Richard Mourdock with a single-minded commitment to God’s Word. May all of us who call ourselves “Christians” recommit our hearts to the words of the Apostle Paul, “It is not (we) who live but Christ who lives in (us)” (Galatians 2:20), in Jesus’ name. Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051612Wed.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
5. Thursday 17 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Congressmen warn Vanderbilt University to Stop Anti-Christian Discrimination
Let us pray. Almighty God, we grieve that Christian organizations on the Vanderbilt University campus are being forced to allow non-Christians, homosexuals, and even atheists lead their bible studies, or be forced off campus. We pray God, You protect the Christian students, to convict University leaders to stop their anti-Christian discrimination, that illegally punishes us in the name of ‘tolerance’ and excludes Christians in the name of inclusive ‘diversity.’ Your Word says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:1) May the hearts of the University officials be turned by your hand, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051712Thu.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
6. Friday 18 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Criminal Charges Dropped Against Persecuted Street Preacher
Let us pray. Almighty God, we are grateful that you have orchestrated the dismissal of charges against the street preacher Michael Stockwell, who was falsely accused of disorderly conduct and “tumultuous” behavior simply because he was preaching on a public sidewalk near Princeton University’s historic eating clubs. Your Word says, “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amos 6:24). We praise God for giving the judge wisdom to rule on our Christian brother’s behalf, and we pray your blessings upon both of them, and all street evangelists who preach, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051812Fri.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.
7. Saturday 19 May 12 One Minute Prayer: NEWS SOURCE LINK
Iran Jails Lawyer for Helping Christian Pastor
Let us pray. Almighty God, once again we intercede for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and now his attorney Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, who was also jailed for “crimes against national security,” for simply defending religious freedom in Iran. We are brothers and sisters in Christ “as if chained with them” (Hebrews 13:3). Lord Jesus, you are our “advocate with the Father” (Hebrews 2:1) at the High Court of Divine Justice. Protect and defend these two men whose cause is just and whose witness to the world is powerful on behalf of your Kingdom, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
**Listen here to the recorded audio MP3 prayer: ChapsEP051912Sat.mp3 And ask your local radio station to play this audio during their free air time.