Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains. Demand Congress keep 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310 to protect chaplains free speech and chapels from desecration. Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!)
First Lesbian ‘Wedding’ desecrates Military Chapel. Obama violates state law.
President Obama trampled on Louisiana state law, and desecrated the Christian chapel on a military post at Fort Polk, Louisiana, by authorizing the first homosexual ‘wedding’ ceremony by a lesbian couple in a military chapel. Flaunting his federal power over Louisiana (whose law clearly defines Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman), and ignoring the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, Obama’s Pentagon lawyer Jeh Johnson issued a memo this year forcing all military chapels in all 50 states to be open for ‘gay’ weddings.
Now we learn that three weeks ago, a lesbian couple was secretly ‘married’ upon, and desecrated the Christian altar in the base chapel with sodomy, marking the first reported homosexual wedding in a military chapel ever. A pro-homosexual chaplain presided at the ‘marriage-like religious ceremony’ of two lesbian soldiers, but did not issue a license, making the union illegal in the eyes of both Lousiana law, and the laws of Almighty God.
Congressman John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA) told CNSNews.com on Wednesday that “the U.S. Army had confirmed to him that the chaplain had performed the ceremony less than a month ago in the base chapel at Fort Polk, which is in Fleming’s district.”
“It is my understanding that this is the first ceremony of its type on an American military base and that is, as it’s reported, it was a wedding ceremony between two members of the same gender who are uniformed members of the Army,” Fleming said.
Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), said this confirms the need for the Senate to pass two good pro-chaplain amendments protecting chapels and chaplains free speech: “It is very concerning that a same-sex ceremony would occur on a military base in a state where the definition of marriage has been clearly defined as between one man and one woman,” Akin said. “This action is clearly in contravention of state law, and also violates the Defense Department policies issued last fall. This appears to be a case where political agenda has trumped the rule of law, which is absolutely unacceptable. This confirms the importance of the language that my colleagues and I worked to include in the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act for 2013, which would protect chaplains and servicemembers from this liberal agenda. The same individuals who will violate the law to advance their agenda will persecute those around them who disagree with their views.”
“Congressman Akin has led the efforts to protect traditional marriage on military bases. In 2011, Congressman Akin offered an amendment to H.R. 1540 which was stripped by the Senate. In May 2012, Akin offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 which would protect servicemembers and chaplains from recriminations based on their concerns regarding same-sex marriage.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: Folks, I have been repeatedly saying for months, what nobody believed was true, that military chapels both Catholic and Protestant will be desecrated in all 50 states by acts of sodomy on the Christian altar, robbing all our troops of their right to a sacred worship space. Any chaplain who objects will be punished, and the keys to his chapel must be turned over to homosexual activists. Does anybody doubt that my warning has now come true?]
We must take action to protect our chapels. Please sign our petition to all 100 Senators.
Pelosi persecutes Chaplains, then lies, calling them “a fraud…manufactured crisis.”
I personally traveled to Washington DC this week to meet my Congressman and visit the staff of 23 Senate offices to personally deliver YOUR 100,000+ petitions (again) for chaplains’ freedom. I walked and prayed past all 100 Senators offices, and entered and delivered hand-written notes to 23 Senators on the Armed Services Committee (please call each listed here by dialing 202-225-3121 today) to demand free speech for military chaplains, and protection for Christian chapels from sod omite desecration.
I stood outside the House of Representatives floor while they voted to PASS our two good chaplain amendments in HR 4310 the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013.
My full report press release from my visit to Capitol Hill is here, which you can please forward to news reporters or radio hosts. Christian Post called me for the following report:
Pelosi Calls Chaplain ‘Conscience Clause’ a ‘Fraud’ By Paul Stanley, Christian Post
“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted a Republican proposal that would protect military chaplains from performing same-sex marriages, saying the provision in unnecessary.
“Nobody is ordering them to do that,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. “I’ve never seen any suggestion that we’re ordering chaplains to perform same-sex [marriages]. Where is that? I think that they can rest assured that if they don’t believe in that, they don’t have to perform those…When asked by a reporter at her Thursday press conference if she supported the provision, Pelosi said she sided with the White House in opposing it.
“I do not support that provision in the bill, that part of the bill,” she said. “I agree with the administration. And there’s nothing that says that chaplains act against their faith. Arguing that the issue was moot, she added, ‘Because it’s a fraud. It’s a – Welcome to the world of manufactured crises. Here’s one.’…”
“Former Navy Chaplain [Gordon] James Klingenschmitt was lobbying [23] members of the Senate Armed Services Committee Friday on Capitol Hill and took exception to the minority leader’s comments.
“I disagree with Rep. Pelosi. There are dozens of active duty chaplains who have been pressured to not speak against homosexuality,” Klingenschmitt told The Christian Post. “I know of one Army and one Navy chaplain who have already resigned. Another active duty chaplain has been silenced, threatened and punished against speaking against ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ What they [Pelosi] are saying is simply false….”
“Klingenschmitt expects the White House to threaten to veto the proposal but there a number of Democratic senators such as Joe Manchin of West Virginia who are starting to distance themselves from President Obama on this issue. [Also call Claire McCaskill, Ben Nelson, and Jim Webb.]
“I’m confident we’ll have this provision in the final bill, but it’s a 50-50 chance at this point.”
“The House voted 299-120 to approve the Defense Authorization Act late Friday afternoon. However, the bill faces a steep battle in the Senate.” [LET’S TAKE ACTION…]
Victory! House Armed Services Cmte protects Chaplains and Chapels
The House Armed Services Committee added (but the Senate has not yet added) two good religious freedom amendments to the 2013 Defense Authorization Act H.R. 4310, protecting free speech for military chaplains who refuse to preside at homosexual ‘wedding’ ceremonies, and blocking same-sex marriage or marriage-like ceremonies in chapels on military bases.
The Hill reports: “Members of the House Armed Services committee voted to include the measure by Rep. Steve Palazzo (R-Miss.) into the panel’s version of the fiscal 2013 defense authorization bill late Wednesday night.
“The measure, which prevents ‘marriage or marriage-like ceremonies’ between same-sex couples from taking place at American military bases, was approved by a 37 to 24 vote along party lines.
“Republican panel members also approved language to protect military personnel from reprisals for expressing ‘their moral principles and religious beliefs… concerning the appropriate and inappropriate expression of human sexuality.’
“That amendment, sponsored by Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) was approved by a straight party-line vote of 36 to 25.” Now bishops for 2,000 military chaplains are petitioning to pass these amendments to defend chaplains rights.
Sadly, military chaplains report heavy reprisals, as confirmed by Human Events who interviewed “one currently serving chaplain, who spoke to Human Events on the condition of anonymity, told a similar story of pressure to conform [to endorsing homosexual sin]. He declined to give his name citing fear of reprisal; active duty service members are not to speak to the media without prior authorization….now it is chaplains who say they are being muzzled by the military and a group has formed to pass legislation seeking relief on their behalf.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: Chaplains being muzzled? Free speech censored? Boy does that sound familiar. 2012 is 2006 all over again for evangelical chaplains. It’s time to clean house and pass this new pro-chaplain law, so let’s all DEMAND all 100 Senators keep the good pro-chaplain amendments. Please sign our petition today…]
Then please call EVERY member of the House Armed Services Committee listed here, by dialing 202-225-3121 and requesting each Member by name, to request they PASS THE AKIN AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1540.
Don’t have time to make 61 phone calls today? Just sign our petition and we will fax all 61 members instantly, saving you much time! How much time would it take you? Sign here:
Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.
Obama threatens Chaplains: “You can’t preach against me in chapel.”
The Obama Administration has now directly threatened military chaplains with “sedition” or equivalent charges of “treason” if they dare to preach against Obama’s abortion policies during optional Sunday worship inside military chapels.
According to the Business Insider, an “emerging conflict between the Catholic Church and the Obama administration may have a new front: in the U.S. military itself.
“The Catholic Church is fighting mad about an HHS ruling that would have them buy insurance for things they consider sinful–contraception, sterilization and abortion.
“All the bishops in the country sent out a letter to be read in their parishes promising that the Church ‘cannot-and will not-comply with this unjust law.’
“Even Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who is in charge of Catholic military chaplains sent out the same letter.
“But after he did, the Army’s Office of the Chief of Chaplains sent out another communication forbidding Catholic priests to read the letter, in part because it seemed to encourage civil disobedience, and could be read as seditious against the Commander-in-Chief.
“More than one Catholic chaplain who spoke to us off the record confirmed that many chaplains disobeyed this instruction and read the letter anyway. [Risking treason charges.] Others sought further instructions from their Archbishop.
“Now after much behind-the-scenes bureaucratic wrangling, a new version of the letter will be read, one that was edited of the language about ‘unjust laws.’…
“A new statement issued this afternoon from Archbishop Broglio’s office acknowledged the interference this way:
“Archbishop Broglio and the Archdiocese stand firm in the belief, based on legal precedent, that such a directive from the Army constituted a violation of his Constitutionally-protected right of free speech and the free exercise of religion, as well as those same rights of all military chaplains and their congregants.
“Following a discussion between Archbishop Broglio and the Secretary of the Army, The Honorable John McHugh, it was agreed that it was a mistake to stop the reading of the Archbishop’s letter. Additionally, the line: ‘We cannot – we will not – comply with this unjust law’ was removed by Archbishop Broglio at the suggestion of Secretary McHugh over the concern that it could potentially be misunderstood as a call to civil disobedience. [The chaplains’ speech was censored by the Obama Administration.]
“It’s an issue that Catholic chaplains are taking very seriously in private.”
[Chaps Comment: It’s clear that OBAMA IS AFRAID OF CHURCH VOTE AWAKENING. Let’s take a stand for military chaplains rights, by petitioning Congress right now:
Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, select here.
Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.
Prefer to donate by mail? Please write: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.