Subject: Why is Dr. Chaps going to India? To serve orphans and Christians.
Friends, I apologize for my delay in sending recent email alerts. I need your help, here.
I live in Colorado Springs near where the wild-fires happened, and yes, it’s terrible that 346 families lost their homes, and one elder couple died. Mary and I are safe; thanks to God.
But did you know over 900,000 people in India lost their homes to a flood this year? Nearly a million! I’m doing something to help the poor in India.
I’m going to India, personally, to help the poor.
I am taking a 5 week sabbatical and short-term missionary trip to India,
from 9 July – 16 August 2012. You may see fewer emails from me for a while.
But this is not a vacation. After 8 years earning my PhD I am now eager to teach.
I shall work every day of this trip to serve the poor, to visit the sick, to feed orphans, and to encourage oppressed Christians, who live in the worlds largest Hindu-Muslim population.
I need to raise $10,000 during the next 5 weeks, to serve the Christian poor in India.
I have already committed $3,000 of my own tithe and ministry money, but my goal is to give $7,000 directly to the most effective Christian ministries there.
Can you pitch in $1,000 to care for orphans? How about $500? Maybe just $100?
Friends, I know times are tough, and money is tight. But think of this…
I have never taking one dime of salary from donations to our non-profit since 1999 when I founded Persuade The World Ministries (now d/b/a Pray In Jesus Name Ministries).
This money is not for me. It’s for the orphans and the oppressed poor Christians in India.
Just look at some of their faces, here. Look into their eyes. Now let’s feed His sheep.
I need daily intercessors. Who is willing to pray for me, just 10 – 60 minutes per day? Please email me at if you can be part of my prayer team.
I need financial supporters who love the poor. Who is willing to give to feed orphans?
I want to take your gifts directly to the most effective pastors serving poor widows and orphans, in three cities on my trip, in various locations throughout India.
How much can you pitch in? The Bible says, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
“Visit orphans and widows in their distress.”
That’s pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God, as the Bible says in James 1:27.
If you can’t go to India, please live vicariously through me. Help me give to orphans and widows among the Christian poor in the world’s largest Hindu-Muslim nation.
If one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warm and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? (James 2:16, NASB).
Let’s obey the scriptures together. Let’s give joyfully, abundantly, together, in Jesus’ name.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For interviews, speaking invites, select here.
P.S. Please donate for the orphans. I’ll try to send reports and photos just twice a week.