SELECT HERE TO DONATE to help sponsor 100 or 1000 pastors for .29 cents each.
Shock and Awe: Voter Guides wake Church Voters in all 50 states. Take action!
We’re doing it again. Can you say “Shock and Awe?”
In Sept. 2010, we faxed free voter guides to over 83,000 pastors nationwide.
Before our voter guides went out, polls predicted 8 House races would swing right.
After our voter guides went out, the election really swung 64 House seats to the right.
YOU awakened pastors to distribute voter guides to up to 8,300,000 church voters.
YOU helped Church voters fire Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, by donating to our voter guide campaign, and stopped President Obama’s pro-abortion pro-homosexual agenda.
We’re doing it again in 2012. We’ve already started faxing FREE voter guides to 83,000 pastors, state-by-state, nationwide.
The voter guides are non-partisan, and simply report how incumbent Congressmen voted on issues like funding abortion with your tax dollars, homose xualizing the military, and approving Obama’s radical leftist judges like Goodwin Liu. How did your Senator vote?
You can already download and copy FLORIDA, MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN voter guides. Our fax machines are already running non-stop.
I just got a call from a church secretary in Wisconsin, who asked “can I photocopy this voter guide for all of our 450 church voters?” To which I said “YES! That’s why we made it!”
But we must raise $24,000 to complete this task in all 50 states RIGHT NOW. At .29 cents each, you can sponsor 100 churches (=1,000 voters) for just $29 if you please donate here.
Just imagine if Christian voters not only keep the House, but take the Senate from Obama! (FYI, our voter guides do not mention Obama or Romney, these are only for Congress.)
In 2010, we helped move the polls from 46-46 before we faxed voter guides, to 55-40 after.
The last breaking news Gallup poll on election eve (which is historically within 2 points of reality) shows a 15 point swing to the right (55-40%) in Congressional races since 9/17 when it was tied (46-46%) before we started faxing free voter guides to up to 83,000 pastors nationwide.
We must awaken the Church Vote (again) in 2012!
Breaking News: The Pray In Jesus Name Project has found a way to help the faith-based community take back Congress this fall, by mobilizing 83,000 patriot pastors to “get out the church vote.” But we need your help here. Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt is planning to fax up to 83,000 conservative pastors willing to receive FREE VOTER GUIDES, which are now being prepared for all 50 states.
These voter guides are non-partisan, and neither endorse nor oppose any candidate for office, they simply report factually the votes of all incumbent Congressmen and Senators on three to seven key issues that are important to Christian people. The IRS has specifically authorized both churches and 501c3 organizations to distribute non-partisan voter guides like ours, so long as they only report facts such as “how Congress voted” without substantial editorial comment. An example voter guide is can be found here.
In the next three weeks, IF ENOUGH CITIZENS PLEASE DONATE to buy subscriptions for every pastor in their own state (at just 29 cents per pastor, far less than postage!), we faxed real voter guides on real paper to thousands of churches, preparing those pastors to lead their churches to vote at the ballot box on November 2nd, 2010. How many pastors can you sponsor with a donated subscription? The voter guides are free, but it has cost us over $24,000 to properly distribute them to real pastors on real paper. How many churches can you sponsor? What small or large amount can you pitch in?
Remember election night 2010 results (<–pictured left)?
How much would you pay to see the “shock and awe” look on the faces of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi again this fall? Now think strategy:
How many millions of dollars will be wasted on ads that don’t mobilize Christian voters? For just 29 cents, we can equip and mobilize an entire church of voters. For just $29, we can mobilize 100 churches. For just a few thousand dollars, we can wake the entire nation. We don’t need millions, just a few thousand dollars spent wisely, and SUDDENLY WE WIN.
Send them a message in the elections, BUT FIRST INFORM CHRISTIAN VOTERS by simply listing the names of those Congressmen who voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Pastors, we must not fear the government. It is time for the government to fear the Church of Jesus Christ. Let God arise in us.
Just imagine: Pro-life Senators taking back the Senate. Pro-marriage Congressmen keeping the House. Pro-Jesus and Pro-Free Speech Representatives in Washington DC! It’s not only possible, we can make it a shocking and awesome reality, right now.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, contact Chaps.
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