Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 + s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
Help reach 2 million voters by Election Day. What 50 demons rule Obama?
Friends, I want to announce the exciting publication of my new e-book on (a $2.99 value) which you can preview FREE TODAY until November 6th.
To receive your free e-book, just send a blank email to
2 reasons I’m offering it free this week only: To thank my most loyal email subscribers (you!) and to jump-start my “brushfire plan” to reach 2 million voters by election day.
I’ve already reached 100,000 people with this offer. But to reach 2,000,000…
1) I need a few more donations to rent another 100,000 email recipients, and
2) Everybody reading this email please forward to just 10 friends today.
3) Everybody who gets the free e-book gets my free license to distribute 10 free copies.
Just imagine if the Church across America learned…
- How to operate in the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits? (read Chapter 1 of the book.)
- Whether it is possible for a self-proclaimed Christian like President Barack H. Obama to be ruled by demons? (read page 29 of the book.)
- What the Bible says about how to see demons? (read p. 39).
- Whether President Obama is personally ruled by 50 demons?
All these answers are given specifically, just read Chapters 3 & 4, which apply my own PhD-level theological method to my friend Historian David Barton’s analysis of real-world events from 2009 to 2012.
Let’s make a difference today…
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 + s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
Is Obama Ruled by Demons? Free e-book proves he is. (Offer expires Nov. 6th).
Friends, I urge you to send a quick email back to me at, to automatically receive a free advance preview copy of my shocking new e-book: The Demons of Barack H. Obama: How the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Reveals Unseen Forces Influencing American Politics.
Or please make a donation of any amount here, (hopefully $25, 50, or $100 to help us reach millions) and I will mail one free paperback copy to your billing address a.s.a.p.
This offer expires on 6th November, after which you must buy the paperback for $9.95 + s/h on Amazon here, or buy the e-book for $2.99 on Kindle here. But why wait? It’s free until then.
I know what you’re thinking. Not another book about Barack Obama?
But this book is different. This book has the power to awaken Church voters!
If you donate today, you can also help me distribute 2,000,000 copies of this e-book before election day. Can you help reach two million voters? Forward this email widely.
Please let me explain.
I just earned my PhD in Theology by writing my dissertation on the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits (explained in the Bible as the supernatural ability God gives some people to see angels, demons, and the Holy Spirit).
Do you believe in God, the Holy Spirit, Angels, and Demons?
I do. But these spirits are invisible, unless you have the gift.
My new book explains how YOU can receive the gift/ability to see the spirits! Not only that, it reveals 50 hidden demons ruling the heart of the 44th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama.
Am I saying Obama is demon-possessed? No. (see page 12 of the book.)
Am I saying Obama has been ruled, at different times, but up to 50 different evil spirits, as historically proven by his words and deeds? Yes. (see ch. 3 & 4 of the book).
Using the same PhD tested theological method I successfully defended in my PhD dissertation, I have developed a way to help you see the invisible spirits ruling in the heart of the 44th President.
And not only can you see them, but anybody can apply my method to see the evil spirits actually ruling Obama’s heart.
Sounds crazy? No, it’s actually logical, systematic, and biblical.
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 + s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
Now just imagine if 200,000 Christians read the e-book before Nov 6th?
Or better yet, what if each reader sends e-book to 10 friends, viral to 2 million voters?
YOU CAN HELP MAKE THIS E-BOOK GO VIRAL TODAY. For every $2.99 you donate here, we can email one e-book as a PDF to 10 voters who can reach 100 others. Let me explain how…
I have an easy 4-step plan to make the book viral, to awaken the church by Election Day.
STEP 1) I have just written and published a 214-page e-book entitled
“The Demons of Barack H. Obama: How the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Reveals Unseen Forces Influencing American Politics.”
STEP 2) This e-book sells for just $2.99 on Kindle, Amazon, and at the web-site (Or $9.95 paperback).
STEP 3) Every purchased e-book comes with a FREE LICENSE to email this e-book to up to 10 of your friends, at no cost to them.
STEP 4) For every $2.99 that is donated to Pray in Jesus Name Ministries WE CAN EMAIL the e-book to up to 10 more of our friends, at no cost to them. They can also buy the book and get a free license to email 10 of their friends (reaching 100).
Did you catch this? Read STEP 4 again. Do you realize what this means?
WE CAN AWAKEN 2,000,000 VOTERS BY ELECTION DAY, for just 3 cents each.
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 +s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
I need your help to raise $ 58,000 today, now, before Election Day. For 3 cents each, we have a realistic plan to reach 2 million Church voters, with free e-books.
Your donation here could truly change American history!
But please understand: neither our ministry, nor the book itself, ever endorses or opposes President Barack H. Obama for re-election.
The book is non-partisan, non-political, and intended solely for the purpose of religious education of American Christians.
Therefore the book may safely be distributed by pastors and churches, without fear or risk of violating any 501c3 donation rules from the IRS.
Our religious education mission, to revive the church with materials about spiritual and biblical values, helps make disciples for Jesus Christ, and informs the Church about God’s spiritual gifts.
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 + s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
This book is theologically sound, but mind-blowing at the same time.
Where else can you get sound Biblical teaching about spiritual gifts like the gift of discerning of spirits?
What other PhD-level analyst has ever applied theology to politics so directly and personally as this? (With practical application?)
You can. And here is how:
Please make your best donation here TODAY, right away, to help us spread the word.
Every donation will make a difference. And as a bonus gift, get your…
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 +s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
We hope to fulfill everybody’s paperback order by election day.
But more urgently, the e-book can be downloaded NOW for just $2.99 today at
And if you email your or Kindle receipt to, then we will do something amazing:
WE WILL INSTANTLY SEND YOU A FREE LICENSE TO RE-DISTRIBUTE the e-book to 10 of your friends, electronically, right away!
So every gift of just $2.99 is multiplied 10 times right away.
Imagine the multiplication factor, when your $2.99 donation impacts 10 Christian voters, and each of them donate just $2.99 to reach 100 voters, and each of them donate $2.99 to reach 1,000 voters, and so on…
This e-book can go viral, right now, before November 6th.
We can truly awaken the church to see what rules Obama’s heart!
That is why I am imploring you to PLEASE MAKE YOUR BEST DONATION HERE, to help us distribute this book to 2,000,000 voters.
In the next 30 days we can change American history, eternally!
Will you please join me?
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 + s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
Again I repeat, I am not asking you to vote for or against any candidate for public office.
I am simply asking you, the Christian voter, to help us educate America about the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and spiritual gifts.
Using my theological method, based upon one originally used by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 1500’s, I apply a “discerning of spirits” method to the 44th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama.
And now, by awakening the American people on how to use this Ignatian theological method, we can help them see the invisible spirits!
Aren’t you curious?
Wouldn’t you like to receive the supernatural power to see the Holy Spirit, angels, and demons?
Now you can! The book explains how.
By faith in Jesus Christ, and by applying Biblical lessons taught in this ground-breaking new book, you can receive the Holy Spirit and see…
So I pray you will please stand with me for Christ, and make your best donation here.
Free e-book offer. To get Dr. Chaps new 214p. e-book FREE (a $2.99 value) by Nov. 6th, just send an email to Free paperback (a $9.95 +s/h value) for your donation of any amount here. Help us email 2,000,000 voters before election day.
How many voters can you help educate, before Election Day? Can you help me reach 2,000,000 Church voters with our e-book by election day?
Please stand with me for Christ — and I pray you will respond today.
Thank you. And God bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, select here.
Prefer to donate by mail? Please write: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.