Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
Dr. Chaps launches Daily TV show. Watch pilot episode free.
Friends, I have an exciting announcement.
Today I am launching my own half-hour TV show, airing 5 days per week via Satellite, on the Glorystar.TV network. My dear friend Pastor Mike Yeager is allowing me daily airtime, but I must raise $500 per month to stay on the air. (And $200 per month to feed orphans!)
Would you pray about sponsoring me?
I need just 7 people to pledge $100 per month for one year.
If you can, please watch Episode 001 for free. Just select here to view our pilot:
Does this show deserve to grow an audience? If you say “YES” then we need your help. Please check the “recurring donations” option at our donation page, here.
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
Top 10 Ways YOU helped Jesus in 2012: Thank you!
10) India and Orphans. Thanks to your donations to our non-profit, I personally visited and supported orphans and Christian church-planters in India. I preached 34 times in 35 days, giving lectures in two seminaries, training over 500 pastors or future pastors in 4 cities, and directly supporting 5 orphanages or orphan schools with 100% matching funds.
9) Bibles for the World. With our BFTW partners, we sent about $10,000 and helped print or deliver tens of thousands of Bibles (in native languages) to poor people in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and worldwide. Let’s print more Bibles again in 2013.
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
8) Stop Abortion by Personhood in Colorado, Ohio, Mississippi, Florida. You helped mobilize tens of thousands of pastors and churches, by helping us fax free information about defending Personhood of Unborn children. We nearly changed the law in Mississippi, and abortion could soon end in places like Ohio, Florida, and momentum is growing in Colorado.
7) Voter Guides. Your donations to our voter-guide campaign helped send 30,000 free voter guides to pastors in key swing-states for the 2012 elections. Christian conservatives kept control of the House of Representatives with record turnout! (Despite losses in the White House and Senate.) You equipped pastors to mobilize church voters.
6) FDR’s Prayer. We sent thousands of petitions and got the House to pass the D-Day Landing Prayer Act, (which is still up for a Senate vote), to engrave President Roosevelt’s prayer to God in the WWII memorial in Washington DC.
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
5) Israel is not Alone. Although it seems Israel stands alone against the Muslim onslaught, YOU are the main reason the USA stands with Israel. We delivered over 300,000 fax petitions for Israel in the past two years, and upheld laws defunding Palestinian terrorists.
4) DOMA. We have repeatedly (and successfully) petitioned the House to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and traditional marriage in court, since the Obama Administration refuses their duty to defend the law. Marriage is only valid between one man and one woman! Let’s keep up this fight, since every kid deserves a mom and dad.
3) Stopped 4 Bad Judges. YOU have successfully petitioned the Senate to filibuster four of President Obama’s radical judges. Third Circuit nominee Patty Shwartz of New Jersey, First Circuit nominee William Kayatta of Maine, Tenth Circuit nominee Robert Bacharach of Oklahoma and Federal Circuit nominee Richard Taranto, all went home without a vote. (We delivered tens of thousands of petitions against Kayatta alone.) We also came within 2 votes of stopping Andrew Hurwitz and Jesse Furman. (If only we’d sent more petitions!)
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
2) Delayed Al Franken’s “Homosexual Classrooms Act.” Senate Bill 555 is still coming, and growing in sponsors, but thanks to YOU we have petitioned to stop a full vote on this horrible bill, that would mandate pro-homose xual lectures to all public school kids. We must stop this anti-child bill again in 2013.
1) Chaplains and Troops. The number one way YOU helped in 2012 was this: You changed the law. After over 100,000 petitions to Congress and the Senate, we successfully included protections for chaplains and troops (but not chapels) to oppose homose xual “marriage” without reprisal or punishment. Now it’s free speech for all!
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.
Friends, I want to THANK YOU for standing with us in 2012. You made a difference, in Jesus’ name!
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For interviews, speaking invites, select here.
Prefer to donate by mail?
Pray In Jesus Name Ministries, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970
Two options! Help us defend freedom in 2013.
Donate to our Non-Profit Religious work (tax-deductible, supports our TV show).
Donate to our Political Petition work (not tax-deductible) to help us battle for 2013.