New Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
Friends, I am horrified by the reports coming out of Philadelphia, where the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell has past its 5th week. You may be aware “Doctor” Gosnell is accused of murdering 7 infants born alive, and 1 adult woman. Yet the main-stream media is not widely reporting these statistics:
$1.8 million dollars: The reported salary of Dr. Gosnell per year at his peak.
$10,000-$15,000 profit per day: How much Gosnell’s abortion business earned.
40% in third trimester: The percent of late-term abortions reported in his practice.
4 – 5 illegal abortions per week: Not including countless so-called “legal” abortions.
Hundreds of babies reportedly killed post-birth: He’s on trial for just 7 infanticides.
310 counts of criminal offenses: Specific evils Gosnell is now accused of.
2 dead adult women: Reported adult deaths of women seeking abortion from Gosnell.
17 years practiced without state inspections: Pennsylvania ignores abortion clinics.
How many tax-dollars paid Gosnell? Nobody knows.
Please watch Dr. Chaps’ 6-minute commentary (warning, this abortion report contains graphic content)–>
Then join the pro-life tweet-fest by tweeting these words with a link to our video:
Trial of Kermit #Gosnell fully exposed, reported by Dr. Chaps:
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: If we didn’t report this story, the murders would still have occurred. The existence of infanticide, cloaked as abortion, (when both are murder), is controversial whether we report it or not. Don’t shoot the messenger. Watch the video commentary above, if you dare, and let’s give these innocent children a voice. Think about what these children would say to you. Hear their prophetic voices, and you’ll never be the same.]
Then please take action, by signing our “personhood” petition to stop abortion…
New Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
Sen. Rand Paul’s “Life Begins at Conception Act.” Can it stop abortion?
The U.S. Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul (R) has introduced the “Life Begins At Conception Act” Senate Bill S. 583, which is modeled after “Personhood” legislation we supported in ballot initiatives in Mississippi, Colorado, and Florida.
The pro-life legislation simply applies the protections of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to unborn children, by defining them as “persons.” Personhood is a legal strategy that can potentially overturn Roe v. Wade and stop the abortion holocaust in America, as predicted by Justice Blackmun who wrote the 1973 ruling: “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”
Watch! Dr. Chaps’ 6 minute commentary on the new S. 583 “Life Begins at Conception Act” by Sen. Rand Paul. While I applaud the 15 Senators who co-sponsor S. 583, there is some concern this legislation does not go far enough.
For example, my friend Tom Hoefling, former political director for Alan Keyes presidential campaign and current Chairman of America’s Party, has drafted a free petition on to amend S. 583 to make it even stronger in the protection of innocent life. Tom writes:
“While we appreciate the declaration of principles that the Life at Conception Act represents, far more is needed than mere words to stop the daily killing of thousands of the weakest and most helpless among us…[The United States] Code must be stripped of provisions like the Laci Peterson law of 2004, Title 18, Chapter 1, §1841 and Title 10, Chapter 22 §919a, which, while rightly defining the child as an individual person, then allows the killing of certain classes of those innocent persons via the practice of human abortion. Without these amendments the legislation accomplishes little beyond mere political posturing.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: S.583 is a good first step, but we can do even better. So in addititon to signing my petition below, please also sign Tom Hoefling’s petition here.]
New Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
Who is Dr. Chaps? Bio here.
P.S. Prefer to donate by postal mail? Please write: Pray In Jesus Name, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970
New Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.