HOT PETITION! Select, sign to support PRO-ISRAEL H.Res. 297 and 271 which defends Israel’s right to defend her borders, and rejecting President Obama’s call for a return to the indefensible 1967 borders. We will auto-fax 535 Congressmen/Senators. We’ve already delivered 350,000 petitions for Israel. Help reach 400,000? Or sign free option here.
Obama forces Israel to fund Palestinian terrorists. Stop USA funds to Hamas!
*|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*,
As if it weren’t bad enough that YOUR tax-dollars are now funding Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists by lining the private pockets of Palestinians, President Obama further arm-twisted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to give $100 Million per month to Israel’s enemies, likely with a threat to withhold USA support for Israel.
The New York Post confirms: “Israel said…it would resume regular monthly transfers of about $100 million in taxes and customs it collects for the Palestinian Authority, giving much-needed relief to the West Bank government.
“The decision came just days after President Obama met separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a visit to the region.
“Obama said stabilizing the Palestinian Authority, which is buckling under mounting debt, is key to US peace efforts. [Dr. Chaps: And the USA debt is less important?]
Watch Dr. Chaps’ updated 6-minute TV commentary on Israel–>
“Israel has repeatedly halted the money transfers over political disputes, most recently after the Palestinians’ successful bid in November to win UN recognition of a state in lands that Israel captured in 1967.” [Dr. Chaps: The UN cannot seize Jerusalem for the Arabs, when God gave Jerusalem to the Jews over 3,000 years ago.]
“Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad accused Israel of withholding the funds illegally, saying the money belonged to the Palestinians.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: I thought the ‘entitlement mentality’ was only among Obama supporters here in the USA. But he’s rubbing off on the Muslims who claim Israel’s “money belonged to the Palestinians?” Since when must Israel pay “protection” money to the same mafia that controls and feeds the terrorists who kill Jews? Enough. Let’s petition Congress to make sure our USA tax-dollars do not fund Hamas, Hezbollah, or Fatah.]
Or select free option here.
Obama snubbed Israel, didn’t speak at Knesset on visit. Take action!
Mr. Obama finally made his first Presidential visit to Israel last month, but The National Journal has written an expose listing the numerous times Obama has snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu and disrespected the Jewish people of Israel, including:
1. Shortly after his first election, Obama gave a speech in Cairo aligning his administration with Egypt and Islam, rather than Israel and Judaism.
2. Obama didn’t visit Israel, instead he sent VP Joe Biden who publicly criticized [Netanyahu] saying he “runs counter to the constructive discussions that I’ve had here…” Biden also showed up 90 minutes late to dinner with Netanyahu.
3. When Netanyahu visited Washington in 2010, Obama left his meeting to have dinner with his family, leaving Netanyahu and staff alone in the White House for over an hour.
4. Obama demanded Israel return to pre-1967 borders, and divide Jerusalem, after which Netanyahu lectured Obama during a joint press conference on Israeli history.
5. Netanyahu effectively endorsed Mitt Romney for President, and spoke to the U.S. House led by Republicans who gave him standing ovations for opposing Obama’s hostile foreign policy.
6. Obama did not meet Netanyahu when both spoke at the UN in 2012, after which the UN voted to recognize Palestine and seize part of Jerusalem, with little or no public objection by the Obama Administration.
7. Now Obama finally visits Israel, but refuses to speak at the Knesset as previous Presidents always have.
Why the hostility to Israel and the Jewish people, Mr. Obama? Is it because of your close affection for all things Islam? The more Obama endorses Islam, the less he likes Israel. We must stand up for our closest ally, and petition Congress to act now:
Or select free option here.
American missiles used by Muslim Terrorists against Israel
In yet another failure of Hillary Clinton’s abuse of power, American-made missiles sold to Egypt were sent to the Gaza strip, intended for use by terrorists to kill Jews in Israel. Thankfully, they were intercepted, as the Jerusalem Post reports:
“Egyptian security forces in the Sinai Peninsula intercepted a shipment of American-made anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles destined for the Gaza Strip, Palestinian news agency Ma’an and Egyptian media reported on Friday.
“After receiving intelligence on the weapons shipment, the Egyptian Interior Ministry raided the location south of El-Arish, Ma’an reported. According to the report, security forces discovered six US-manufactured missiles being prepared for smuggling into the Palestinian coastal strip. The missiles were 75cm long, with a 40cm diameter and a range of two kilometers, Ma’an reported.
“Although not explicitly mentioned in the Israel-Hamas cease-fire agreement that ended hostilities between the two late last year, statements by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu indicated that arrangements were being made with Egypt and the US to stymie the smuggling of materiel into Gaza.”
[Dr. Chaps comment: This is outrageous. U.S.-made missiles target Israel? Why did Obama and Hillary sell missiles and F-16s to the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egypt in the first place? We must demand Congress defend Israel, and defund any assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Let’s petition the new Congress…]
UN votes to seize Jerusalem for Muslims. Sign petition to defend Israel.
In yet another failure of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy, the United Nations General Assembly voted 138 yes, 9 no, and 41 abstain, to divide Jerusalem and seize much of Israel, declaring “Palestine” an independent non-voting member nation.
Violating international law that forbids taking away land previously given to Israel by the UN in 1948 (and given to Israel by Almighty God before the beginning of time), the only major nations to vote “no” were the USA, Canada, and Israel. Britain and Germany abstained, while France, Spain, Italy, and Switzerland all voted yes.
Hamas immediately repeated how they do not recognize Israel as a state, ignoring history. Yesterday’s vote “was taken on the 65th anniversary of the vote to divide the former British mandate of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, a vote Israel considers the international seal of approval for its birth,” reported the NY Times.
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: This proves in 1948 the UN already gave Arabs land called Palestine, which is trans-Jordan. The Muslims still have that Jordanian land today, so how dare the UN seize more Jewish land?]
Our friend Jay Sekulow warned this new declaration will make Israeli citizens vulnerable to lawsuits in the International Criminal Court. His brother Jordan Sekulow warns of the folly of rewarding Muslims with more land for their recent violence. “Not only did Arab Palestinians reject the principles laid out for the creation of two states in 1947, while Jewish Palestinians accepted them, Arabs immediately attacked the new Israeli state and there has been a perpetual state of conflict ever since. One need only be reminded of the Palestinian rockets that rained down on Israeli civilians a little over a [month] ago.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: If Israeli citizens can now be tried for crimes, why not prosecute the Muslims that launch rockets from Gaza into Tel Aviv in that same International Criminal Court? They wanted membership, so let the “Palestinian” Muslims be tried for crimes, in their new International Court.]
Who will sign our petition to Congress, to defend Israel and veto seizure of Jerusalem?
Hillary Clinton: “Forget Israel or Congress, I’m funding Palestine anyway.”
In an act of open defiance of the U.S. Constitution, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton took direct aim against Israel this week, and bypassed Congress to violate U.S. law, by unilaterally appropriating $147 million of your tax-dollars to the Palestinians.
The United States Constitution (art. I. § 9) says: “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” (In other words, Congress, not Hillary has power of the purse.)
U.S. Law, quoted in a 407 to 6 vote last year for H.Res 268, says: “Resolved: That the House of Representatives…reaffirms the United States statutory requirement precluding assistance to a Palestinian Authority that includes Hamas unless that Authority and all its ministers publicly accept Israel’s right to exist and all prior agreements and understandings with the United States and Israel.”
Since the P.A. abrogated the Oslo Accords and sought independence unilaterally, the Palestinians are no longer eligible for U.S. tax dollars, period, under U.S. law.
Enter Hillary Clinton, who flauts both law and Constitution this week. National Journal:
“Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is allowing U.S. funds to flow to the West Bank and Gaza despite a hold by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., a rare display of executive-branch authority that angered the key lawmaker concerned about protecting her congressional oversight role.
“A State Department official said that a letter was delivered on Tuesday to key members of Congress informing them of Clinton’s decision to move forward with the $147 million package of the fiscal year 2011 economic support funds for the Palestinian people, despite Ros-Lehtinen’s hold. Administrations generally do not disburse funding over the objections of lawmakers on relevant committees…
” ‘The U.S. has given $3 billion in aid to the Palestinians in the last five years alone, and what do we have to show for it?’ Ros-Lehtinen said on Wednesday in a statement to National Journal. ‘Now the administration is sending even more. Where is the accountability for U.S. taxpayer dollars?’
“Ros-Lehtinen earlier said she was disappointed that the administration ‘would employ hardball tactics against Congress and threaten to send, over congressional objection, U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority.'”
Where does Hillary seize power to violate federal law, and spend our tax money without Congressional approval?
And why does the Obama Administration continue to hate Israel? Let’s take a stand for Israel, and demand Congress defund the Palestinians until they recognize Israel.
“I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.” Joel 3:2<
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
Who is Dr. Chaps? Read bio here.
P.S. Thank you for standing with Israel and with with me. I appreciate your love for God and God’s chosen people, who are under attack from all sides in these last days.
Prefer to donate by mail? Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, CoS, CO 80970.