Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton allegedly lied 3 times under oath when testifying about her own admitted negligence in the Benghazi terror strike that killed four Americans, according to Jennifer Warhawk of Conservative Call To Action. Now three whistleblowers confirm senior leaders in the Obama Administration blocked or postponed rescue efforts that could have saved American lives.
“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must be held accountable as well. Her testimony of February 7th was wrought with lies under oath,” writes Warhawk.
“Lie #1. Secretary Clinton said she did not know of the repeated requests for additional security; however, every request was denied by the State Department. Lie #2. Ambassador Stevens sent cables directly to Secretary Clinton but Sec. Clinton denies ever having read them. This, in itself, is a derelict of duty. Lie #3. Sec Clinton said there was no video feed of the attack, yet Charlene Lamb testified that she could follow what was happening in ‘almost real time.’ One of these two testimonies is a lie. Whose?”
One of the whisteblowers, “Mark Thompson, a former Marine and official with the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau, said he was rebuffed by the White House when he asked for a specialized team — known as a FEST team — to be deployed. This is a unit made of special operations personnel, diplomatic security, intelligence and other officers.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: So let me get this straight. Hillary Clinton takes “full responsibility” for Benghazi and the failure to adequately defend Ambassador Stevens, his staff or Embassy from terrorist attacks. But Hillary won’t take “full responsibility” for misleading Congress during her testimony? Let’s sign Jennifer Warhawk’s new, free petition to Congress, to hold Hillary Clinton accountable, and force her to testify again, AFTER the whistleblowers did.]
Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
Will Muslim flag fly over White House? Guess who says “Yes.”
There is no debating how often President Obama has promoted Islam and disrespected freedom of Christian expression, often with his own personal actions. This year (again) he declined to host any ceremony in the White House for the Judeo Christian National Day of Prayer, despite our petitions, and instead celebrates Islamic Ramadan with great banquets every year.
Now a top cleric in Egypt believes Obama will fly the Muslim flag over the White House.
Watch Dr. Chaps 7-minute commentary on Muslim flag to fly over the White House–>
The top Egyptian Muslim Cleric Abu Islam said in a national TV inteview recently, with transcript on GodFatherPolitics:
Abu Islam: “This is how disagreements can turn into pluralism, and I pray to Allah that this will be accepted by all, and the various powers of the Islamic nation will come together.”
Interviewer: “What about all the other people?”
Abu Islam: “What people?”
Interviewer: “All those who do not belong to these four groups [of Muslims].”
Abu Islam: “Tell me exactly who you mean. The Communists? For example…They have ruled for a long time. They have had enough. The liberals? They have ruled for a long time and have had enough too. Let’s give Islam a chance for once. Trust me, very soon we will see the flag of ‘There is no god but Allah’ flying over the White House. They are already holding Muslims prayers in the White House.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: Since Obama helped put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, I am not surprised they see him promoting Islam as a matter of foreign policy, rather than freedom of religion. What I am surprised about, however, is the lack of media coverage by the liberal press. Let’s petition Congress to stop funding the Muslim Brotherhood with our tax dollars.]
Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
Two Christians beheaded in New Jersey by Muslim following Koran
ABC News confirms a Muslim follower of the false prophet Mohammed is facing a murder trial in New Jersey after he reportedly beheaded two Christians, and in a religious terror ritual taught in the Koran by cutting off their hands and heads. The victims were Coptic Christians from Egypt, and it appears the murderer was simply following religious commands from Islam’s “Holy” book the Koran.
The Koran teaches: “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!” [Dr. Chaps’ comment: Notice the word “terror.” This is the religion of peace? Muslims behead Christians right here in the USA.]
Meanwhile President Obama continues to fund Islam with your tax-dollars through the CIA, who buys weapons for the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, the New York Times confirms. Sadly, hundreds of Chrisitans flee Syria to Turkey as the Obama-funded Syrian genocide against Christians continues, multiple sources report.
Watch Dr. Chaps’ 6-minute opening TV commentary about the New Jersey Christians beheaded. We must pray for our persecuted friends. And we must stop rewarding terrorists by sending our tax-dollars to pay them with free weapons used to kill more Christians.
Please stand with me for Christ today, by signing our petitions:
Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
How Obama helped Egypt dictate Islam in new Constitution.
Law Professor Howard Friedman exposes the shocking state dictation of Islam in the new Egyptian Constitution, drafted by the Muslim Brotherhood, and enforcing Sharia law with your U.S. Tax-payer dollars, thanks to President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton.
Why did Obama sent 1.5 Billion of your tax dollars to help elect Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt? He claims he supported “freedom fighters” but look at their new Constitution:
Article 2: Islam is the state religion, its official language Arabic, and the principles of Islamic Shari’a are the main source of legislation.
Article 4: Al-Azhar is an independent Islamic body and it alone addresses its internal affairs. Its scope covers the Muslim nation and the entire world. It spreads religious studies and the call to Islam. The state guarantees sufficient funds for it to achieve its goals. The law determines the method for selecting Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam, who shall be independent and cannot be removed from office…The opinion of Al-Azhar’s Council of Grand Scholars shall be taken in matters related to Islamic Shari’a.
Article 10: The state is obliged to sponsor and protect ethics and public morals, empower authentic Egyptian traditions, take into account a high level of nurturing, religious and patriotic values, scientific facts, Arab culture, the historical and cultural heritage of the people, as regulated by the law….
Article 24: The state is obliged to revive and encourage the religious endowments system. The law regulates religious endowments, determines the procedures for founding and managing them, investing them, and distributing their returns on beneficiaries as per the terms of the endowers.
[Dr. Chaps comment: American tax-dollars will fund anti-Christian genocide, since that is one of Al-Azhar’s goals. Obama has established an Islamic dictator who cannot be removed from office. This proves they weren’t “freedom fighters” but radical Islamists bent on destroying religious freedom in Egypt, to impose Sharia law in their Constitution. Please tell me why, Mr. Obama, you want American tax-dollars imposing Islamic law?]
Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
Obama gave $1.5B to help Muslim Brotherhood win Egypt election.
Egypt held their big election between Mohammed Morsi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood (who has vowed to eradicate Christians), and Ahmed Shafiq, the secularist who served Hosni Mubarak (and may protect Copt Christians, if elected).
Guess which one President Obama endorsed?
The Washington Post reports “The White House, perhaps surprisingly, thinks a Morsi victory would be the best for Egypt’s economic transition though it would raise some prickly foreign policy issues.” If the Muslim Brotherhood leader is elected Obama vows to pay Egypt millions more [to persecute Christians], but if the secularist wins Obama fears oppression [of rioting Muslims who hate democracy and demand their right to kill Christians.] No kidding, Obama’s foreign policy is to play favorites for Muslims, against Christians.
This year President Obama hosted the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood at the White House. Obama also gave the Muslim Brotherhood $1.5 Billion of your tax dollars, according to National Review. This money gives clear insight into Obama’s biased pro-Muslim agenda. Obama didn’t spend $1.5 billion on Americans, or defending religious freedom overseas, rather he gave it to the Muslim Brotherhood, who has given hundreds of millions to Hamas and terrorists. Obama is now openly anti-Christian, anti-Israel, and anti-Women.
Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, declared that ALL CHRISTIANS in Egypt must convert to Islam or pay a special Christian tax called the jizya, and those who don’t “convert or pay tribute” to Islam will be forced out of the country. When asked what he thought of Egyptian Christians he said “They need to know that conquest is coming, and Egypt will be Islamic, and that they must pay jizya or emigrate.”
Islamic Conquest is at the center of Morsi’s beliefs. Morsi told an interviewer that Amr ibn al As (who conquered Egypt in 641 A.D.) was the first Islamic conquer and that “The second Muslim conqueror will the be Muhammad Morsi and history would record it.”
The Muslim Brotherhood now persecute Christians and Jews in Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan, and Syria, but their goal is to conquer Jerusalem. Why do our tax-dollars fund terrorists?
Let’s take action now, and STOP FUNDING ISLAM WITH OUR TAX-DOLLARS…please sign either our fax petition OR our free petition, below.
Help Stop Funding The Muslim Brotherhood! Select here to sign HOT petition, and we will fax all 535 Senators/Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option here.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, select here.
Prefer to donate by mail? Please write: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.