HOT Petition to STOP the IRS from targeting Tea Party Conservatives and Christians. Select, sign, we will fax to all 535 Reps and Senators (saving you time!) Free option here.Before their recess, the House of Representatives voted 3 times to block taxes, the IRS, and the abortion mandate known as Obamacare.”House Republicans cast a win-win-win vote to go home on Friday — a single bill linking taxes, the IRS and the unpopular Obamacare,” reports Politico. “Cuing up the exit music as they leave Washington for what’s likely to be an acrimonious August recess, the House voted 232-185 for a bill that would bar the IRS from any role in carrying out the law or in collecting taxes to help pay for it. Like most of the other 39 House votes against Obamacare, it’s largely symbolic as it won’t make it through the Senate.”
Sadly, the Washington Post reports much of Obamacare is permanently funded, and would continue even if President Obama shuts down the government as he has threatened. Even more shocking is how Obamacare funds are funding “get out the vote” campaigns to support Democrat candidates for public office, funding door-to-door voter registration drives by labor unions and the NAACP with our tax dollars. (Can you say corruption?) That’s why 46 Republican Senators signed a letter demanding a “permanent delay” of Obamacare, which could be just as effective as a repeal. Either way, we must stop the abortion-funding parts of Obamacare, including the employer mandate that forces Christian employers to pay for abortifacient drugs like Plan-B that destroy a living fetus. Please sign our petition and fax all 100 Senators to STOP the IRS from enforcing Obamacare’s abortion mandate… HOT Petition to STOP the IRS from targeting Tea Party Conservatives and Christians. Select, sign, we will fax to all 535 Reps and Senators (saving you time!) Free option here. 4th Circuit Court: Christians not exempt from Obamacare’s Abortion Mandate The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled on the merits against Liberty University, the Christian school founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, in saying Christians do not qualify for a religious exemption from Obamacare. The school had sued claiming the law forced them to pay for abortions, or buy insurance covering abortifacient pills that kill children. “Chief Justice John Roberts and his cohorts on the U.S. Supreme Court will get a second chance to slap down the health care takeover known as Obamacare,” reports “The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is enough authority for Congress to demand employers purchase private health insurance for their employees or pay government fines.” Watch! Dr. Chaps 7-minute TV commentary on why the court is forcing Christians to fund or facilitate abortions. My friend Mat Staver, Dean of the Law School at Liberty U. and founder of Liberty Counsel who is defending the rights of unborn children, said this: “Liberty University cannot, as a matter of religious conviction, provide any coverage, direct or indirect, for abortion-inducing drugs or IUDs. This refusal will result in millions of dollars in fines annually. The act coerces Liberty to violate its religious convictions under penalty of enormous fines.” Even though Christians lost, Staver was optimistic because this would force a return to the Supreme Court on the merits of the case. “Obamacare represents a frontal attack to religious freedom. Obamacare is a train about to collide with the fundamental right to free exercise of religion,” Staver said. “Not only does Obamacare violate the rights of religious employers because of its abortion mandate, it violates the rights of individuals who oppose abortion and the rights of all employers, religious or not.” [Dr. Chaps’ comment: Senator Ted Cruz is trying to stop the IRS from enforcing Obamacare, and needs our help. Congress will soon vote (again) on whether to defund Obamacare and STOP funding abortions with our tax-dollars and with our Christian dollars through private insurance employer mandates. It’s not enough Democrats have blood on their hands, must they force Christians hands to blood as well? Let’s petition Congress…] HOT Petition to STOP the IRS from targeting Tea Party Conservatives and Christians. Select, sign, we will fax to all 535 Reps and Senators (saving you time!) Free option here. | |
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