HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We sent 185,000 fax petitions. Help reach 200,000? Free option here.I was recently interviewed on TV by the pro-homose xual David Pakman on his show, and David’s pre-set agenda was to make me “admit” that my own marriage was not affected by the Supreme Court’s decision to homose xualize “marriage” in the Windsor v. USA case. He failed. I made no such admission, (despite David’s deceptive title of our video), rather I repeated twice that my “marriage” was re-defined by the court, and was devalued in the eyes of the law, although my “relationship” with my only wife of 22 years remains as strong and loving as ever. Yes, my marriage was adversely affected, but not my relationship. Here are 7 ways the homose xualization of “marriage” has de-valued the traditional marriages of all Christian families, including my own: If I thought about it more, I’m sure I could develop a longer list. But the fact is, yes David, my own marriage has been adversely impacted (as I said twice on your show), and yet my love for my wife and my relationship with her remains faithful and unchanged. Do you have a moment to watch and comment on David Pakman’s YouTube page, about my interview with him? What do you think? Has your marriage been re-defined too? If you can, please also reply to this email with your opinion, and I will compile a few comments for our files. And please sign our petition to Congress for DOMA. Or select our free option here. Marriage: All 50 states in 5 years? ‘Gay’ Agenda no longer hidden For years they claimed no agenda. Now the homose xual left openly publishes their legal agenda on the front page of their newspapers. “Marriage in 50 states in 5 years” boasts the Washington Blade. “It will take legislative work, it will take ballot work, it will take Congress and it will ultimately take the federal courts again to bring full [homose xual] ‘equality’ to every single corner of this country. But there is no ground we will leave unturned. Today we will fight aggressively on all fronts in all states,” said Chad Griffin of the Homose xual ‘Rights’ Campaign. Will Christians work this hard, to defend their children from such an agenda to normalize sin and recruit your kids? Legislation. Ballot Work. Courts. All fronts in all states. Sadly, it appears some House Republicans are caving in without a fight. “The House has determined, in light of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Windsor, that it no longer will defend that [DOMA] statute,” said lawyers for the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG). Watch! Dr. Chaps’ 7-minute TV commentary on whether ‘gay’ marriage will be forced on all 50 states in 5 years, here–> But we are not done. We are fighting back. We will fight to defend traditional marriage as Jesus defined it in Matthew 19:4-6, between one man and one woman. We must encourage Congress to NOT give up the fight. I met several Congressmen last week in DC, and although they are discouraged, they are not ready to quit. But they must hear from us, that we still care about traditional marriage. Let’s send Congress a message today. Demand a Constitutional Marriage Amendment… Or select our free option here. | |
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P.S. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Or select our free option here. |