Urgent Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
Supreme Court hears Pro-Life “Bubble Zone” Free Speech Case
On Wednesday, January 15, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of McCullen v. Coakley, reports LifeNews.com.
“Pro-life activists in Massachusetts are challenging that state’s recently enacted BubbleZone, the most restrictive in the country.
“Under the law, pro-lifers may not speak to abortion clinic clients within 35 feet of the entrance, effectively scuttling their life-saving outreach. Clinic staff and ‘agents’—effectively any pro-choice person—are exempt.
“Eleanor McCullen and the other plaintiffs argue that the law is unconstitutional, since in both its intent and its effect it restricts only the speech of pro-lifers.
“Among the briefs filed with the court is testimony from women who chose life for their babies after speaking with sidewalk counselors.
“The pro-life plaintiffs are also asking thecourt to overturn their ruling in Hill v. Colorado which upheld a less restrictiveBubble Zone in 2000. Since then, similar laws have been enacted in many jurisdictions across the country—including aBubble Zone enacted in 2009 by the City of Chicago, where the League is headquartered.
“Three of the dissenters in Hill v. Colorado ruling—Justices Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy—are still on the court. Only Justices Ginsberg and Breyer remain from the majority. If any two of the new justices on the court—Kagan, Sotomayor, Alito and Roberts—were to side with the Hill minority, all the Bubble Zone laws in the country could be struck down.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: It’s one thing to kill children. It’s another to silence the prophets whose voice cries out in the streets, “Don’t kill your children.” Is there anyplace in America where the First Amendment does not apply to protect the speaker? If we are silent, even the rocks will cry out.]
Let’s petition Congress to define “Person” as Life beginning at conception.
Urgent Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
Abortionists ask Justice Scalia to block Texas Ban. Will SCOTUS intervene?
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been asked to restore abortion in Texas.
“Groups opposed to new restrictions on abortion in Texas filed an emergency request with the Supreme Court on Monday to halt part of a law that prompted a dozen clinics in the state to stop performing the procedure,” reports Reuters.
“The move is the latest step in a legal battle between the Republican-dominated state government of Texas and supporters of the right to abortion over the law that imposes some of the toughest restrictions in the United States.
“U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia gave attorneys for the state of Texas untilNovember 12 to respond to the emergency request to halt a key provision in the law, according to court documents.
“The provision requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the facility in case women have complications.
Watch! Dr. Chaps’ 7-minute TV commentary on the Texas abortion ban–>
“At least a dozen clinics and surgery centers across the state stopped offering abortionsafter the law went into effect on Friday, saying that their doctors had been unable to secure admitting privileges, clinic employees said.
“One of the women whose abortion appointment was canceled was Marni Evans, an independent consultant in Austin, Texas. She told a conference call with reporters organized by Planned Parenthood that she isconsidering flying to Seattle, where she used to live, to terminate her pregnancy.
“Evans, 37, and her fiance made the decision to end the pregnancy for financial reasons, she said.
“My fiance and I are both self employed. We can barely afford our own healthcare, let alone a child,” Evans said. “We want to start a family some day, but we just can’t do it now.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: This is yet another way Obamacare encourages abortion: It takes away peoples ability to afford health care so they kill their children rather than pay bills.]
Let’s petition Congress to define “person” as any human life beginning at conception.
Urgent Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
Sen. Rand Paul’s “Life Begins at Conception Act.” Can it stop abortion?
The U.S. Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul (R) has introduced the “Life Begins At Conception Act” Senate Bill S. 583, which is modeled after “Personhood” legislation we supported in ballot initiatives in Mississippi, Colorado, and Florida.
The pro-life legislation simply applies the protections of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to unborn children, by defining them as “persons.” Personhood is a legal strategy that can potentially overturn Roe v. Wade and stop the abortion holocaust in America, as predicted by Justice Blackmun who wrote the 1973 ruling: “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right tolife would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”
Watch! Dr. Chaps’ 6 minute commentary on the new S. 583 “Life Begins at Conception Act” by Sen. Rand Paul. While I applaud the 15 Senators who co-sponsor S. 583, there is some concern this legislation does not go far enough.
For example, my friend Tom Hoefling, former political director for Alan Keyes presidential campaign and current Chairman of America’s Party, has drafted a free petition on http://faxcongress.com to amend S. 583 to make it even stronger in the protection of innocentlife. Tom writes:
“While we appreciate the declaration of principles that the Life at Conception Act represents, far more is needed than mere words to stop the daily killing of thousands of the weakest and most helpless among us…[The United States] Code must be stripped of provisions like the Laci Peterson law of 2004, Title 18, Chapter 1, §1841 and Title 10, Chapter 22 §919a, which, while rightly defining the child as an individual person, then allows the killing of certain classes of those innocent persons via the practice of human abortion. Without these amendments the legislation accomplishes little beyond mere political posturing.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: S.583 is a good first step, but we can do even better. So in addititon to signing my petition below, please also sign Tom Hoefling’s petition here.]
Urgent Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhDWho is Dr. Chaps? Bio here.
P.S. Prefer to donate by postal mail? Please write: Pray In Jesus Name, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970
Urgent Petition! Sign petition for “Life Begins at Conception” Act S.583 w/ Sen. Rand Paul. Select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen instantly (saving you time!) Or select free option to Amend S.583 here.