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Obama desecrates Easter Vigil, invites ‘Gay’ Bishop to lead Prayers
The Washington Times reports President Obama selected an openly homose xual ‘bishop’ to personally lead worship prayers at the national Easter breakfast.
“When President Obama needed a preacher to fulfill the closing prayer duties at the annual White House Easter Prayer Breakfast, he turned to none other than the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop — who said he was as shocked as anyone at the appointment.
“The Right Rev. Gene Robinson said in a tweet, accompanied by a photo of Mr. Obama behind a podium at the event: ‘POTUS preaches at the Easter prayer breakfast. Then, out of the blue, asks ME to close with prayer. OMG!’…
“The bishop, 66, retired from his New Hampshire diocese in 2013. He now spends time helping out the Washington Center for American Progress on gay rights issues, Newsmax reported.
“Even though he’s gay, Mr. Robinson once thought marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman, Newsmax said. But he later changed his mind and began an open gay relationship with Peace Corps worker, Mark Andrew. The two made it legal in a civil union ceremony in 2008, Newsmax reported.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: God will never bless sin, period. If Obama got 1,000 so-called ‘bishops’ to declare that sin is not sin, God’s Word would not change. Sin will never cease to be sin, and God’s commands will not change. Must Obama defile the celebration of Christ rising from the dead, with mockery of the meaning of His resurrection?]
Let’s petition Congress to protect the definition of marriage between one man and one woman:
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Federal Judges force Texas, Kentucky, Virginia to Homose xualize “Marriage.”
“A federal judge has struck down Texas’ ban on gay marriage, but is leaving it in place pending a ruling by an appeals court later this year,” reports AP.
“Judge Orlando Garcia issued a preliminary injunction on the ban Wednesday, then suspended his ruling. Two gay couples had challenged the state’s constitutional amendment and a longstanding law banning gay marriage.
“Under federal court rules, a judge may suspend a law if he or she believes the plaintiffs have a strong case and will suffer if the law is enforced.
“Garcia said his injunction against Texas enforcing its ban will take effect once an appeals court has a chance to rule on the issue.”
Two other federal judges ruled to homose xualize “marriage” in Virginia and Kentucky, re-writing their states’ constitutions, despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states can define marriage under the 10th Amendment and that federal judges do not have jurisdiction.
Federal Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen falsely claimed, “The Supreme Court has recognized repeatedly that marriage is a fundamental right protected both by the Due Process and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
Actually the opposite is true because in USA v. Windsor last year, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kennedy ruled: “There is no federal law of domestic relations. In order to respect this principle, the federal courts, as a general rule, do not adjudicate issues of marital status even when there might otherwise be a basis for federal jurisdiction…The State’s power in defining the marital relation is of central relevance in this case quite apart from principles of federalism.”
Funny how Judge Allen ignored this part of Kennedy’s ruling, that essentially the 10th Amendment trumps any claim of homose xual “equality” under the 14th Amendment.
Watch! Dr. Chaps’ TV commentary on why federal judges in Virginia and Kentucky have ruled to recognized homose xual “marriage”–>
In Kentucky, another federal judge ruled out-of-state gay “marriages” must be recognized in the Bluegrass State, although that state need not issue in-state certificates.
“In 23-page a ruling…U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II concluded that the government may define marriage and attach benefits to it, but cannot ‘impose a traditional or faith-based limitation’ without a sufficient justification for it,” reports the Washington Post.
Religious people cannot vote, the judge argued:
“Assigning a religious or traditional rationale for a law does not make it constitutional when that law discriminates against a class of people without other reasons,” wrote Heyburn, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush.
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: This last quote, that religious people cannot vote for religious reasons, is tyrannical. Christians do not lose their right to vote simply because they are religious. These lawless judges replace Democracy with dictatorship, abrogate the U.S. Constitution, flaunt the laws of God and nature, assume jurisdiction they don’t have, and overturn the overwhelming vote of good people. May God have mercy on these tyrants’ souls, when they are judged in eternity.]
Let’s petition Congress to defend traditional marriage.
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Marriage: All 50 states in 5 years? ‘Gay’ Agenda no longer hidden
For years they claimed no agenda. Now the homose xual left openly publishes their legal agenda on the front page of their newspapers. “Marriage in 50 states in 5 years” boasts the Washington Blade.
“It will take legislative work, it will take ballot work, it will take Congress and it will ultimately take the federal courts again to bring full [homose xual] ‘equality’ to every single corner of this country. But there is no ground we will leave unturned. Today we will fight aggressively on all fronts in all states,” said Chad Griffin of the Homose xual ‘Rights’ Campaign.
Will Christians work this hard, to defend their children from such an agenda to normalize sin and recruit your kids? Legislation. Ballot Work. Courts. All fronts in all states.
Sadly, it appears some House Republicans are caving in without a fight. “The House has determined, in light of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Windsor, that it no longer will defend that [DOMA] statute,” said lawyers for the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG).
But we are not done. We are fighting back. We will fight to defend traditional marriage as Jesus defined it in Matthew 19:4-6, between one man and one woman. We must encourage Congress to NOT give up the fight.
I met several Congressmen last week in DC, and although they are discouraged, they are not ready to quit. But they must hear from us, that we still care about traditional marriage. Let’s send Congress a message today. Demand a Constitutional Marriage Amendment…
Or select our free option here.
God Bless you, in Jesus’ name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, select here.
P.S. Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970.