1. Many new Christian Movies are hitting theatres. 2. We interview Robert Amaya, one of the lead actors in “A Long Way Off” 3. We also show trailers for The Giver (Jeff Daniels/Meryl Streep), and Left Behind (Nicholas Cage). (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 8/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, Glorystar Satellite
About Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt
Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD hosts a national TV show PIJN NEWS on 8+ networks in 200+ million available TV homes. As a former elected legislator, and former Navy Chaplain, he defends religious freedom with millions of petitions to Congress. Would you sign one (above) today? Or read his full bio here.