“The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa have paid a hefty $135,000 in state-mandated damages for ’emotional suffering’ inflicted by their refusal to prepare a cake for a lesbian couple’s wedding,” reports The Washington Times.
“Charlie Burr, spokesman for the Oregon Business and Labor and Industry, said Tuesday that Aaron and Melissa Klein made a payment Monday of $136,927.07 after the state hired a private collection agency and confiscated about $7,000 from their bank account.”
“The Kleins were ordered July 2 to pay $135,000 after an administrative law judge ruled that they had violated state anti-discrimination law by declining in January 2013 to make a wedding cake for the same-sex ceremony…
“The total of the damages award plus interest comes to nearly $144,000.”
“Tyler Smith, a lawyer representing the Kleins, told Reuters that the bakery owners are ‘devoted to honoring God in every aspect of their lives, including how they conduct themselves in this litigation.'”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: This penalty is clear government persecution of the Church using state sword to enforce the homose xual agenda. The Kleins are heroes who refused to bend their conscience to a false god, and were punished for their faith in Christ.]
Let’s petition Congress or else this will become our fate in all 50 states:
HOT Petition, Stop ENDA “bathroom bill” to Punish Christian Employers. Select, sign, we will fax all 535 members of House and Senate (saving you time!) or pick free option here.